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Cerebral Palsy

Cerebral Palsy Treatment in India

As a parent of a child with cerebral palsy, you may be worried about your child’s education and future. 

You want to improve their mobility, and self-reliance by giving them the right treatment and care they need. 

You may have heard about cell-based therapies like stem cell therapy and how effective they are, but you are still confused and not sure whether you should opt for it for your child.

India has shown some amazing success in the field of stem cell treatment, especially in the case of cerebral palsy. 

In other words, cerebral palsy treatment in India can give your child a new life. Let’s learn how.

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best cerebral palsy treatment in india, Key Takeaways

Key Takeaways

  • Know about cerebral palsy and its causes, symptoms, and different types.
  • Learn more about the process of diagnosis and how can early detection help in treatment.
  • Learn about regenerative medicines and how stem cell therapy is one of the best and most advanced options.
  • Know the team of experts involved in the treatment process, the cost of the treatment, and how successful it is.

What is Cerebral Palsy?

The term cerebral palsy means a group of conditions that affect your movements and posture. It happens due to damage to the developing brain, mostly in the mother’s womb. The brain damage happens to the areas that control your muscle movements.

The symptoms of  Cerebral Palsy can be mild to severe and they start showing up in infancy or early childhood. 

Check this video to understand cerebral palsy better.

What are the causes of Cerebral Palsy?

As said above, cerebral palsy happens when parts of your brain that control your muscles or movements are damaged. 

These damages can happen due to many causes. Let’s learn about these causes:

These damages can happen before and during birth. Here are some causes:

  • Premature birth.
  • Lack of blood flow to the brain of the fetus.
  • Birth defects happen as the baby’s brain doesn’t develop properly while in the womb.
  • Infection in the brain or spinal cord.
  • Genetic problems that affect the fetus.
  • Brain damage due to bilirubin (a substance created by your liver)  buildup.
  • Brain damage is caused by a newborn breathing a mixture of its first feces and amniotic fluid into the lung during the delivery. Due to this, there can be a lack of oxygen in the uterus which may lead to brain damage.
  • Newborn low blood sugar.

The baby can develop cerebral palsy after birth. Here are some causes:

  • Accidental injury. 
  • Asphyxiation (oxygen deprivation that can cause unconsciousness or even death).
  • Stroke, bleeding, or infections in the brain.
  • Jaundice.

The following are some risk factors for cerebral palsy:

  • Having a low birth weight.
  • Infertility treatment of the mother.
  • Infections during pregnancy.
  • Fever during pregnancy.
  • Toxic chemical exposure during pregnancy.
  • Some medical conditions of the mother like abnormal thyroid function, excess protein in urine, seizures, and developmental or intellectual disability.
  • Complicated delivery.
  • Infants who have seizures.
  • Jaundice in infants.
  • Injuries in infants.

Knowing the risk factors will help you take proactive steps and may prevent the chances of cerebral palsy.

What are the symptoms of Cerebral Palsy?

The symptoms of CP vary from patient to patient. Some patients with CP may have difficulty in balance, others may have difficulty in movement.

In some cases, cerebral palsy impacts the whole body and in other cases, it might be restricted to one side of the body. 

Typically, signs and symptoms include but are not limited to problems with movement, balance, coordination, speech, swallowing, eating, and walking.

The symptoms of cerebral palsy can be divided into movement and coordination, speech and eating, developmental issues, and other problems. Let’s have a look at them.

Symptoms related to movement and coordination are:

  • Stiff muscles.
  • Variations in muscle tone, such as being either too stiff or too floppy.
  • Not able to balance the body.
  • Jerky involuntary movements.
  • Slow movements.
  • Only reaching with one hand.
  • Dragging a leg while crawling.
  • Walking on toes.
  • A crouched walk.
  • A scissors-like walk with knees crossing. 
  • A wide gait or an asymmetrical walk.
  • Difficulty with fine motor skills, such as buttoning clothes or picking up utensils.

