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Breast reconstruction surgery

Advanced breast reconstruction surgery in India with affordable cost

Do you lack confidence while going out after your mastectomy?

Undergoing mastectomy is a painful and draining experience both physically and emotionally because the breast plays a crucial role in our overall appearance. Believe us you look amazing without your breasts, however, sometimes the absence of breasts may affect your confidence. Especially when you meet several people every day.

You are a hero, you have fought cancer and defeated the malady. Do not let your psychological bent of mind stop you from doing things that you enjoyed. If you feel that the absence of your breast is affecting your confidence you can undergo breast reconstruction surgery in India like Firoze from Ankara did.

Firoze, a 32-year-old Air hostess, was diagnosed with breast cancer a few years ago. Firoze’s world shattered when her doctor suggested she undergo a mastectomy to arrest cancer. She knew that after her surgery her on flight career would get over. But based on the severity of her disease she underwent a mastectomy procedure. 

Although Firoze bravely defeated cancer, she was still fighting against her insecurities. Firoze felt very inferior to other women while she also feared that her husband would not find her attractive anymore. The fear that Firoze had inside her started making her feel terrible.

breast reconstruction surgery in India
breast reconstruction surgery in India

Firoze felt that everyone was staring at her bizarre chest, and with such an even chest she would not be allowed to serve people on the flight. Her dreams were shattered and she was slowly heading towards clinical depression. 

Sensing Firoze’s insecurity, her husband started looking for clinics that offered breast reconstruction for her. 

After searching through various clinics Firoze’s husband, Mustafa came across the MedicoExperts website and left a query with us.

Once our sales team received his query they got back to Mustafa to confirm his availability for a video consultation with one of our empanelled board-certified doctors. 

Once the family confirmed their availability our doctor consulted Firoze and cleared all the doubts she had regarding the treatment and its success rate.

After the consultation, Firoze was hopeful about undergoing the procedure and the family decided to fly to India to get the procedure done.

Once Mustafa and Firoze reached India our team ensured smooth hospitalization for Firoze. Soon after all the paperwork was done the doctors conducted some pre-procedure evaluation tests to confirm Firoze’s eligibility to undergo the surgery.

Around six weeks after the surgery Firoze saw the results of the procedure and cried out in joy. Firoze said that breast reconstruction surgery in India has helped her forget about her cancer. Mustafa was overwhelmed to see his wife regain her confidence. 

Like Firoze, give your life another chance to live confidently without any self-doubt about your body.

Let us understand more about breast reconstruction:

breast reconstruction surgery in India

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what is breast reconstruction

What is breast reconstruction?

Breast reconstruction is an innovative approach that helps plastic surgeons to rebuild breasts that after a mastectomy.

This procedure has helped several women to regain their confidence and boost their psychological mindset by helping them rebuild their breasts.

During breast reconstruction, your surgeon may use your body tissues, or sometimes the surgeon may suggest breast implants for you.

With breast reconstruction surgery in India, wipe off your bitter breast cancer experience and welcome a new you who is confident and has defeated cancer bravely.

Why should you undergo breast reconstruction surgery?

You have undergone a lot and we understand your pain. Trust us you are one of the most beautiful women, and we wish that all the harsh memories of your breast cancer are erased from your memoir. But it may be difficult for you to do so, especially when you have lost one or both of your breasts to breast cancer. 

However, you can make your win over cancer memorable by getting breast reconstruction surgery in India done to mark your triumph.  Besides, marking your win breast reconstruction surgery also helps you by:

  • Improving your self-esteem and body image issues
  • Improving the symmetry of your breasts
  • Reducing your dependency on external prosthetics like foam or pads 
  • Help you heal emotionally from your breast cancer treatment 
breast reconstruction surgery in India
breast reconstruction surgery

When should you undergo breast reconstruction surgery?

Typically your doctor can initiate breast reconstruction surgery soon after removing your cancerous breasts – immediate reconstruction-, or your doctor can reconstruct your breasts later – delayed reconstruction.

However, before undergoing this procedure you must know that the surgery will not be able to make your boobs appear as they were before. 

Also, a reconstructed breast will not give you the same sensations as your natural breast.

What are the different procedures used for breast reconstruction surgery?

Generally, there are two different approaches to breast reconstruction surgery:

During an implant reconstruction surgery, your surgeon creates a pouch in the chest muscles in which your doctor places a tissue expander. Once the tissue expander is properly placed your surgeon closes the incision site. 

After 2-3 weeks your doctor will inject saline into the valve that he had created. After a few weeks, you can see an enlargement in that area. 

Once your doctor feels that the enlargement is enough for you he/she will prepare you for getting permanent implant surgery. 

The permanent implant surgery lasts for 2-3 hours during which your doctor will place breast implants that may be filled with saline or silicone gel.

During a tissue flap reconstruction surgery your surgeon removes tissues from different parts of your body to reconstruct the breast so that no implants are needed. 

This type of reconstruction helps to restore the sensory feeling around the chest and the ribs.

Who is the ideal candidate for breast reconstruction surgery?

The healthcare fraternity had been trying hard for years to come up with innovative ways to reconstruct breasts for women who underwent a mastectomy. After a lot of research and study plastic surgeons are now helping several women to get their breasts back.

Although breast reconstruction surgery in India is specially curated by plastic surgeons for women who underwent a mastectomy, not all women who underwent mastectomy can have breast reconstruction surgery. 

