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Ayurvedic treatment for autism

Effective Ayurvedic Treatment For Autism In India Without Any Side Effects

Are you worried that your child’s autism symptoms have not improved despite your best efforts? 

You may be annoyed by the slow pace of treatment, especially by the fact that your child has been left behind by all their peers. Your child’s aggressive behavior and hyperactiveness are increasing day by day. Your child may still not listen to your instructions and communicate properly.

As a parent, all your worries are natural. 

Autism is a complex condition and has very limited treatment options. The typical treatment for Autism in Allopathy is ABA therapies ( Such as Occupation therapy, behavioral therapy, speech therapy, etc) which are learning and training-based models to address behavioral and functional deficits. 

So to get faster results you need to combine treatments and therapies of different medical streams. 

Ayurvedic treatment for autism has shown promising results in the treatment of ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder). 

Let’s find out, how Ayurveda can help your child to lead a complete and independent life.

ayurvedic treatment for autism

🌿Embrace Ayurveda for Autism Support🌿

Unlock the holistic power of Ayurveda to nurture your child’s well-being on their autism journey.

How does Ayurveda classify Austim? 

Ayurveda is a centuries-old Indian traditional healthcare science that consists of herbs from medicinal plants and external therapies for treating disease or medical conditions. 

In Ayurveda, the Ayurvedic doctor diagnoses a disease or any medical condition based on three elements or energies – Vata dosha (air and space element is in excess. It handles the movement part of your body), Pitta (fire element is in excess. It handles the metabolic part of your body), and Kapha (water element is in excess and it handles the emotion part of your body).

Additionally, there are seven cellular elements, known as Saptadhatu, which the Ayurvedic doctor would analyze and if there are any deficiencies, the doctors would plan to rectify them as well.

If there is an imbalance of these elements in your body, that results in some ailment or disease. 

Coming back to Autism, Ayurveda considers Autism in the category of the term  “Unmad”.  

Moreover, Ayurveda classifies the Autism disorder based on the number of Doshas.

When one dosha causes imbalance, it is considered a mild form of autism. When two doshas are there, it is considered moderate autism. But when all the doshas get imbalanced, then it is diagnosed as a severe form of autism.

Ayurvedic treatment for autism in India
Diagnostic Principles of Autism in Ayurveda

Diagnostic Principles of Autism in Ayurveda

Autism can be detected in Ayurveda by understanding the behavior of your child. The doctor will determine if your case is mild, moderate, or severe based on the doshas present. The doctor may also examine the pulse of the patient also called Nadi Parikshan in Ayurveda.

Additionally, the doctor may ask you to undergo certain diagnostic tests to identify any deficiency in Sapt Dhatu.

Finally, Based on the behavioral patterns, natural inclinations of the kid on certain activities, nadi parikshan, and the reports of diagnostic tests, the doctor will identify the misalignment in the elements. 

Let’s move on to learn about different treatment options for autism in Ayurveda.

Ayurvedic Treatment For Autism 

The treatment plan will be decided based on the diagnosis. The doctor may choose a combination of internal or external therapy for your child. 

Natural Ayurvedic herbs are famous for their wide range of their potency and effectiveness without any side effects. 

Moreover, the treatment is customized for every patient. Ayurveda believes in correcting the root cause of the disease. The same symptom in two kids may have different root causes. 

Hence, in Ayurveda, there could be two different medications for two patients having the same symptom.

Ayurvedic treatment for autism can be broadly classified into internal and external treatment.

Ayurvedic Treatment For Autism - India

Internal Treatment

Internal treatment in Ayurveda is in the form of herbal medications. In Ayurveda, the medications and herbs are further divided into categories based on impacted body parts. Since the major target area is the brain, the category “Medha Rasayana” is typically used.

Internal Medicine - Medha Rasayana

Medhya Rasayana (Memory Enhancing and Rejuvenation) 

Medhya Rasayana[1] is a category of herbs that is essentially to rejuvenate or correct brain-related disorders. Medha rasayana involves the use of many herbs but for Autism below are the main herbs. However, the Ayurvedic doctor may add a few more herbs to your kid based on the symptoms and root cause of the symptoms. 

Mandukaparni[2] is known for improving behavior in autistic children and also for neuroprotective action in the brain. It has anti-seizure activity and also promotes brain health.