Symptoms related to speech and eating disorders of cerebral palsy are: 

  • Delays in speech development.
  • Difficulty speaking.
  • Difficulty with sucking, chewing or eating.
  • Excessive drooling or problems with swallowing.

Symptoms related to developmental issues are: 

  • Delays in reaching motor skills milestones, such as sitting up or crawling.
  • Learning difficulties.
  • Intellectual disabilities.
  • Delayed growth, resulting in a smaller size than would be expected.

Damage to the brain can contribute to other neurological problems, such as:

  • Seizures (epilepsy).
  • Difficulty in hearing.
  • Problems with vision and abnormal eye movements.
  • Abnormal touch or pain sensations.
  • Bladder and bowel problems, including constipation and urine control.
  • Mental health conditions, such as emotional disorders and behavioural problems.

What are the different types of Cerebral Palsy?

Based on mobility limitations and affected body parts, the CP can be differentiated into the following types. Moreover,  each type can vary in severity, symptoms, and treatment.

The most common type of CP is spastic CP. In other words, 80% of the CP patients are Spastic.

Spastic CP impacts the muscles and makes them stiff, resulting in difficulty in walking. This is due to weakness in muscles. 

The symptoms are found in the entire body or just one side of the body.

Dyskinetic CP patients can’t control their body movements and have involuntary, abnormal movements in the arms, legs, and hands. In some cases, movements are jerky and in others the movements are slow. Around 15% of cerebral palsy patients have dyskinetic CP. 

Further, in a few cases, patients cannot control the tongue and it comes out of the mouth involuntarily, resulting in difficulty in swallowing and talking.

People with this form of cerebral palsy usually have problems with balance, coordination, and motor functions. They can’t keep the objects in their hands and hence can’t write. Around 5% of cerebral palsy patients have ataxic CP.

There are different types of cerebral palsy depending on the extent of brain damage and the involvement of limbs.


When only one arm or leg of the child is affected, it is called monoplegia.


If your child has diplegia, their two limbs are affected by the condition. Children with this condition will have mild movement issues in their upper body, too.


It affects one entire side of the body. Usually, the arm gets more affected than the leg on one side.


A child will have triplegia when their three limbs (for example, the child may have issues with both legs and one arm) are affected by cerebral palsy.


When all four limbs are affected by this condition, it is called quadriplegia. Usually, the legs are more affected. This condition can cause issues related to controlling the facial muscles. As a result, the child may have problems in eating, talking, and swallowing.

Double Hemiplegia

In double hemiplegia, the child’s all four limbs are affected but one side of the body gets more impacted than the other side. 

Understanding the causes, symptoms, and types of cerebral palsy will help you reach out to a pediatrician when you see any of the symptoms in your child.

This CP impacts the muscle tone and makes them overly relaxed. The body parts like arms and legs move very easily and patients are not able to control them. They can’t keep their body, including the head straight. 

In most cases, patients are not able to speak, eat, or walk.

In some cases, patients have symptoms that are a mixture of different types. This is called mixed cerebral palsy.

When should you reach out to a doctor?

You need to contact a pediatrician and get a proper diagnosis if your child has any of the symptoms mentioned above. 

Also, if the child has issues with swelling, eye muscle imbalance, poor coordination, and other developmental issues, you should immediately approach a healthcare provider.

How Cerebral Palsy is diagnosed?

The symptoms of cerebral palsy become apparent over time and that’s why, in most cases, the diagnosis is made after few months or a year after the birth of the child. 

Besides, if the child has mild symptoms, diagnosis is delayed longer. When you finally approach a pediatrician, they check your child’s medical history, conduct a medical examination, and observe their growth and development.

The pediatrician then advises you to go to a neurologist and child development specialist to better understand your child’s condition. 

