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Fortifying your Mind: How to Deal with Cancer?

How to deal with Cancer Emotionally and Psychologically

Upon hearing a diagnosis of cancer it is just like an Electric shock, we have to know about how to deal with cancer?

The shock is so deep that even feel that the ground beneath your feet, slips away.

The patient is facing a mountain of issues.

Major concerns which come into the patient’s mind include fear of death, loneliness, pain, disability, dependency, abandonment, altered relationships, and financial hardship.

The initial response is one of shock and denial, the duration of which is highly variable. 

Then emotional turmoil comes that consists of feelings of anxiety, depression, irritability, insomnia, poor concentration, and inability to function.

How to overcome the fear of cancer? 

overcome the fear of cancer
Fortifying your Mind: How to Deal with Cancer? 9

Fear comes to mind when we don’t know who our enemy is?  

The more we learn and understand about our enemy the more we are in control of our situation. 

So, one of the best things that a patient can do to improve the quality of life is to learn and understand more about cancer. 

This will make the disease seem less mysterious and scary. 

You can collect this information from your local doctor and other credible sources through the internet and can also have second opinions from doctors from other countries as well.

It is very important for the patients to tell their doctor how they are feeling, or having any pain upfront. 

This will help to have an upper hand on the disease and you will become a WARRIOR rather than a VICTIM.

How to deal with cancer psychosocially?

fight with cancer
  • Understand the disease more learn from different sources
  • Take a second opinion from the specialist 
  • Act fast so that the health is not deteriorating and you are in control
  • Focus more on exploring the solution 
  • Doing the day to day task normally such as household tasks and regular work, which is good for distraction and a feeling of control.
  • Spend your time doing normal activities with friends and family to have fun and nourish relationships
  • Accepting support offered by friends decreases stress and fatigue and helps the friends feel as though they are contributing.
  • Finding out about nearby support groups and counseling professionals will help you a lot psychologically.
  • Avoiding emotionally draining situations such as, “I would like to sit quietly” or “I need to spend some time alone right now”
  • Schedule a time for meditation and pray regularly, reading spiritual texts, and/or retreating to a spiritual space, to help bring a sense of calm and stability.

How to deal with cancer emotionally with family support?

How the family of cancer patients can support
  • The family member can provide generous attention and affection on a daily basis
  • By keeping their schedule and activities as normal as possible, relying on friends and relatives if necessary.
  • Answering questions with gentle but honest explanations
  • Informing teachers of the situation
  • Encouraging visits, calls, or sending letters or artwork to the patient as appropriate

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