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Body Cosmetic

Best body contouring surgery in India with the best results.

Get the perfect chiselled body of your dreams with cosmetic surgery that moulds, reshape and contours your body. Say goodbye to stubborn fat, love handles, saggy skin and other concerns with body contouring cosmetic surgery.

Through the surgical intervention and skilled expertise of the best cosmetic surgeons in India, you can be assured of excellent quality, affordability and complete care.

With MedicoExperts, you can be confident of being treated at the best hospitals for cosmetic surgery in India which are equipped with the best technology, comprehensive team of experts, and patient-centric protocol.

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Types of body contouring surgery in India

cosmetic surgery in india If you have too much skin in your abdomen that does not respond to diet or exercise, you could consider a tummy tuck. Tummy tuck or abdominoplasty is a suitable option for both men and women who seek to tighten the skin of the abdomen for a more toned look. A tummy tuck is also done for a patient who has undergone drastic weight loss and has loose saggy skin. This procedure flattens the belly by extracting extra fat and skin and tightening the abdominal wall muscles. The cost of tummy tuck in India starts from 2500 USD. Read more about tummy tuck in India click here

body contouring surgery | MedicoExpertsLiposuction is the cosmetic procedure that surgically reshapes and sculpts the body by employing a suction technique to remove unwanted and stubborn fat deposits from troubled areas. It is the perfect procedure for both men and women who want to change and improve their body’s contour. Liposuction is done on the abdomen, love handles (flanks), waist, back, buttocks, hips, thighs (inner thighs), calves, and arms. Liposuction is also done on the neck and chin. Other than for the aesthetic purpose, liposuction is also done to treat lymphedema, lipodystrophy syndrome and gynecomastia. The cost of liposuction in India starts from 900 USD. Read more about liposuction in India . click here

body contouring surgery | MedicoExpertsTo achieve a shapelier figure and well-toned derrière or buttock, women undergo what is known as a buttock augmentation procedure. Popularly known as a Brazilian butt lift, buttock augmentation is done to by adding volume to the buttock and giving it an uplifted look. Buttock augmentation (gluteal augmentation) is used to improve buttocks contour, size and/or form. This is achieved by using buttock implants, fat grafting, or a combination of the both at times. The cost for buttock augmentation in India starts from 3500 USD. Read more about buttock augmentation in India, click here

body contouring surgery | MedicoExpertsBody contouring, also known as body shaping, helps to remove the surplus skin and fat after a drastic weight loss. It is also a boon for people who were once morbidly obese and who undergone significant weight loss after bariatric surgery.

Body contouring procedure mainly involves removing extra skin or fat that persists in different parts of the body following weight loss. Body contouring is a combination of several cosmetic procedures done to reshape the entire body. The procedures done in body contouring are arm lift, body lift, breast lift, liposuction, tummy tuck and thigh lift.

body contouring surgery | MedicoExpertsBelt lipectomy or lower body lift is a procedure intended to remove excess skin from the outer thighs and buttocks. It is a treatment that is usually done in patients who have lost a large amount of weight or loose skin that is sagging.

The buttocks, abdomen, waist, hips and thighs are treated in one procedure with a complete lower body lift. Excess fat and skin loss are partially due to poor elasticity of the tissue.

Lower body lift procedure can be used to treat skin, cellulite, and fatty tissue that is excess. The cost for lower body lift in India starts from 2000 USD. For more about lower body lift in India

body contouring surgery | MedicoExpertsTighten and improve the appearance of your thighs caused by excessive skin on your thighs, which may result from age, pregnancy, or significant weight loss.

A thigh lift or thighplasty procedure involves the removal of fat from the outer or the inner side of the thigh.

Through thigh lift, the patient can achieve firm and attractive upper legs. A combination of thighplasty and liposuction procedures can be used to make the thighs look smoother and more toned look.

body contouring surgery | MedicoExpertsThe arm lift is a cosmetic surgical procedure to enhance the appearance of the under part of your upper arms. Excess skin and fat are removed from between the arm and the elbow during an arm lift — also known as Brachioplasty.

To build a more toned look, the remainder of the skin is placed back over the newly repositioned contours. An arm lift procedure will give your upper arms a more toned look by removing loose skin. Generally, the effects of the arm lift are long-lasting.

body contouring surgery | MedicoExpertsCalf implant or calf augmentation helps patients achieve their ideal aesthetic fullness in the lower leg. Calf implants are implants made of silicone that are implanted into your calves by surgery.

An implant may be inserted into the calf in people with a shrunken lower leg as a result of illness or accident to help minimize the resulting deformity.

Many people have a calf that is naturally thin or underdeveloped, and this does not improve even after exercise. For pure aesthetic or cosmetic reasons, these patients may consider getting a calf implant.