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Bone Marrow Transplantation

Advanced Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Transplant in India with Highest Success Rates

Did you know that bone marrow transplants in India for treating blood cancer have evolved into a less painful and more cost-effective procedure known as Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Transplant (PBSCT)?

But what is PBSCT?

Unlike traditional bone marrow transplants, PBSCT involves extracting stem cells from peripheral veins rather than hip bones, making it a less invasive and more convenient option for patients.

This advanced procedure not only reduces the cost of transplants significantly but also shortens hospital stays. Despite these advantages, PBSCT maintains the same effectiveness as bone marrow transplants, with disease-free survival rates exceeding 90% post-transplant.

Let’s understand the PBSCT procedures in detail.

Bone marrow transplantation in India, BMT in india

What is Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Transplant (PBSCT)?

Bone marrow is like a factory inside our bones that makes new blood cells. These cells are called stem cells, and they grow into different types of blood cells like white cells, red cells, and platelets. Stem cells can also be found in our circulating blood, but there are fewer of them there.

When we talk about using stem cells for a transplant, there are different ways to get them. One way is by collecting them from the circulating blood, and when we do this, it’s called a peripheral blood stem cell transplant, or PBSCT.

bone marrow

Explore Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Transplant in India

Discover Hope in India: Explore Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Transplant Options Now!

bone marrow transplant in india

What is a bone marrow transplant?

A bone marrow transplant is a treatment that replaces your damaged or diseased bone marrow with healthy bone marrow stem cells. Replacement cells can come from either your own body or a donor.

Transplantation can be used to treat cancers that affect the bone marrow, such as leukemia, myeloma, and lymphoma, as well as other blood and immune system diseases.


The differences between PBSCT (Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Transplant) and BMT (Bone Marrow Transplant):

PBSCT: Stem cells are collected from the bloodstream using a process called apheresis.

BMT: Stem cells are harvested from the bone marrow, usually from the hip bone.

PBSCT: Stem cells are collected from the donor’s bloodstream after they’ve been stimulated to produce more stem cells.
BMT: Stem cells are extracted directly from the donor’s bone marrow through a needle inserted into the hip bone.

PBSCT: The donor or patient may receive medications to stimulate the production of stem cells before collection.
BMT: The donor might undergo a minor surgical procedure under anesthesia to extract bone marrow.

PBSCT: Recovery time might be shorter because there’s no surgical procedure involved in collecting stem cells.
BMT: Recovery time might be longer due to the need for recovery from the bone marrow extraction procedure.

PBSCT: There might be fewer risks associated with the collection process since it’s non-surgical, but there can still be side effects from medications used to stimulate stem cell production.
BMT: There might be risks associated with the surgical procedure to extract bone marrow, such as infection or bleeding.

PBSCT: PBSCT is often used for certain types of cancer treatment and immune system disorders.
BMT: BMT can be effective for various conditions including leukemia, lymphoma, and some genetic disorders.

In simple terms, PBSCT collects stem cells from the bloodstream without surgery, while BMT extracts stem cells directly from the bone marrow through a minor surgical procedure. Both methods have their benefits and risks, and they are used depending on the specific needs of the patient and the condition being treated.

Types of Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Transplant (PBSCT)

There are two types of peripheral blood stem cell transplants: allogeneic and autologous.

1. Allogeneic Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Transplant:

In an allogeneic transplant, the stem cells used for the transplant are donated by someone else, typically your family member or an unrelated donor. The donor’s stem cells must closely match the recipient’s tissue type to minimize the risk of complications.

Allogeneic Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Transplant

2. Autologous Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Transplant:

In an autologous transplant, the patient’s own stem cells are collected and used for the transplant. These stem cells are harvested from the patient’s peripheral blood before undergoing intensive treatment.

Autologous Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Transplant

Procedure for peripheral blood stem cell transplant

The procedure for a peripheral blood stem cell transplant involves several steps:

Under normal circumstances, stem cells are rarely found in the bloodstream. To gather enough stem cells for transplantation, special drugs are used to entice stem cells out of the bone marrow and into the peripheral blood (the bloodstream).

Peripheral blood stem cells (PBSCs) are collected from the donor’s blood through a process called apheresis. The blood is filtered through a machine during apheresis, and the stem cells are separated and collected. These stem cells can be used immediately for the transplant or preserved by suspending them in DMSO and freezing them in liquid nitrogen until needed.

