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Lung Cancer

Lung Cancer Treatment In India With Highest Success Rate

Are you confused about your treatment decision regarding your early-stage lung cancer? 

Although many advanced technologies are there to treat lung cancer, only reputed hospitals and efficient surgeons can apply those technologies correctly. 

But you would need advanced technology and specialists under your budget to get the best medical care and treat cancer successfully. 

Lung cancer treatment in India can help you fulfil your dream of living cancer-free. 

So, without further ado, let us learn about lung cancer and how coming to India can help you be treated.

Lung Cancer Treatment in India

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What is Lung Cancer?

Cancers of the lungs arise from irregular cell formations in lung tissue that multiply beyond normal rates. They can be specialized to attack neighbouring tissues or to form tumors. As another type of cancer, lung cancer can occur in any area of the lungs and different parts of the respiratory tract.

Well, before we proceed, let’s identify different forms of lung cancers:

What is Lung Cancer?

What are the different types of lung cancer?

Lung cancers mainly consist of two broad categories: SCLC and NSCLC. Based on the cellular type, which includes the SCLC and NSCLC, this classification is based on how the tumor cells look when directly observed under the optical microscope.

About 10% to 15% of all lung cancers are SCLC. This type grows faster than any other carcinoma. SCLCs generally spread very rapidly throughout the body invading many organs in return.

One of the most common types of cancer in the lungs is non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and approximately 85% of all cases are NSCLC. It can be classified into three major categories according to the type of cells found in the tumor.

Principal subtypes are adeno, squamous cell, and large cell carcinoma.


Adenocarcinoma begins in cells that normally release substances such as mucus.

Generally, adenocarcinoma occurs near the boundary of the lung and is more likely to be detected before it has spread.

Squamous cell carcinoma

It starts with squamous (Thin, flat scales like fish skin) cells that mostly affect smokers.

Large cell carcinoma:

It can occur anywhere in the lungs. It grows fast and spreads making it difficult to handle.

The lung may have other tumors along with the most common forms of this disease.

Lung carcinoids

Lung carcinoids make up less than 5% of lung tumors. Most of these tumours grow slowly. 

Other lung tumors

These include Adenoid cystic carcinoma, lymphoma, and sarcoma among others which are different types of cancer that attack people’s lungs.

We should first get acquainted with the different phases of lung cancer.

What are the different stages of Lung Cancer?

Currently, the stages of Lung Cancer are divided into five; however, it is also worth to understand the earlier staging that includes stages 0, I, II, III and IV.

The stage of cancer indicates where the cancer is situated with other organs, its size and how it has progressed to other factions of the lungs or other organs if it is lung cancer.

Imaging and bronchoscopy are unable to identify cancer at this stage. This means that doctors cannot identify its exact location since its size is not fully understood and is subject to fluctuation. However, sputum (a sample from the lung) or bronchial enemas (a sample of cells from the inner lining of the air passage) may contain cancerous cells.

Physicians going through the layer of mucous membrane of respiratory system are likely to identify existing strange cells. This type can be cancerous but are not invasive, and has no connection with other parts of the body.

The cases in stage 1 are categorized into two sub-types:

  • Stage 1A: Cancer of the lung refers to a tumor of 3 cm or less in a dimension that has not reached the nodes or any other organ of the body.
  • Stage 1B: Sometimes the lung cancer tumor is bigger than 3 centimetres but not more than 4 centimetres, and it does not involve the lymph nodes. The cancer did not spread to the nearby lymph nodes.

The cases in stage 2 are categorized into two sub-types:

  • Stage 2A: The lung cancer tumor is less than 5 cm, but greater than 4 cm, and did not metastasize the lymph nodes. Lungs have collapsed or are pneumonic.
  • Stage 2B: In some cases, the lung cancer tumor is 5 cm or smaller and has reached the lymph nodes situated in the same region of the chest as the original tumor.