Yashtimadhu [3] has a memory-improving capacity and also promotes learning in autistic children and adults. It is an effective brain tonic and improves the activity of the central nervous system.

Guduchi[4] improves neurotransmitter function and helps in the synthesis of acetylcholinesterase (an important neurochemical). Guduchi can improve the behavior of autistic children by developing cognitive functions.

Shankhapushpi[5] is yet another herb that is important in controlling motor activity, sleep patterns, stress, and anxiety.

Brahmi[6] is an important herb in Ayurvedic medicine and it improves memory and the process of learning. It is also a powerful antioxidant and has anti-inflammatory properties. It is also known as an anti-epileptic drug and it reduces stress and anxiety. 

Jatamansi[7] is derived from an endangered plant species. It helps cure insomnia and promote the activities of the brain’s neuronal cells. It also has anti-cell damage properties and helps to maintain the longevity of the brain cells. Moreover, it improves mental alertness.

Kushmanda[8] or winter gourd is known for poer of balancing vata and pitta elements and increasing the Kapha element. It is also known for treating urinary problems, problems related to digestion and also relieving the patient from excessive tiredness caused due to autism.

Vasa[9] is known to cure respiratory issues related to autism and is a wonderful expectorant. It works like a perfect medicine to cure asthmatic problems, bronchitis, and other kinds of shwasa Roga.

Jyotishmati[10] is a wonderful Ayurvedic drug that has been tested for its anti-pain perception properties. Autism is related to the feeling of continuous pain and the pain receptors in the brain and the spinal cord are over-activated.  Jyotishmati by various mechanisms work on the receptors of the brain and central nervous system and give complete relief from the pain symptoms.

Swarna Bhasma with Grhita[11] is an ancient form of colloidal gold particle therapy that acts as a memory booster, Intelligence builder, and immunomodulator. It helps in improving the damaged immunity in an autistic child and also enhances memory power. 

The application of Chandan[12] will improve any skin infection in autistic children. It will also help in calming down the nervous system and improve memory power.

Among all the herbs, Balamool is considered to be the best by ancient Ayurvedic practitioner Charaka for balancing the Vata element defect in the body. It is given in the form of a concoction and it immensely strengthens the entire body. It is one of the best medicines for the treatment of autism.

Musta[13] has numerous beneficial properties. For autistic children, it can help in neuroprotection and improve the functions of the digestive system. It also has anti-allergic properties.

Bilva[14] leaves and parts of the Bilva plant are one of the ten herbs in Ayurvedic Medicine- also known as Dashmoola. Bilva balances the pitta dosha and it is important in curing ulcers in autistic children. It also has a good effect in improving heart conditions and skin-related problems.

Dashmoola[15] is a polyherbal combination of ten herbs, which has the power to balance the three doshas. It has numerous benefits spanning across different systems in the body – respiratory, digestive, and nervous systems. Dahmoola can clear the mucous, detoxify the entire body, and make the immune system extremely powerful.  It is used along with warm water to produce the best effect. Following are the combinations of Dashmoola. 

  1. Shal Leafed Bush–Shalparni (Desmodium gangeticum)
  2. Indian Uraria Plant–Prishniparni (Uraria picta)
  3. Bush Tomato–Brihati (Solanum indicum)
  4. Yellow-berried nightshade–Kantakari (Solanum xanthocarpum)
  5. Tribulus Plant – Gokshuru – (Tribulus terrestris)
  6. Bel or Bael Tree–Bilva (Aegle marmelos)
  7. Yellow snake tree–Patala (Stereospermum suaveolens)
  8. Beechwood Tree–Gambhari (Gmelina arborea)
  9. Headache Tree–Agnimantha (Clerodendrum phlomidis)
  10. Indian Caper–Shyonak (Oroxylum indicum)

Suvarnaprashan consisting of ash of gold, Sankha Pushpi, Vacha, Guduchi, Yashti Madhu, Ghee, and Honey is a boon for children suffering from autism. It is an excellent medicine for improving memory, speech, and cognitive abilities. It cures problems related to hyperactivity, and delay in developmental milestone achievement. It improves the functions of five sense organs and treats hyper or hypo-sensitive disorders in autistic children.