Before the transplant, the patient undergoes intensive treatment, such as high-dose chemotherapy and/or radiation therapy over several days. This treatment aims to destroy diseased cells like leukemic cells, lymphoma cells, solid tumor cells, or diseased immune system cells in conditions like scleroderma.

Once the intensive treatment is completed, the preserved stem cells are thawed and returned to the patient’s bloodstream through a blood transfusion. These stem cells are biologically programmed to migrate to the bone marrow, where they can produce new blood and immune cells to replace those destroyed by the treatment.

The infused stem cells travel through the bloodstream and act like homing pigeons, heading straight for the bone marrow space where they can start the process of rebuilding the blood and immune system.

After the stem cell infusion, the transplanted stem cells gradually engraft in the bone marrow and begin to produce new blood cells. This process is known as engraftment.

It takes time for the new blood cells to reach normal levels, and during this period, the patient may require supportive care, such as blood transfusions and medications to prevent infections.

Diseases Treated by Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Transplant

Here are some common diseases that can be cured or managed with a peripheral blood stem cell transplant:

Leukemias are cancers that affect the bone marrow and blood. Studies have shown that peripheral blood stem cell transplants can effectively treat acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) in adults and children. The transplanted stem cells help replace the diseased cells and restore healthy blood cell production.

Lymphomas are cancers that develop in the lymphatic system. Peripheral blood stem cell transplants have been used to treat different types of lymphomas, including Hodgkin lymphoma and non-Hodgkin lymphoma. The procedure helps to replace the damaged lymphatic cells and promote the growth of healthy ones.

Sickle cell anemia is an inherited blood disorder that causes defective red blood cells. Evidence suggests that peripheral blood stem cell transplants can cure sickle cell anemia by replacing the defective stem cells with healthy ones. This can result in improved blood circulation and a reduction in painful episodes.

Thalassemia is a genetic blood disorder that affects the production of hemoglobin. Studies have shown that peripheral blood stem cell transplants can be curative for thalassemia patients. The transplanted stem cells help restore normal hemoglobin production.

Bone marrow failure syndromes, such as Fanconi anemia and Diamond-Blackfan anemia, are conditions where the bone marrow fails to produce enough healthy blood cells. Peripheral blood stem cell transplants have been used successfully to treat these conditions by replacing the faulty stem cells with healthy ones.

Certain immune system disorders, such as severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) can be treated with peripheral blood stem cell transplants. The transplanted stem cells help rebuild the immune system and restore its proper function.

In many cases and in treating several diseases, where peripheral blood stem cell transplant becomes a necessity, an allogenic transplant is required. For an allogeneic transplant, HLA matching is essential. 

Let us know about HLA matching.

HLA Matching

HLA matching, which stands for human leukocyte antigen matching, plays a crucial role in peripheral blood stem cell transplantation. HLA refers to a group of protein molecules inherited from our parents that are found in most cells in our body. Before a stem cell transplant, the HLA type of both the patient and potential donors must be determined through blood samples. The goal is to find a donor whose HLA type closely matches that of the patient.

The level of HLA matching is determined by the number of HLA molecules shared between the patient and the donor. Typically, HLA matching is based on six HLA molecules, and the more molecules two individuals share, the better the match. A good HLA match means that the immune systems of the patient and the donor are less likely to see each other as foreign and attack each other.

Several studies and evidence support the importance of HLA matching in peripheral blood stem cell transplantation (PBSCT). High-resolution HLA typing has been introduced for donor selection, leading to improved outcomes in transplant patients. It has been observed that HLA matching contributes to the success of unrelated donor marrow transplantation and increases overall survival while reducing transplant-related mortality

In addition, a higher risk of complications, such as graft-versus-host disease (GVHD), has been reported in HLA-incompatible transplantations and with peripheral blood stem cells as the graft source. 

The availability of a large number of donors worldwide and advancements in HLA typing technologies have facilitated the selection of better-matched donors for hematopoietic stem cell transplantation

HLA matching is particularly important in unrelated donor transplants, where finding a fully matched donor can be challenging. The closer the HLA match, the better the chances of successful engraftment and reduced post-transplant complications.