The tests these specialists will conduct include:

  • MRI.
  • Cranial Ultrasound (this test uses high-frequency sound waves to produce brain images).
  • Electroencephalogram (done when your child is suspected to have a seizure).
  • Skin, urine, and blood tests to check genetic and metabolic conditions.
  • Additional tests can be conducted to check hearing, vision, speech, intellect development, etc.
How Cerebral Palsy is diagnosed, what is the best treatment for cerebral palsy
best cerebral palsy treatment in india, How is Cerebral Palsy treated conventionally, cerebral palsy treatment in india by stem cells

How is Cerebral Palsy treated conventionally?

There are treatments available for cerebral palsy that assist your child to be active and independent. The treatments could include:

  • Physiotherapy – Exercise and stretching methods to assist physical capacity and hopefully enhance motion.
  • Speech therapy – To help with communication and speech, and difficulty in swallowing.
  • Occupational therapy – Where a therapist defines and indicates methods to make everyday activities simpler.
  • Medication – To relieve stiffness and related issues.
  • Orthopaedic surgery or selective dorsal rhizotomy surgery (cutting nerve fiber) to treat movement or growth problems in some cases.
  • Assistive devices – To make daily life easier.
  • Surgery – When the child has severe symptoms like stiff and tightly contracted muscles.

How do regenerative medicines help?

Regenerative medicines aim to treat the underlying cause of any disease. These treatments have the potential to regenerate the damaged tissues. 

This field of medicine aims to regenerate and replace tissues and organs that have been damaged by your age, disease, congenital conditions, accidents, or trauma. 

The conventional treatment approaches focus more on treating the symptoms of a disease or condition while regenerative medicines’ goal is to find a holistic treatment and give the patient a sustainable treatment outcome.

How do regenerative medicines help, stem cell therapy for cerebral palsy
Best Cerebral Palsy Treatment in India, what is the newest treatment for cerebral palsy?

Best Cerebral Palsy Treatment in India?

Coming to India to treat Cerebral palsy is a good idea, as the country has shown remarkable results in improving children’s motor, sensory, cognitive, speech, and hearing functions. 

Stem cell therapy has helped many children live an independent and healthy life. Even though this therapy can be a ray of hope for your child’s future, you may not be sure about whether to come to India for the treatment. 

You may be not sure about travelling to a completely unknown country and getting your child treated there. There may be many questions in your mind like whether it is safe or the pain you are taking to come here is worth your time and money. 

But what if we tell you that you need not worry about all these things related to travel, visa, accommodation, and successfully treating your child? 

From getting your visa to finding the best doctor and hospital, MedicoExperts will help you throughout your child’s healing journey. 

We can help you connect with the best team of doctors and specialists in India for cerebral palsy.

Stem Cell Therapy for Cerebral Palsy

Stem cell therapy lessens the symptoms, prevents complications in the future, and maximizes the independence of function. 

Stem cell therapy repairs and regenerates the tissue that has been damaged, restoring operations in the impacted region and resulting in clinical improvements. Stem cell therapy plays a major role in improving the overall health and quality of life of your child.

This efficient strategy for treating cerebral palsy relies on stem cells’ capacity leading to enhanced metabolism and immune system. Stem cell therapy provides a positive and remarkable result for the brain and its system. 

The use of autologous bone mesenchymal stem cells in stem cell therapy has led to significant and effective improvements in patients with cerebral palsy. The therapy is simple, secure, and effective because it works at the neurological level. It helps them become independent and to boost their social skills.

As you have already got an idea about how stem cell helps in cerebral palsy, let’s understand the procedure of the treatment.

stem cell therapy for cerebral palsy, stem cell treatment for cerebral palsy in india
What is the procedure for Stem Cell Therapy for Cerebral Palsy, what is the best treatment for cerebral palsy

What is the procedure for Stem Cell Therapy for Cerebral Palsy?

Stem cell therapy is a simple and completely safe procedure that requires only injections and no surgery is involved. In the Stem cell procedure, adult stem cells are taken from the blood of the patient and injected back into the patient after processing in a specialized stem cell laboratory.