There are three sub-types of stage 3 non-small cell lung cancer:

  • Stage 3A: The tumor is less than 5 cm and reaches the lymph nodes in the same area of the chest where the primary tumor was detected. Lung cancer is of any size and has reached the trachea, or esophagus, among other parts of the body.
  • Stage 3B: The tumor is five cm or less, and the carcinoma has reached the lymph node above the collarbone in the same area of the chest.
  • Stage 3C: The tumor is of any size and the lymph nodes have been affected to the same or opposite side of the chest.

Stage 4 non-small cell lung cancer cases are categorized according to two subtypes:

  • Stage 4A: One has to agree that at least one tumor is present in a lung that is opposite to the place where it seems to originate in the human body. Cancer affects the sac around the heart of the tissue surrounding the lungs known as mesothelium.
  • Stage 4B: This means that cancer has progressed to different parts of at least a distant organ of the lung.

What are the main signs & symptoms of lung cancer?

While most lung cancers do not cause symptoms until they have spread, some people with early lung cancer do have symptoms. Once you are aware of your symptoms, check with your doctor and begin treatment.

Some common symptoms of lung cancer include:

  • A cough that does not disappear or which worsens.
  • Blood spit or rusty-coloured spit (spit or phlegm)
  • Chest pain often worsens with deep respiration, cough, or laughter.
  • Hoarseness
  • Decreased appetite.
  • Unexplainable Weight loss 
  • Running out of breath.
  • Feeling exhausted or weak.
  • Infections like bronchitis and pneumonia do not disappear or continue to return.
  • Wheezing

If lung cancer extends to other areas of the body, it can result in:

  • Bone pain (for example, back or hip pain)
  • Changes in the nervous system (headache, weakness or numbness of an arm or leg, dizziness, balance problems or convulsions), from cancer to the brain.
  • The skin and eyes become yellowish.
  • Enlarged lymph nodes (accumulation of immune system cells) such as those in the neck or above the collarbone.
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risk factors of lung cancer, stage 4 lung cancer treatment in india, lung cancer survival rate in india

What causes Lung cancer?

Several factors can raise the risk of lung cancer. Certain risk factors can be controlled, such as stopping smoking. And other factors are out of control, such as family history.

Lung cancer risk factors include, but are not limited to:

  • Smoking 
  • Exposure to 2nd-hand smoke 
  • Past radiotherapy
  • Exposure to radon (Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas that can cause lung cancer) emissions 
  • Exposure to asbestos or other cancer-causing substances 
  • Family history of lung carcinoma

What are the tests to diagnose lung cancer?

Lung cancer diagnosis tests include:

An X-ray of your lungs can reveal abnormal masses or nodules. A CT scan may reveal small lesions in your lungs that may not be detected by radiography.

If you have a cough and produce sputum, watching sputum under the microscope may sometimes reveal the presence of lung cancer cells.

A mediastinoscopy is surgery performed for the assessment of a space in the thorax called the mediastinum. This is the area in the back of the sternum or breast bone located in the mid-chest and to the right and left of the center between the two main parts of the lungs. This space contains:

  • Lymph nodes
  • The heart and its great vessels
  • The windpipe (trachea)
  • The thymus gland (a gland in the body system)

Their location can be accessed with a tool known as a mediastinoscope. This is a flexible and long in shape tube that contains a light as well as a minicam. It enables the healthcare provider to visualize the organs and structures present at the mediastinum region. It also involves the capability to send them directly to the computer screen, and then, record them.

The procedure is used mainly to undertake lymphadenectomy when one has lung cancer or lung disease. The nodes are scrutinized to discern the degree of spread of the cancer. This can assist in identifying the proper management strategies that are integral to combating lung cancer.

EBUS bronchoscopy is a process of diagnosing various conditions in the lungs which may be inflammation, infection, or development of cancer. 

This procedure is conducted by a pulmonologist. It involves passing a wire with a camera through the mouth and into the windpipe and lungs. 

EBUS has an integrated video camera and an ultrasound probe to take pictures of your lung’s lymph nodes to determine areas of the lungs or enlarged lymph nodes seen on x-rays or scans that require more information.

After biopsy, some abnormal cells of your lung can be taken from your body.

Bronchoscopy or mediastinoscopy may also be performed by the doctor to get a biopsy.