An ideal candidate for breast reconstruction surgery is someone who:

  • Is cancer-free
  • Is not on medication that can delay blood clotting
  • Has no chronic ailments like hypertension, diabetes, etc
  • Has realistic expectation from the surgery 
Ideal candidate for breast reconstruction surgery
breast reconstruction surgery

What can you expect after breast reconstruction surgery?

Soon after the procedure, you may feel pain and bruises at the incision site which goes away within a few days. 

After the procedure, many women complain of fatigue or tiredness for weeks after the surgery. 

The surgery may take a few months for you to heal. Also, after the surgery, your doctor may advise you to avoid strenuous exercise and lifting heavy things over your head for a few months after the procedure.

How to choose the best country for breast reconstruction surgery?

There are several western countries like the UK, and the US that offer advanced cosmetic procedures, but the cost of breast reconstruction surgery in these countries might hurt your pocket.

Unlike, western countries, the cost of breast reconstruction surgery in India is almost half.

India has emerged as one of the favorite destinations for people globally to get their treatment done. Also, the access to world-class treatment and efficient post-operative care at affordable prices has attracted many to India for treatment. 

Also, India houses a few of the world’s best cosmetic surgeons with specialized and well-trained operative and post-operative care teams who are capable of handling complex cases.

best country for breast reconstruction surgery
best hospitals for breast reconstruction surgery

How to choose the best hospital for breast reconstruction surgery in India?

Breast reconstruction surgery in India is an invasive treatment that requires the expertise of an experienced surgeon and efficient post-procedure care. Therefore, you must choose a hospital that offers world-class healthcare services. 

Besides, looking for a hospital that provides world-class facilities, you must also ensure that the hospital you have chosen has a dedicated unit for cosmetic procedures and post-care.

How to choose the best cosmetic surgeon for breast reconstruction surgery?

Now that you have decided to get your breast reconstructed we would suggest you choose a good plastic surgeon after doing a lot of research. 

Once you are satisfied with your surgeon’s selection you should proceed with the procedure.

Also, while choosing a cosmetic surgeon for your breast reconstruction, you must ensure:

  • Your doctor is certified by the board 
  • The experience of your doctor in the specific procedure you want him to do.
  • That doctor you have chosen is trustworthy and someone with whom you are comfortable 
  • Choose a cosmetic surgeon whose aesthetic sense appeals to you
best cosmetic sergon for breast reconstruction

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success rate of breast reconstruction surgery

What is the success rate of breast reconstruction in India?

Effective breast reconstruction can ease the emotional turmoil you have been having for so long. Through the expertise of the best cosmetic surgeons in India, patients have claimed to have extremely satisfying results.

The success rate of breast reconstruction surgery in India, among hospitals and surgeons, is above 98 percent.

Treatment Cost

How much does breast reconstruction surgery cost in India?

Before considering India for your procedure you must know that India offers the expertise of the best cosmetic surgeons at an affordable price which is almost half of what clinics charge in western countries like the US, UK, or Thailand. 

Usually, the pre-procedure evaluation cost is around USD 300-400 ( 22926 – 30569 INR).

The cost of breast reconstruction surgery in India usually costs around 2500 – 3000 USD (191057 – 229268 INR) for one breast. 

However, the cost of the treatment usually differs based on the choice of the surgeon, the surgical procedure, and the chosen hospital.

breast reconstruction surgery cost in India

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Get expert advice from a panel of cosmetic surgeons from the comfort of your home

Frequently Asked Questions and patient concerns:

1. What is breast reconstruction with implants?

Breast reconstruction with implants is a surgical approach to creating breasts for women who underwent mastectomy by placing silicone or saline implants to achieve a natural-looking breast.

2. What is the first stage of breast reconstruction surgery?

During the first stage of breast reconstruction surgery, your doctor creates a flap in your chest in which he places a tissue retractor that is later used to fill in implants.

3. Are there any side-effects of breast reconstruction?

Breast reconstruction surgery can cause the following side effects in a few women:

  • Altered sensation in the chest area
  • Pain in the breast
  • Scar at the site of incision
  • Implant rupture
  • The unnatural shape of the breast

4. Is breast reconstruction surgery safe?

Breast reconstruction surgery is a safe procedure that has minimal risk of developing complications.

5. Can I breastfeed after getting a breast reconstruction surgery done?

No, you cannot breastfeed after a breast reconstruction surgery because your doctor removed your milk ducts during the mastectomy surgery.

6. Can you keep your nipples after mastectomy?

You can keep your nipples and aereola after mastectomy. However, if you do not want to opt for reconstruction surgery your doctor might remove them.

7. How long do I need to stay in the hospital after breast reconstruction surgery?

You need to stay in the hospital for 3-4 days after the procedure. However, you frequently need to visit your surgeon as advised by him for another 5-6 months.

8. How long do implants last?

The newer generation breast implants usually last for 15-20 years. However, sometimes due to the contraction of the scar the doctor might need to remove the implants.


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Dr. Yashashree Joshi

Author’s Bio

Dr. Yashashree Joshi

Dr. Yashashree Joshi is an MD from the Philippines with a focus on advanced oncological treatments. She has good knowledge about the latest oncological therapies that are an embodiment of the newest techniques and innovations in cancer care. Dr. Joshi has done extensive medical training in the Philippines, which added to her knowledge and experience in treating complicated cases of cancer. She is known for her kind attitude and creates an individual treatment plan that aids in curing the patient based on different disease states and requirements.

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