Following are the steps MedicoExperts follow for the stem cell therapy procedure: 

  • Firstly you will have to share your medical history and reports. 
  • Then, MedicoExperts’s stem cell specialist will conduct some tests and scans to ensure that you are eligible to undergo the therapy.
  • Stem cells will be collected from your blood after your eligibility is proven. 
  • Experts will then prepare the selective stem cell samples and lab-test them to ensure quality.
  • Next, the stem cells will be used for the therapy. 
  • Our doctors will monitor you for around a few days and then discharge you.
  • But you have to come back for a follow-up consultation with our stem cell experts as per your requirements. If you cannot travel, we will arrange a video consultation.

What to expect from Stem Cell Therapy for Cerebral Palsy?

You can expect the following improvements in your child after stem cell therapy:

  • You will see improvement in motor skills and functional abilities.
  • You will notice an improvement in speech and hearing skills.
  • You will see improvements in mental and cognitive functions. 
  • No injections and surgeries are involved in the procedure.
  • The treatment process may take 10 days to 1 month.
What to expect from Stem Cell Therapy for Cerebral Palsy,
cost of stem cell therapy for cerebral palsy in india, What is the cost of Cerebral Palsy Treatment in India

What is the cost of Cerebral Palsy Treatment in India?

The cost of stem cell therapy for cerebral palsy treatment in India starts from 2000 USD per cycle and depends on the condition of the patient, the protocol adopted by the treating specialist, and the chosen doctor. A stay of 10 to 30 days in India is to be expected to undergo the treatment. In some rare cases, the stay can be extended to 45 days as well.

For better outcomes, either Ozone Therapy or Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) will be combined based on the protocol of the selected stem cell specialist. The super-specialist doctors in India also employ the use of ozone therapy along with stem cell therapy for best results.

The cost of HBOT ranges from 50 USD (4000 INR) to 90 USD (7,500 INR) per session. Ozone therapy may cost 0.36 USD (30 INR) to 72 USD (6000 INR).

Success rate of Cerebral Palsy Treatment in India

Most cerebral palsy patients can live long, happy, and normal lives after stem cell therapy. 

Patients notice improvements in bowel and bladder control along with motility and independent activity. 

Almost 85% of our patients showed drastic improvement after undergoing stem cell therapy in India. Their cognitive functions were improved drastically. 

Interestingly, our patient data indicates that over 73% of cerebral palsy patients have benefited from the combination of stem cell therapy with HBOT.

Success rate of Cerebral Palsy Treatment in India
Cerebral Palsy Treatment in India - Takeaway, best cerebral palsy treatment in india, stem cell therapy for cerebral palsy


Cerebral palsy can be a tough battle to fight for your child. However, the proper treatment and care can help them live a self-reliant, healthy life.

You, as a parent, can make that happen with the help of stem cell therapy. MedicoExperts will help you throughout your child’s healing journey. 

Be it the visa process or finding the best hospital and doctors in India, we will always stay by your side and help you get nothing but the best medical care and travel experience.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Q1. Is cerebral palsy caused by genetics or birth-related injury?

Cerebral palsy is not genetic. It is an illness that can sometimes birth-related injury to the brain, although most doctors are pretty uncertain as to what the cause actually is. It is not a disease passed through DNA. Quite to the contrary, cerebral palsy cannot be carried through the DNA similar to another injury such as a broken bone or a deep cut.

Q2. Is cerebral palsy a disability or a disease?

Cerebral palsy is a disease characterized by different disabilities. Cerebral palsy can happen because of brain injuries and deprivation of oxygen, but as stated earlier, it is not an infectious disease or a disease that can be transmitted genetically.

Q3. Is cerebral palsy a muscular disorder?

Many people see how difficult it is for individuals with cerebral palsy to balance and coordinate their motions. It is an injury that affects the area of your brain that controls your motor function and muscle movements.