Knowing about the cancer stage helps you and your physician determine which treatment is better.

Staging tests can include imaging procedures that allow your doctor to research evidence that cancer has spread beyond your lungs. They include computed tomography, MRI, PET, and bone scans. Not every test is suitable for every person, so talk to your doctor about the procedures that work for you.

What are the common approaches of doctors to treat different stages of lung cancer?

Once your doctor confirms lung cancer the first thing that you think is the treatment for it. But before confirming any treatment method you must understand that the treatment varies based on the stage of cancer, location, and extent of spread of cancer. 

Based on the stage of cancer the different treatment approaches are:

Your doctor may advise surgery to remove the cancer cells from your lungs and adjacent lymph nodes. Generally, doctors advise chemotherapy after the surgery to ensure that you are cancer-free.

The treatment of stage 2 lung cancer is very similar to the treatment of stage 1 lung cancer. However, sometimes your doctor may suggest chemotherapy or radiation therapy to shrink the cancer before the surgery.

For treating stage 3 lung cancer your doctor may suggest surgery followed by chemotherapy and immunotherapy.

Sometimes your doctor may advise targeted therapy for you.

It is difficult to reverse advanced lung cancer. However, your doctor may advise you on some medicines to manage the symptoms.

Which country is best for lung cancer treatment?

Getting diagnosed with cancer is overwhelming but it is essential to ensure that you get the best treatment at an affordable price. Before choosing a country for lung cancer treatment you must ensure:

  • The chosen country has world-class healthcare facilities with other advanced technologies for treatment.
  • The country you have chosen has high survival ratios for people who underwent lung cancer treatment.
  • The country has a high lung cancer treatment success rate.
  • The cost of treatment, and stay in the chosen country is affordable.

Besides, checking on the availability of world-class treatment and affordability, you must also consider other factors like:

  • Availability of connecting flights, 
  • Ease of local transportation, and
  • Safety of the selected country.

It is not uncommon for people to prefer Western nations for the treatment of cancer, the cost of lung cancer treatment in those countries is usually high.

Unlike Western nations, the cost of lung cancer treatment in India is almost half. Besides offering reasonable treatment, the hospitals in India offer you modern treatment facilities, with high success and survival ratios for lung cancer treatment.

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How to choose the best hospital for lung cancer treatment in India?

Once you decide the country for treatment the next thing you need to decide is the hospital.  

Here are some points you can consider for choosing the hospital: 

  • Before confirming a hospital for lung cancer treatment, you must ensure that the hospital you have chosen is equipped with the latest devices used for cancer treatment.
  • Also, you must ensure that the hospital offers a multidisciplinary approach that enables you to get access to specialist surgeons, medical oncologists, radiation oncologists, and well-trained nurses for the best treatment.
  • Further before confirming a hospital, you must ensure the availability of a dedicated unit for cancer treatment in the hospital.

How to choose the best oncologist for your lung cancer treatment in India?

Selecting an oncologist for your lung cancer treatment is one of the most crucial decisions because an experienced and qualified doctor helps you get the best treatment for your lung cancer. Although it is difficult to choose an oncologist for cancer treatment, here are a few tips that can help you:

  • Check if your doctor is a tumor board-certified oncologist
  • Ensure your doctor has a dedicated team of specialists for treating cancer 
  • Your doctor has adequate experience and proven track record in treating lung cancer 
  • Choose a doctor with whom you are comfortable.
How to choose the best oncologist for your lung cancer treatment in India?

Lung cancer treatment in India

Various types of treatment can be availed based on the stage and type of lung cancer and the spread of the disease. Processes of removing the tumor, using chemotherapy or radiation therapy, targeting therapy, or a combination of the mentioned therapies can be used to handle non-small cell lung cancer. Small-cell lung cancer is normally treated with three methods, including radiation therapy and chemotherapy.

During the surgical procedure, your surgeon tries to eliminate lung cancer and a healthy tissue margin. If you are undergoing surgery, your surgeon may also remove the lymph nodes from your chest to verify the signs of cancer. Surgical intervention can be an option if your cancer is limited to the lungs. 