HLA Matching Test for Stem cell transplant

Reasons to choose India over other countries:

  1. Economy and standard of living: The cost of bone marrow treatment in India is much more affordable as opposed to undergoing treatment in the US, Thailand, or any European country. Even the stay, consultation, facilities, and everything else will also cost much less when compared to the Western counterparts.
  2. Options: India has a wide range of hospitals to choose from; that offer care and treatment according to one’s budget. With the advancement in the field of medicine, hospitals also try their best to bring down the cost to make treatment cost-effective and available to all strata of society. There is also the promising possibility of choosing doctors whose expertise and experience will help you heal better. The cost differs greatly based on the chosen surgeon. 
Sr.No. Countries Average Cost (USD) Average Cost (INR)
1 India $10,400 – $30,000 ₹8,50,000 – ₹25,00,000
2 USA $350,000 – $800,000 ₹2,47,36,250 – ₹5,65,40,000
3 United Kingdom $233,310 – $583,275 ₹1,64,89,184- ₹4,12,22,960
4 Germany $100,000 – $250,000 ₹70,67,500 – ₹1,76,68,750
4 United Kingdom $49,999 – $100,000 ₹35,33,679 – ₹70,67,500
best country for bone marrow transplant

Which country is best for peripheral blood stem cell transplant?

Once your doctor advised you about a peripheral blood stem cell transplant the first thing that comes to your mind is where you should get this treatment done. While considering a suitable country for the treatment you must ensure various factors like:

  • Affordability of the procedure in that country
  • Survival ratio of people who underwent peripheral blood stem cell transplants in the country you have chosen.
  • Availability of the latest treatment and world-class-healthcare facility
  • The cost of the stay in the country you have chosen
  • The success rate of bone marrow transplants in your chosen country

Other than checking for the affordability and availability of world-class treatment, you must consider the following factors too:

  • Connectivity ease to the country you have chosen from your country, 
  • Safety of the selected country.
  • Ease of local communication in the chosen country

While we usually consider Western countries for treatment, the cost of getting treated in those countries may not be pocket-friendly.

Contrary to the Western nations India provides you with a viable option for treatment as Indian hospitals ensure that you get advanced treatment while charging you almost half of what it would have cost in Western counterparts.

How to choose the best doctor for your peripheral blood stem cell transplant in India?

Choosing the best haematologic oncologist for peripheral blood stem cell transplants is very important. By choosing a good doctor you can ensure efficient treatment.

An experienced and well-trained doctor helps to replace the diseased bone marrow with healthy bone marrow. If you are unsure about selecting a doctor, you must ensure that:

  • The doctor is board certified
  • The experience and expertise of your doctor in transplanting bone marrow
best doctor for bone marrow transplant in india
best hospital for bone marrow transplant in india

How to choose the best hospital for peripheral blood stem cell transplant in India?

Although it is a tedious job to select a hospital you must ensure that it offers world-class healthcare facilities and is equipped with the latest healthcare devices for the treatment.

Apart from choosing a hospital that offers the latest medical approach, you must also ensure that the hospital has a dedicated unit for people undergoing transplants for efficient pre and post-transplant care.

Cost of bone marrow transplant in India

Depending on the condition of the patient, the concerned doctor may suggest to undergoing radiation therapy or chemotherapy. The cost for the same will have to be additionally added to the above-listed cost, based on the type of transplant one has to opt for.

As compared to the bone marrow transplant, the cost of PBSCT has been reduced because of less cumbersome procedures and fewer hospital stays. However, the cost will vary according to the chosen hospital, doctor, healthcare facilities, and type of transplant. 

The cost of one cycle of chemotherapy is anywhere between USD 500 to USD 1000 (INR 35643 to INR 71286)

The initial allogeneic bone marrow transplant cost in India is nearly USD 18,000. (15,00,000 INR)

The starting autologous bone marrow transplant cost in India is around USD 10,400. ( 800000 INR) 

When planning your Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Transplant in India, we recommend you to be prepared and aware of every minuscule aspect, so as to avoid any surprises. We, at MedicoExperts, are open and ready to answer any query you may have.

cost of bone marrow transplant in india

The cost of bone marrow transplant in India according to the type of transplant is as follows:

Sr.No. Procedures Evaluation Cost (USD) Treatment Cost (USD)
1 Autologous peripheral blood stem cell transplant 1300 – 1800 10400 – 18000
2 Allogenic peripheral blood stem cell transplant 1300 – 1800 18000 – 30000
Success rate of Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Transplant in India

Success rate of Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Transplant in India

The success rate of Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Transplant in India differs from hospital to hospital with a collective average ranging from 75-80%.