Triphala[16] consists of fruits from three plants namely Amla, Bibhitaki, and Haritaki. The polyherbal combination is a natural laxative and cleanses the colon. It helps in making the complete evacuation of stool and makes the bowel movement natural and strain-free.


Dashmoola[17] with hot water relieves the patient from constipation and detoxifies the entire system. It is a good laxative and also reduces the inflammation of the colon. Moreover, its antibilious properties keep the liver in good condition. 

If the kid is having GUT-related issues, the Ayurvedic doctor may add Virechana Dravyas (A category of herbs to rejuvenate or correct abdominal body parts).  

Finally, It is an expert Ayurvedic doctor who can only choose the right combination of herbs and their dosages based on age and severity of autism.

External Treatment 

External treatment of Ayurveda involves basic Panchakarma Treatment and some other advanced procedures. 

The Ayurvedic doctor may recommend the following Ayurvedic external therapies to your kid.

External therapy - Ayurveda Autism Treatment

Shiropichu[18] treatment can be very effective and stress relieving. It involves keeping sterile cotton dipped in medicinal oil on the head. Although Shiro Pichu can be applied to improve symptoms of several disorders, it can be used in autism as it can improve blood circulation in the brain and the central nervous system. It can be very effective in reducing stress, anxiety, and other symptoms related to motor activity. 

Ayurvedic doctors can choose the duration of Shiro Pichu and the herbal medicines that can be used for this purpose.

Shirodhara[19] pronounced as shiro-dar-a, is an exceptional and delightful therapy designed to harmonize and steady the mind. It aids in coping with anxiety and episodes of anxiety attacks, concurrently enhancing attention and focus.

Takradhara[20] involves an Ayurvedic sudation therapy utilizing medicated buttermilk poured over the forehead in a continuous stream to induce relaxation in the brain and mind, effectively reducing stress.

Along with the above, the Ayurvedic doctor may also recommend a few basic panchkarma treatments for detoxification.

Before the Panchakarma[21] treatment is applied to the child, the two therapies that are applied are Snehan and Svedana.

Snehan involves a very effective oil massage that pulls the toxins toward the gastrointestinal tract. 

Svedana is a process through which toxins in the body of your child will be made to flow to the gastrointestinal tract through sweating. A herbal concoction is added to the steam to follow this process. 

Panchakarma as you may know is the process of elimination of toxins from your child’s body. It will not only make your child stress-free but will also improve his immunity. A deep relaxation will prevail in your child’s mind and he will start recovering from aggressive behavior. 

The three different therapies of  basic Panchakarma (consisting of five therapies) that are typically used for autism are as follows 


Ayurvedic medicine is applied to induce bowel movement to eliminate toxins from the colon. This therapy balances the pitta dosha in your child’s body. 


This process uses an enema to eliminate toxins from the body. 


Nasya is the technique of applying  Ayurvedic nasal drops to eliminate toxins.

Importance of Ayurvedic Doctor

In Ayurveda, the treatment plans are always customized to the needs of every patient. Hence the selection of a doctor plays a very important role in the treatment and the results.

Moreover, the diagnostic processes are also done by the doctor and it includes a combination of subjective (Nadi Parikshan) and objective (test reports) analysis, the doctor selection becomes more critical in Ayurveda.

A good doctor who can identify the root cause correctly can give you much better and quicker results than a doctor who is new in the field of Autism or Ayurveda.

However, You don’t need to worry. MedicoExperts takes care of this aspect for you.

Importance of Ayurvedic Doctor

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Success of Ayurveda in the Treatment of Autism

Success of Ayurveda in the Treatment of Autism

In mild and moderate cases of Autism (In Ayurvedic terminology when it’s driven by one or two Dosha’s), you can expect very good outcomes. However, since Ayurveda works on root causes, you should expect slow but steady results.

  • In the case of mild autism, where a single dosha is involved, the success of the treatment is around 50 to 60 percent. 
  • In moderate cases, which involve two doshas, you can expect 40-50 percent of success.
  • In severe cases, where three doshas are there, Ayurvedic experts prefer to opt for a combination of allopathy and Ayurveda. 

Although the progress can be slow, in around one year you can expect your child to be more independent, in terms of function, including improved motor and sensory perception.