Different surgical intervention for removing lung cancer consists of:

Lobectomy: This is the most frequently done surgery for lung cancer and this involves taking away the affected part of the lung.

Pneumonectomy: This is a surgery in which the entire lung on the side with the cancer is taken out.

Sleeve Resection: This is a complicated procedure that is used to save as many normal functional lungs as possible. Resection of the portion of the airway containing the cancer and some lung tissue is done. The remaining part of the airway is finally reattached to the remaining lung.

Segmental Lung Resection: In this surgery, which is conducted depending on the extent of the cancer, a part of the lobe or segment of the lung is removed. It is most commonly performed either to extract tissue for diagnosis or in patients who are too delicate to undergo surgery for cancer removal. 

Chest Wall Resection: In some cases, if the lung cancer involves the ribs or muscles of the chest,  it may require removal. It allows filling the chest defect with muscles as well as prosthetic material (i.e. bone cement or Titanium implants).

Robotic thoracic surgery is similar to other minimally invasive surgical procedures that are applied to patients requiring thoracic procedures for some forms of lung cancer. 

Robotic thoracic surgery could be applied in the elimination of the affected lung area and possibly the nearby lymph nodes. In robotic surgery, the actual surgeon only plays the role of a manager, and for the surgical procedure, he will sit by the side of the operation bed as the controller of the robotic surgical instruments.

These robotic instruments are placed by the doctor entirely at the command or console. During this surgery, the surgeon takes out some of the lung tissue through the incisions made. The use of a magnified view lets the surgeon perform precision cutting to get rid of the lung tissue and avoid making large injuries in the patient’s chest or rib cage.

The use of the Da Vinci surgical system, an efficient and minimally invasive alternative has made it possible to perform complex surgical procedures through a few small incisions with the help of a high-definition 3D vision system, and tiny instruments that can twist more than the human wrist. 

For patients undergoing da Vinci surgery, it often leads to smaller incisions, reduced pain levels, shorter hospitalization time as well a faster rate at which they return to their daily activities.

No robot is physically present. Your surgeon who has undergone extensive training using the da Vinci system will control every aspect of the surgery through this robotic platform. The accuracy that comes with these arms allows surgeons to perform intricate surgeries.

This procedure is beneficial as it helps in removing the affected lobe without removing the entire lung.

Total lung-parenchyma-sparing bronchoplasty (TLPSB) ( a procedure that does not disturb the enormous surface area of gas exchange in the lung) represents a breakthrough in surgery of low-grade malignant tumors and benign endobronchial ( inside the bronchi) diseases as compared to other types of lobectomy. Based on the concept of lung-sparing bronchoplasty, low-grade localized lung carcinomas, offer the best pathology for application.

Stereotactic body radiation therapy or radiotherapy (SBRT)  is defined as a highly focused form of radiation therapy that is used to treat several kinds of cancers. Usually, it is given for the first cancer (lung cancer or prostate cancer etc), but also for secondaries or another cancer that has appeared elsewhere in the body (metastatic cancer). Some of the common secondary cancers that can be treated with the help of SBRT include cancers located on the bone, the lung, or the liver.

This technique therefore works in a way that differs from other external beam radiation therapy in the manner that it delivers relatively higher doses to the cancer. 

These higher doses are delivered to the tissues from X-ray beams from sources outside the body and with a small number of treatments also known as fractions. Generally, one to five treatment sessions are required with frequencies ranging from daily to weekly, depending on the severity of the condition and the type of therapy.

Surgeons use the VATS technique for performing many procedures, such as:

  •  For tissue removal to identify chest cancers, such as lung cancer or pleural mesothelioma,  (a cancer that affects the layer of tissue lining the lungs).
  • Surgical interventions of the lung; including lung cancer surgery and lung volume reduction surgery.
  • Methods used to get rid of and reduce the build-up of a substance, normally fluid or air, around the lungs.

Sometimes, after you have been operated on, you may be prescribed some chemotherapy as it is believed to wipe out remaining cancerous cells. Adjuvant chemotherapy is given before surgeries to lessen the size of the cancers so that they may be easily wiped out.