This is a result of extremely qualified and highly skilled surgeons and highly equipped, hospitals with strict patient care, cleanliness and infection control policies.

The percentage of relapse noticed in cases of autologous transplant patients is comparatively low.



In comparison to bone marrow transplants, peripheral blood stem cell transplants (PBSCT) offer several advantages for patients. PBSCT is less invasive and involves a simpler collection process, reducing discomfort and recovery time.

Also, PBSCT tends to lead to faster engraftment, where the transplanted cells start producing new blood cells sooner. This makes PBSCT a more favorable option for patients facing the challenges of blood malignancies and disorders.

With its benefits of reduced pain, quicker recovery, and improved outcomes, PBSCT stands out as a promising choice in the fight against cancer.

Role of MedicoExperts in arranging peripheral blood stem cell bone marrow transplant

MedicoExperts helps in coordinating the process of arranging peripheral blood stem cell bone marrow transplants. These transplants involve replacing unhealthy stem cells with healthy ones

Most transplants use peripheral blood stem cells, which are immature stem cells found in the bloodstream.

The role of MedicoExperts is to facilitate the collection of healthy stem cells, whether from the patient’s own body or a donor, and ensure that the transplant procedure is carried out effectively. They work with healthcare providers and transplant centers to ensure that the necessary stem cells are obtained and that the transplant is performed according to the patient’s specific needs and medical condition.

Role of MedicoExperts in arranging peripheral blood stem cell bone marrow transplant

Frequently Asked Questions and patient concerns:

1. How do I know which Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Transplant is best for me?

The consulting surgeon will review your reports and decide on the best-suited option for your treatment.

We at MedicoExperts, ensure that you get nothing but the best diagnosis and treatment for your ailment. Be assured to get the best treatment advice from the chosen best surgeons in India.

2. What's the difference between bone marrow transplant and stem cell transplant?

In a stem cell transplant, stem cells are taken from either your blood or someone else’s blood, known as a peripheral blood stem cell transplant. Alternatively, they can be taken from your bone marrow or someone else’s bone marrow, which is called a bone marrow transplant. Stem cell transplants are the most commonly performed type of transplant.

3. Why are BMT and PBSCT used in cancer treatment?

Bone Marrow Transplantation (BMT) and Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Transplant (PBSCT) help cancer patients by allowing them to safely receive very strong doses of chemotherapy and/or radiation therapy. These high doses can kill cancer cells along with some healthy cells.

4. What are the risks of PBSCT?

Here are some risks of PBSCT:

  • Chemotherapy-Related Complications:

    • High-dose chemotherapy prior to PBSCT increases the risk of infections due to reduced white blood cell counts (immunosuppression).
    • It also leads to complications related to low red blood cell counts (anemia) and low platelet counts (thrombocytopenia), which can result in bleeding and fatigue.
  • Graft versus Host Disease (GvHD):

    • GvHD is a common risk after transplantation, where transplanted cells from the donor recognize the recipient’s body as foreign and attack it.
    • This immune response can lead to various complications, affecting the skin, liver, and gastrointestinal tract.
  • Immunosuppressive Drug Risks:

    • To manage GvHD, patients are often given immunosuppressive drugs.
    • These drugs decrease the immune response, making patients more susceptible to severe infections.
    • Additionally, long-term use of immunosuppressive drugs increases the risk of developing other types of cancers.
    • The overall decrease in immune response due to immunosuppressive drugs increases the vulnerability to infections, which can be severe and difficult to treat.
  • Other Complications:

    • PBSCT can also lead to various other complications such as organ damage, gastrointestinal issues, and hormonal imbalances.

Best hospitals For Bone Marrow Transplant in India

Get treated at state-of-the-art Multi-speciality hospitals in India which are JCI, NABH accredited and have advanced technologies with best-on-ground staff for a comprehensive care.

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Dr. Khushbu Jain

Author’s Bio

Dr. Khushbu Jain

Dr. Khushbu Jain is a dedicated professional with a passion for advancing healthcare through cutting-edge treatments. She has a special interest in researching regenerative medicine and advanced treatment for diseases that are difficult to treat with conventional treatment options. Her deep understanding of these progressive treatments allows her to offer patients personalized and effective solutions for a variety of health concerns.

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