Mini Gastric Bypass Surgery to Get Back to Shape
Do you wish to reverse overweight related health conditions?
Overweight often acts as a trigger to several lifestyle diseases. But living with a lifestyle disorder is not easy. Generally doctors advise to lose weight to reverse or manage the symptoms of these lifestyle diseases
But can getting depressed help you in losing weight? The answer is a big no! Instead, why do not you try medically approved mini gastric bypass surgery to lose weight?
Do you wish to reverse overweight related health conditions?
Overweight often acts as a trigger to several lifestyle diseases. But living with a lifestyle disorder is not easy. Generally doctors advise to lose weight to reverse or manage the symptoms of these lifestyle diseases
But can getting depressed help you in losing weight? The answer is a big no! Instead, why do not you try medically approved mini gastric bypass surgery to lose weight?
With Mini Gastric Bypass Surgery in India lose those unwanted pounds that were difficult for you to lose otherwise by exercise and diet.
Get slimmer and fitter yourself while decreasing your risk of developing type 2 diabetes which may get triggered by obesity as Jada did.
Jada, a 42-year-old busy upper management corporate was diagnosed with borderline type 2 diabetes and her doctor suggested she lose weight to reverse her diabetes.
Despite trying hard to lose weight Jada did not lose much weight while her blood glucose levels plunged high.
Jada was disappointed and started looking for a medically approved safe alternative for weight loss.
While searching for alternatives for exercise to reduce weight Jada came across the MedicoExpert website where she left a query regarding our mini gastric bypass surgery.
Once our sales team received Jada’s query they contacted her and scheduled a video consultation for Jada with one of our empanelled doctors.
During the video consultation, our doctors answered all the Jada had about the mini gastric bypass surgery.
After the video consultation, Jada was confident about undergoing the procedure and she flew to India where MedicExpert’s team ensured hassle-free hospitalisation for her.
Once the paperwork was over the doctors ran a few tests for Jada to confirm her eligibility to undergo the procedure. After the results of the tests came favourable the doctors performed the mini gastric bypass surgery for Jada.
After the surgery, Jada stayed in the hospital for a few days and was discharged once the doctor felt that her healing process had started smoothly.
Within six months of the surgery, Jada noted a significant decrease in both her weight and her blood sugar levels.
Jada was happy that she did not need to rely on medication to control her blood sugar levels while she looked about ten years younger after losing those extra pounds.
Jada was happy to fit in her favourite dress now. Like Jada, you too can lose those extra pounds without sweating for hours in the gym with the help of mini gastric bypass surgery. Now let us understand more about the mini gastric bypass surgery.
What is mini gastric bypass surgery?
Single Anastomosis Gastric Bypass (SABG) or mini-gastric bypass (MGB) is a simple, safe and reversible metabolic surgery that aids individuals who are obese and are struggling to lose weight while dealing with co-morbidities like diabetes and hypertension.
Laparoscopic mini-gastric bypass surgery is safer and less complex than traditional gastric bypass surgery. Also, mini gastric bypass surgery has a faster recovery and shorter hospital stay.
Mini gastric bypass surgery restricts the absorption of nutrition throughout the gastrointestinal tract thereby causing a substantial weight loss.
Mini gastric bypass surgery can be easily reversed if needed.
Besides helping to manage weight, mini gastric bypass surgery has successfully helped several people get rid of co-morbidities like diabetes, sleep apnea, etc.
When is a mini gastric bypass surgery suggested?
Typically, mini gastric bypass surgery was earlier performed to help people lose weight. However, mini gastric surgery has also helped people manage lifestyle disorders like diabetes and hypertension.
Besides lifestyle disorders, mini gastric bypass surgery has helped several people to reverse and sometimes to manage their sleep apnea, arthritis, and oedema.
There have also been instances where gastric surgery was suggested by doctors to remove cancerous cells from the stomach.
Who is an ideal candidate for mini gastric bypass surgery?
Although mini gastric bypass surgery is a safe procedure, not everyone can undergo mini gastric bypass surgery. You are an ideal candidate for mini gastric bypass surgery if:
- You have failed to lose weight despite following a healthy diet
- The body mass index (BMI) of your body is 40 or higher
- You have a serious overweight-related health problem, like, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, or severe sleep apnea
- You have attained puberty and have more than 40 BMI
What can you expect during mini gastric bypass surgery?
During mini gastric bypass surgery, your surgeon uses long, thin instruments to perform the surgery. These long and thin instruments are inserted into your abdomen through tiny incisions made in your abdomen.
Through one of these incisions, your doctor inserts the camera and light, for performing the surgery.
Once all the tubes are inserted your surgeon will make a pouch capable of holding around 30-millilitre of fluid in the fundus or the top part of the stomach. The pouch is then separated from the stomach by stapling the old stomach. Further, your surgeon will connect the lower part of the small intestine with the newly formed stomach pouch. While the upper part of the small intestine is attached to a lower part of the jejunum or the lower part of the small intestine.
What to expect after the mini bypass gastric procedure?
Soon after the surgery, you will be shifted to your room where the doctors will monitor your vitals like pulse rate, blood pressure and body temperature.