Drugs target cancerous cell markers since they are particular to cancer cells. In targeted therapy, specific molecules target mutated proteins or excessive proteins in cancerous cells.

Your immune system is the foundation of immunotherapy to fight cancer. Your body’s immune system that combats disease may not attack your cancer because cancer cells produce proteins that help them hide from immune system cells.

People with advanced local lung cancers can make use of Immunotherapy.

Supportive care also referred to as palliative care, is a medical specialty that involves working with a physician to minimize your signs and symptoms. Palliative care relieves the pain from the cancer and helps you live a better life.

Lung Cancer Treatment Cost In India

Lung cancer treatment cost in India

The cost for lung cancer evaluation in India starts from 500 USD (37550 INR). This evaluation will help to determine the best-suited treatment plan to ensure positive outcomes. The cost for a PET scan in India ranges between USD 306 – 348 ( 22980 – 26134 INR).

The cost of lung cancer surgery in India is between 3500 – 7000 USD (262850 – 525700 INR) depending on the chosen procedure, the chosen specialist, and the cancer treatment facility chosen. Chemotherapy is generally combined with other treatment modalities to ensure a complete cure. One cycle of chemotherapy costs between 500 – 1000 USD (37550 – 75100 INR). The cost for radiation therapy is 3500 – 5500 USD (262850 – 413050 INR). The cost for radiosurgery is 5000 – 10000 USD (375500 – 751000 INR).

The cost is nearly half the cost of treating lung cancer in Western countries such as the United States or the UK. There is a wide range of prices according to the hospital and also the city in which you choose to seek treatment.

Lung cancer survival rate in India 

Lung cancer treatment in India is result-oriented, stress-free, and as convenient as possible. This helps the patient to completely focus on his/her recovery thus ensuring better outcomes. 

The survival rate of lung cancer treatment in India is 60-65 % for patients with localized cancer. All lung cancer patients are to expect an increase in life expectancy along with betterment in quality of life.

Lung Cancer Survival Rate In India
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Lung Cancer Tumour Board for Treatment in India

Multi-disciplinary approach is the best model to use in treating patients with lung cancer since this type of care is complex. The number of tumor boards per patient enhances the outcomes.  There is an overall survival advantage for patients who go through a tumor board over patients who have not undergone a tumor board consultation 

This is because of the introduction of personalized medicine. Therefore, MedicoExperts have included the tumor board approach as an integral part of oncology practice.


Lung cancer is a complex disease. However, with the advent of modern technologies, there is a possibility to cure lung cancer at an early stage. 

Moreover, the tumor board approach can help you avail yourself of the best treatment from the hospitals. Whether you have an early stage or a late stage ( Stage 4 lung cancer), you can benefit from the tumor board approach adopted by oncologists, radiologists, and cancer surgeons to provide you with the best results. 

Lung cancer can be defeated if properly planned treatment is provided to you at the right time. So, instead of waiting or getting confused you must make the right decision to approach the right organisation to save your precious life. 

MedicoExperts provides you with the right treatment approch and also gives you the comprehensive facility of its Tumor Board. 

Lung Cancer Treatment in India - Takeaway

Consult Tumor Board

Avail the Tumor Board Approach from MedicoExperts for Treating Lung Cancer

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1. Which is the best treatment for lung cancer?

For lung cancer, the treatment that should be provided depends on the stage of cancer the patient is in.

Treatments that may be used in advanced lung cancers include radiotherapy which can alleviate pain.

Q2. How many chemotherapy sessions does it take for lung cancer?

Most people need four to six cycles of treatment in three to six months. You will meet with your physician at the end of these cycles. If the cancer is better, you may not need chemotherapy anymore. If cancer has not improved after these cycles, your doctor will let you know if you require a different type of chemotherapy.

Q3. Does chemotherapy cure lung cancer?

In lung cancer, the treatment varies according to the general condition of the patient. That is, if you are in good general health, the chemotherapy, chemotherapy plus radiotherapy (chemoradiotherapy) can help you. Some patients even get cured because of this treatment.

Q4. Is four rounds of chemotherapy a lot?

