Advanced Liver transplant in India with highest success rates | Liver transplant cost in India
In 1998, India achieved its first successful deceased donor liver transplant (DDLT) and living donor liver transplant (LDLT).
Since then, the field has experienced remarkable growth, with over 1800 liver transplants performed annually in India.
This transformative medical procedure has not only saved countless lives but has also become an integral part of the country’s healthcare scene.
It has emerged as a leading destination for liver transplants, due to a unique combination of world-class medical facilities and cost-effective treatment options. The rare combination of advanced healthcare infrastructure and comparatively lower costs has positioned India as an optimal choice for individuals seeking liver transplantation.
Let us introduce you to one of our patients who has successfully undergone a liver transplant.
Dean is a 52-year-old businessman from Lagos, Nigeria. Dean is a father of two boys who help him in the business.
Three years back, Dean started observing Loss of appetite and weight loss along with yellowishness of the skin and eyes. He was also struggling with alcoholism for years.
When his condition started deteriorating, he decided to consult a gastroenterologist at a local hospital. His Son John also accompanied him. The doctor physically examined Dean’s condition and suggested Dean do a few blood tests and imaging tests. Dean did the test as per the recommendation.
The reports came and he was diagnosed with alcoholic cirrhosis.
The doctor prescribed Dean medication and advised him not to take alcohol and also suggested the right diet to him with more emphasis on what to avoid.
Dean went back home, He tried everything to overcome his addiction but failed. Dean did his level best to avoid alcohol and followed the instructions given by the doctor. Dean was determined to conquer his disease.
However, after a few months, when he started believing that his life had returned to normal, the disease relapsed and he had to be admitted to the hospital.
The doctor informed Dean that his liver needed a transplant, and he wouldn’t live more than three months if the transplant was not done on time.
Dean and his family were in shock and wanted to save his life at any cost. Dean was also having a helpless realization of his habit of alcoholism that dragged him to this deadly condition. John supported his father and said he would donate his liver to his father.
Dean’s elder sister Lucy came to know about his condition and she came to meet Dean. She was also a nurse, and she advised Dean and his son John to not take any chances and visit India for treatment. She also recommended MedicoExperts.
As suggested by this aunt, John contacted the MedicoExperts and sent all the reports of his father. The MedicoExperts team explained the details regarding the treatment and procedure and also arranged the online video consultation with the liver transplant surgeon on the panel.
The doctor cleared all the queries of Dean and John regarding liver transplants.
The MedicoExperts team guided them about the tests to confirm organ match and the documents needed for the transplant. The team also helped them get emergency medical visas.
Dean, his wife Martha, and John came to India for the liver transplant. Dean and John were admitted to the hospital on the same day. The doctor did the pre-evaluation tests of the patient and the donor before the transplantation. All the reports were in favor of the transplant.
The surgery day came. Martha, Dean’s wife, was very nervous and prayed for the well-being of both her husband and son.
The liver transplant surgery was successful and the father and son’s conditions were stable after the surgery. Dean was under observation and the doctors confirmed that his body accepted John’s liver without any significant issues.
Dean, recovery was fast. After being so sick for so long, he was ready to get back to his normal life.
Now about a year after his transplant, Dean has not touched alcohol and feels great.
Dean’s success story is inspiring and with skilled liver transplant surgeons and world-class medical services leading a healthy is very much possible.
Before we start the discussion on different aspects of Liver transplants, let’s understand what is the function of the liver.
What does the Liver do?
The liver is located on the right side of the abdomen and weighs approximately 1500 g.
It is composed of two large parts, called the right and left lobes. The gallbladder is located below the liver, along with the pancreas and intestines. The liver and these organs work together to digest, absorb, and process food.
The liver is the body’s largest internal organ, and performs a variety of important functions, including
- Preventing infections
- Removing bacteria and toxins from the blood
- Controlling immune responses
- Processing nutrients, medications, and hormones
- Making proteins that help the blood clot
- Producing bile, which helps the body absorb fats including cholesterol and fat-soluble vitamins
- Storing vitamins, minerals, fats, and sugars for use by the body
The signs and symptoms of liver failure may include
- jaundice, a condition that causes yellowing of the skin and the whites of the eyes
- fatigue
- weakness
- loss of appetite
- nausea
- weight loss
- muscle loss
- itching
- bruising or bleeding easily because
- blood does not clot
- bleeding in the stomach
- vomiting blood
- passing black stools
- ascites, the buildup of fluid in the
- abdomen
- forgetfulness or confusion
It includes the transplantation of a liver that is taken from a recently deceased person.
A section of the liver is removed from a living donor because the liver can regenerate itself, both the transplanted section and the remaining section of the donor’s liver can regrow into a normal-sized liver.
A recently deceased person’s liver is removed and split into two pieces; each piece is transplanted into a different person, where it will grow to normal size.
What is a liver transplant?
A liver transplant is a surgical procedure that removes a liver that does not work properly anymore (liver failure) and substitutes a healthy liver from a donor.
Liver transplantation is for patients who have complications following chronic end-stage liver disease. A liver transplant may also be a treatment option in the rare event that a healthy liver suddenly fails.
The number of patients waiting for a liver transplant far exceeds the count of deceased donors available.
The live donor liver transplant is an alternative to waiting for the availability of a deceased donor liver. Transplantation of the liver by a living donor is possible because the human liver grows and returns to normal size soon after a little of it is removed.
To check your general health, blood group, and tissue type, you’ll need a lot of blood tests.
- Blood group: To find a suitable donor, you’ll need to know your blood group. This is a simple blood test to check whether your donor has the same blood group as you.
- Organ and blood functions: Blood tests will be conducted to assess the functioning of your kidneys, liver, and blood clotting ability.
- Infection and general health: Your blood will be tested for infection and diseases (such as HIV, hepatitis B, and hepatitis C), as well as to keep track of your overall health.