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Cervical Cancer

Advanced cervical cancer treatment in India | Cervical cancer treatment cost in India

An estimated 5,70,000 women were detected with Cervical Cancer worldwide and about 3,11,000 women passed from the disease.

However, with the advancement of technology, experience, and new protocols, the survival rates of cervical cancer patients are also increasing.

Though the detection of cervical cancer itself is a matter of concern but with the right treatment with the right doctor at the right time, you can beat cervical cancer. 

Let’s understand Amy’s experience with cervical cancer treatment in India.

Amy, a 41-year-old woman from Abuja, Nigeria. Amy is a housewife she has two sons, a beautiful daughter, and a wonderful husband.

Three years back, Amy had vaginal bleeding for about a week followed by no period the next month which was abnormal. The abnormal bleeding was observed once again in the subsequent month along with severe pelvic pain. She decided to set up an appointment with her gynecologist. Her appointment was scheduled, the doctor examined Amy. The doctor had suggested a few investigations along with the PAP test. 

After a few days, the result of the PAP test came and the hospital called Amy to visit the doctor. Amy visited the hospital and the gynecologist gave her the bad news that she had an aggressive form of cervical cancer. 

The doctor told her to get an appointment with an oncologist as soon as possible.

After listening to the cancer news, Amy and her family were in shock. Amy’s husband Joseph supported her very well and wanted the best treatment for her wife. Joseph showed Amy to a nearby oncology hospital and admitted Amy for treatment. After a few day’s Joseph didn’t get convinced with the treatment as his wife’s health was deteriorating fast.

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Joseph was looking for a second opinion with the best cervical cancer specialists. While researching online Joseph visited the MedicoExperts website and left an inquiry on the website and the MedicoExperts patient care department got in touch with Joseph.   

Joseph sent all the medical reports of Amy to the MedicoExperts and MedicoExperts booked the online video consultation of Joseph with the best oncologist from the empanelled hospital. After the consultation, the doctor is able to clear all the doubts of Joseph regarding the treatment protocols. 

Joseph understood the gaps in the ongoing treatment. He decided not to take any chance and visit India for treatment. However, Joseph was worried about the logistics support and requested the MedicoExperts team to guide him. MedicoExperts team, helped him to arrange Visa on priority, and all other arrangements in India.

After 15 days, Joseph and Amy came to India for treatment, and Amy got admitted to the hospital. Amy’s evaluation was done to check the current condition of cancer. The reports clarified that cervical cancer is identified in stage II. Stage II means that the cancer was extended beyond the cervix to the upper portion of the uterus. Amy’s treatment started and she was advised to undergo a radical hysterectomy followed by a course of radiation therapy. 

After 3 months another evaluation test was performed to validate the outcome of the treatment. Reports came and the result was in favor of Amy. 

Amy and Joseph were very happy to hear that and thanked the doctor and MedicoExperts.  

This could be your story as well. You also need the right treatment at right time with the right guidance.

Before we start discussing the different treatment options, let’s first understand what cervical cancer is.

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What is Cervical Cancer?

Cervical cancer is cancer that forms in the cervix, the lowermost portion of the uterus that connects to the vagina.

Vagina, the birth canal is the upper part of the uterus, and the uterus is where a baby grows when a woman is pregnant. It occurs more commonly in women over age 30.

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different types of cervical cancer, stages of cervical cancer

What are the different types of Cervical Cancer?

There are two main types of cervical cancer that help to determine your prognosis and treatment:

  • Squamous cell carcinoma

    In this, cervical cancer starts in the thin cells (squamous cells) lining the outer part of the cervix which projects into the vagina.

  • Adenocarcinoma

    In this, cervical cancer starts in the glandular cells that line the cervical canal.

  • Other Cervical cancer types

Few cervical cancer cells have feature characteristics of both squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma. These are called as “adenosquamous carcinomas” or “mixed- carcinomas”.

Let’s understand the different stages of cervical cancer.

What are the different stages of Cervical Cancer?

The stages are assigned by evaluating the tumor and whether cancer has spread to other parts of the body:

 In this early stage, cancer has spread from the cervix lining into deeper tissue but still within the uterus.

Stage IA

Here, the cervical tissues or cells are examined under the microscope, or imaging tests are used to determine the tumor size.

  • Stage IA1 – At this stage, the tumor is less than 3mm in depth.
  • Stage IA2 – At this stage, the tumor is between 3mm to 5mm in depth.

Stage IB

Here, the tumor is larger but still limited to the cervix.

  • Stage IB1 – At this stage, the tumor is 5mm or more in-depth and less than 2cm wide.
  • Stage IB2 – At this stage, the tumor is 2cm or more in-depth and less than 4cm wide.
  • Stage IB3 – At this stage, the tumor is 4cm or more in width.

At this stage, cancer has spread from the uterus to nearby areas such as the vagina but still within the pelvic area.

Stage IIA

Here, the tumor is constrained to the upper two-thirds of the vagina and has not spread to the tissue next to the cervix which is called as parametrial area.

  • Stage IIA1 – At this stage, the tumor is less than 4cm wide.
  • Stage IIA2 – At this stage, the tumor is 4cm or wider.

Stage IIB

Here, the tumor has spread to the parametrial area but has not reached the pelvic wall.

The tumor affects the lower third of the vagina and has spread to the pelvic wall causing swelling of the kidney called hydronephrosis which stops kidney functioning and involves regional lymph nodes.

Stage IIIA

At this stage, the tumor involves the lower third of the vagina but has not grown into the pelvic wall.

Stage IIIB

At this stage, the tumor has grown into the pelvic wall.

Stage IIIC

At this stage, the tumor involves regional lymph nodes and can be detected using an imaging test or pathology.

  • Stage IIIC1 – Here, cancer has spread to lymph nodes in the pelvis.
  • Stage IIIC2 – Here, cancer has spread to para-aortic lymph nodes. These lymph nodes are discovered in the abdomen.

Stage IVA

At this stage, cancer has spread to the bladder but has not spread to other parts of the body.

Stage IVB

At this stage, cancer has spread to other parts of the body.

What are the symptoms of Cervical Cancer?

The most common Cervical Cancer signs and symptoms are:

  • Bleeding between or following periods
  • Bleeding or pain during