In short, they will not only be able to communicate but also be less irritated by stimuli like sound, light, texture, and balance. He will be less aggressive and hyperactive. 

In severe cases of autism, (In Ayurvedic terminology when it’s driven by all three Dosha’s), the Ayurveda alone may not be a good help to you. In such severe cases, you may need to opt for a combination of treatment streams like stem cell therapy followed by Ayurveda.

If you want to further accelerate the recovery process, you can plan to use Ayurveda in combination with other therapies such as Stem Cell Therapy or Homeopathy.

When Ayurvedic treatment is combined with stem cell therapy for autism, it can be more effective as the some quick results generated by Stem cells will act as a base for Ayurveda. Ayurveda will not only help in sustaining the results generated by stem cell therapy but also take the results to new heights slowly and steadily. 

When combined with homeopathic internal medication and external application of Ayurveda, you can expect a 10% increase in the improvement of autism symptoms in moderate cases. 

Cost of Ayurveda Treatment for Autism in India

Ayurveda treatment costs vary from individual to individual. You can expect 5,000 INR – 20,000 INR (60 USD – 240 USD) for internal medicines depending on the condition of the child and the medication prescribed.

But if your child needs therapies then the cost will be around 15000 INR- 80,000 INR (180 USD – 960 USD), depending on the doctor.

Cost of Ayurveda Treatment for Autism

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Ayurvedic treatment conclusion


Imagine your child leading an independent and complete life overcoming all the challenges autism throws in their way. 

Ayurveda can turn this dream into reality if you know the right direction to follow. 

When coupled with other modern therapies like stem cell therapy, it can help your child to get rid of 60% of the symptoms. This is the power of the Ayurvedic herbs and our traditional medicine system. 

A successful treatment will be possible with the right doctors and a fool-proof treatment plan. MedicoExperts can help you in your journey to give your child a better life. To get any help regarding your child’s autism treatment, feel free to contact us.

Frequently Asked Questions and patient concerns:

Q1. Can an autistic person live a normal life?

A. An autistic person can live a normal life by adopting the scientific treatment of Ayurveda and innovative therapies like stem cell therapy. There will be a 50-70% improvement in symptoms of autism. 

Q2. How can autism be improved?

A. Autism can be improved by taking a multidisciplinary approach of allopathy, stem cell therapy, and behavioral therapy. Using Ayurvedic treatment can improve the symptoms.

Q3. When do symptoms of autism start?

A. Symptoms of autism start at the age of 18 months or older. The main observable symptom is a lack of eye contact.

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Author Bio:


Dr. Nikita Patil is a distinguished Ayurvedic doctor, and healer dedicated to promoting holistic well-being through the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda. With a profound understanding of traditional Ayurvedic principles and a passion for natural healing, Dr. Patil has become a respected figure in the field of alternative medicine. Dr. Patil is also a prolific author, contributing to the dissemination of Ayurvedic knowledge through her insightful writings.


Medhya Rasayana: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3459457/

Mandukaparni: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17569283/

Yastimadhu: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15120462/

Guduchi: https://journals.lww.com/iphr/abstract/2002/34050/effect_of_tinospora_cordifolia_on_learning_and.11.aspx

Sankhapushpi: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3459457/

Brahmi: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8943402/

Jatamansi: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3510905/


Kushmanda: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3296346/

Vasa: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3202261/


Jyotishmati: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4484053/

Suvarna bhasma with Grhita: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8078605/

Chandan: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30549622/

Musta: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4484047/

Bilva: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6034160/

Dashmoola: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4395922/

Triphala: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5567597/

Shiropichu: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8186000/

Shirodhara: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8039348/


Panchakarma therapy:

Dr. Ashita Nandgaonkar

Author’s Bio

Dr. Ashita Nandgaonkar – BHMS, MS in psychological counseling

Dr. Ashita Nandgaonkar is a highly esteemed homeopathic doctor with a passion for holistic healing and patient-centered care. Dr. Nandgaonkar remains dedicated to raising awareness about the benefits of homeopathy and promoting its integration into mainstream healthcare. Her mission is to empower individuals on their journey to health and wellness, embracing the holistic approach that homeopathy offers. She has a special interest in researching Homeopathic solutions for diseases that are difficult to treat with conventional medicines and therapies.

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