In the course of treatment, you usually have about 4 to 8 cycles of treatment. A cycle is a time between one cycle of treatment and the start of the next. After each treatment cycle, you have a break so that your body can recover.

Q5. Why does lung cancer develop?

Lung cancer happens when cells in the lung grow out of control. This change, a steady shift in the gene’s DNA, can come from many causes. Such shifts in lung cells often happen when you breathe in toxic air, poisons, or other risky substances.

Q6. Is lung cancer curable? How is it treated?

For stage 1 non-small lung cancer patients, the common treatment offered would be surgery to remove the tumor. In Small-cell lung cancer, chemotherapy and radiation therapy are used. Immunotherapy and targeted therapy have also brought significant changes in lung cancer treatment modalities.

Q7. Is it possible to be completely cured of lung cancer?

Lung cancer’s cure is still possible if diagnosed in the early stages when confined to the lung. If your lung cancer spreads outside your lung, it is not considered curable.

Q8. What methods can be used for self-detection of lung cancer?

There are home tests that can be used as preliminary cancer screenings for certain forms of cancer, including colon cancer but a similar opportunity for screening for lung cancer is not available. The only way to prescribe tests to diagnose lung cancer is through a doctor.

Q9. Can lung cancer be cured at the final stage?

Stage 4 lung cancer is the most advanced stage. While the 5-year relative survival rate is very low, it isn’t necessarily the end. There are no current treatments that can cure stage 4 NSCLC. However, treatments may help reduce your symptoms and ease your quality of life.

Q10. What is the role of palliative care in lung cancer treatment?

Palliative care is specialized care that only focuses on quality of life. You can receive this type of care at any point during your lung cancer journey. Palliative care may benefit you by helping to relieve pain and other symptoms that come from lung cancer.

Q11. Can lung cancer be treated with a combination of therapies?

Research done on patients undergoing combination therapy in the treatment of lung cancer shows a higher overall survival rate. Scientists learned that when more than one drug is used in the treatment of a cancer patient the probability that all cancer cells will be destroyed is increased.

Q12. Are there any clinical trials available for lung cancer treatment?

Lung cancer clinical trials in India provide the opportunity to receive the latest and most advanced cancer treatments free of cost. Lung cancer immunotherapy and targeted therapy are available.

Q13. What is the prognosis for lung cancer patients?

The 5-year survival rate for localized lung cancer is 65%, for regionally spread lung cancer is 37%, and for cancer which has spread to distant sites is 9%.

Q14. Does the type of lung cancer affect the treatment approach?

There are two primary types of lung cancer- Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer-NSCLC and Small Cell Lung Cancer-SCLC. NSCLC (but not all) can be further sub-typed. Depending on what type or sub-type of lung cancer you have, treatment may differ.

Best hospital for lung cancer treatment in India

The best hospital for lung cancer treatment in India are armed with cutting-edge technology and the latest infrastructure to provide the patient with unsurpassed cancer care. These hospitals also have the best specialist, onco-surgeons, and medical staff to provide comprehensive and patient-centric care. Some of the best lung cancer hospitals in India are:

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MedicoExperts is having a network of highly experienced super specialist doctors and well equipped hospitals across the globe and offering second opinion through online video consultation and surgical interventions through its empanelled super specialist doctors at its network hospitals in 17 countries from 3 continents.
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Most suitable for patients who are looking for:-
  • Planned Surgeries and treatment from most experienced doctors and at multiple cost options as per hospital facilities with best possible outcomes.
  • Second Opinion from expert doctors.
  • Complex cases involving multi specialities
  • International patients looking for treatment from Indian doctors

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Dr. Subhamoy Mukherjee

Author Bio:

Dr. Subhamoy Mukherjee 

Dr. Subhamoy Mukherjee is a molecular oncologist with experience working with genomic profiles. He has several years of experience in scientific writing. He takes a strong interest in making people aware of different treatment approaches in cancer, and acute and chronic diseases. He also has an interest in innovative approaches for treating different mental and physical illnesses. 

Medically Reviewed By MedicoExperts Editorial & Clinically Review Board On 14 June 2024

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