Q4. What challenges will my child face with cerebral palsy as an adult?

Although medical progress has come a long way, as adults, there are still many problems that children with cerebral palsy will face. Of course, the severity of the disease and how well each individual responds to distinct types of therapy will rely on the medical challenges of the patient and the treatment opted for them.

Q5. Is stem cell therapy better than the conventional approach? Why?

The conventional treatment is very invasive and uses steroids and other measures to suppress the symptoms. It also offers no long-term relief from cerebral palsy issues. Its side effects are also noticeable to the same extent as the beneficial impacts, so it’s not a holistic way to treat patients with cerebral palsy. Stem cell therapy aims to heal brain damage and therefore the outcomes of this therapy are much better and quicker. Besides that, the therapy does not have any side effects on the patient.

Q6. Which is the best hospital for cerebral palsy treatment in India?

There are many top-notch hospitals in India. To choose the best one you need to keep in mind the following: 

  • Check whether they have specialized neurology, pediatric neurology departments, and stem cell specialists with proven track records. 
  • Make sure the hospital you choose has facilities like diagnostics, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, and special stem cell labs.
  • Look for a hospital that has experienced professionals and the highest success rate. 
  • Check what kind of rehabilitation and aftercare services the hospital provides.
  • Check the accreditation and certifications of the hospital.
  • Confirm whether it is within your budget or not.

Q7. Is there a cerebral palsy treatment for adults?

The adult can also benefit from using stem cell therapy for the treatment of cerebral palsy. This can help him improve his symptoms and restore his general health.

Q8. What is the best treatment for cerebral palsy?

Stem cell therapy is one of the best treatments for cerebral palsy. It can regenerate the damaged tissues of the brain and treat the functional limitations and other symptoms of this disease.

Q9. What is the newest treatment for cerebral palsy?

Stem cell therapy is the newest and most effective treatment for cerebral palsy. It has shown some remarkable results in treating the disease in recent years.

Q10. What are the stages of cerebral palsy?

Cerebral palsy stages are divided based on the severity of it. The stages are mild, moderate, severe, or no CP.

Q11. How to find the best doctor for cerebral palsy in India?

The following tips will help you find the best doctor in India for cerebral palsy treatment:

  • Get recommendations from your family doctor.
  • Check reviews on online platforms.
  • Check the protocol and procedure the doctor follows.
  • Consult MedicoExperts  to get connected with the best doctor.

Q12. Know the team of specialists that will treat you

The team of specialists who will be involved in your treatment includes a pediatrician, neurologist, psychologist, stem cell specialist, physiotherapist, speech therapist, and occupational therapist. 

You need to first go to a pediatrician for the diagnosis. Once your child is diagnosed with CP, you need to consult a neurologist if the child has epilepsy. A cerebral palsy specialist neurologist will be able to identify areas of brain damage in your child. 

The neurologist will also check your child’s motor skills, postures, muscle tone, strength, sense, and coordination.

If you are planning for stem cell therapy, you will need the help of a stem cell therapist here. 

Additionally, the doctor’s team will have a psychologist for mental health and behavioural issues. 

To further reduce motor issues, your child will need a physiotherapist and if they have speech and language problems, they will need a speech therapist, too.

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  • Complex cases involving multi specialities
  • International patients looking for treatment from Indian doctors

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  • https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/cerebral-palsy/causes/
  • https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/cerebral-palsy/causes/
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Medically Reviewed By MedicoExperts Editorial & Clinically Review Board On 29 June 2024

Dr. Khushbu Jain

Author Bio:

Dr. Khushbu Jain 

Dr. Khushbu Jain is a dedicated professional with a passion for advancing healthcare through cutting-edge treatments. She has a special interest in researching regenerative medicine and advanced treatment for diseases that are difficult to treat with conventional treatment options. Her deep understanding of these progressive treatments allows her to offer patients personalized and effective solutions for a variety of health concerns.

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