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Muscular Dystrophy

Advanced & Effective Muscular Dystrophy Treatment in India

Are you worried that muscular dystrophy will stop your child from living a self-reliant life?

We understand that you may be fearing that the disease will impact your child’s mobility and overall health. You may also worry about their emotional well-being and social life. 

However, stem cell therapy can be an effective Muscular dystrophy treatment in India for your child, which will give them independence and a healthy and active life.

India’s advanced medical infrastructure and the pool of super-specialized doctors are making effective muscular dystrophy treatment possible. 

Let’s first learn in detail about muscular dystrophy and how stem cell therapy helps with it.

muscular dystrophy treatment in India, muscular dystrophy treatment
Key Takeaways - Muscular Dystrophy Treatment in India

Key Takeaways

  • Understand what muscular dystrophy is and learn about the different types.
  • Learn about the causes, symptoms, and diagnosis process of MD.
  • Learn about the conventional and advanced treatment options for it. 
  • Understand the advanced treatments like stem cell therapy and how they effectively treat the disease.
  • Learn about the cost of treatment of muscular dystrophy and success rate in India.

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What is Muscular Dystrophy?

Muscular dystrophy (MD) is a neuromuscular (related to both nerve and muscles) disorder that constantly damages healthy muscles making them weak and wasted. This disease is a form of congenital abnormality due to the mutation of genes.

Your muscles and membranes need many different proteins to be strong and function properly. These proteins are supplied to your body from the food you eat, but proteins like dystrophin are created by your own body.

This information regarding the production as well as the amount of protein is being passed on, by our genetic makeup. Due to gene mutation, wrong information is passed from one generation to another generation, and as a result, these important proteins are not produced or produced in very low quantities.

Without these proteins, your muscles lose their structural and functional integrity slowly which may affect the overall normal functioning of your body.

There are different types of muscular dystrophy. Let’s learn about them.

muscular dystrophy treatment in India, muscular dystrophy treatment, best hospital for muscular dystrophy treatment in india

What are the different types of Muscular Dystrophy?

Depending on the damaged gene, the site where the gene is located, and the symptoms, muscular dystrophies are divided into various types. Some of the major forms of Muscular Dystrophy are as follows:

DMD is the most common type of Muscular dystrophy and it usually affects boys. it’s because it is caused by a gene located in the x chromosome and males have only one x chromosome in their gene (males have XY chromosomes and females have XX chromosomes). 

If your child has DMD, you will see the symptoms during 2-3 years of age.  The child becomes wheelchair-bound at the age of 12 years. This involves the weakness of major involuntary muscles, such as the heart and lungs.

In DMD, the arms, legs, and spine become deformed slowly. There can be cognitive issues, too. 

Learn more about DMD here.

EDMD is a very rare form of MD, typically observed in late childhood to early teens. If you or your child has this muscular dystrophy, you will notice wasting muscles, weakness, and joint deformities. Cardiac arrest can occur in severe cases. 

EDMD affects the muscles of your upper arms, shoulder, and lower legs. 

Learn more about EDMD here.

LMD is a type of muscular dystrophy, that affects both boys and girls. It usually starts in late childhood to middle age. You will know that your child has LMD if they have a loss of muscle in the shoulders, upper arms, around the thighs, and hips.

Learn more about LMD here.

MMD is a type of Muscular Dystrophy in which muscle relaxation can cause problems. It is common in teens. The other symptoms of MMD include muscle weakness, wasting, cataracts, and heart problems.

It affects the central nervous system, gastrointestinal tract, heart, eyes, and glands that produce hormones. 

Learn more about MMD here.

FMD is a type of Muscular Dystrophy that occurs in both men and women but it is more common in men. If your child has FMD, you will see that your child sleeps with their eyes slightly open, an inability to squeeze their eyes tightly, and an issue in bringing their lips together.

Learn more about FMD here.

What are the causes of Muscular Dystrophy?

You should keep in mind that genetic problems that affect certain proteins in your body are behind muscular dystrophy. These proteins are parts of a group called Dystrophic Sarcoglycan Complex (DSC) and they are important to maintain your muscle health and to keep them strong. 

When these proteins are missing from your body or they are not working properly, the walls of your muscle cells become weak. They become so weak that even everyday activities can damage them and break them down. As a result, they die. 

If these cells die continuously, it makes your muscles weak and leads to muscle dystrophy. Along with the muscles of your body, the muscles of cell walls are also affected. This hampers the blood supply to your muscles causing more damage. 

DCG is also present in various non-muscular tissues like nerves, kidneys, and spleen cells. That is why muscular dystrophies may also show some neurological symptoms.

What are the causes of Muscular Dystrophy?
Symptoms-of-muscular-dystrophy, best treatment for muscular dystrophy

What are the symptoms of Muscular Dystrophy?

It may be difficult to diagnose MD early because, in most cases, children, who have this disease, develop normally in their early years. 

Slowly and gradually they start facing problems in activities like climbing stairs, walking on their toes, getting up from the sitting position, etc.

Mostly a child with MD often develops enlarged calf muscles due to fat replacements.

Some of the important muscular dystrophy symptoms are:

  • Fatigue & muscle weakness.
  • Mental retardation (possible but does not worsen over time).
  • Difficulty with motor skills like running, hopping, and jumping.
  • Difficulty in walking.

If you see any of these symptoms in your child or yourself, immediately approach a neurologist for an accurate diagnosis.

How is Muscular Dystrophy diagnosed?

Doctors use different methods to diagnose muscular dystrophy. You should also remember that diagnosis can happen at any age depending on when the symptoms start to show. 

Your doctor may recommend you or your child the following diagnostic tests:

  • The doctor may investigate whether you or your child has symptoms of muscle dystrophy. 
  • The doctor may ask about your family history and if there is someone who has muscular dystrophy. 
  • You may be asked to undergo a creatinine kinase blood test. Your muscles release an enzyme called creatinine kinase when they are damaged. When there is a high of this enzyme it may be due to muscular dystrophy. 
  • Certain gene mutations are linked to muscular dystrophy. So, you may asked to undergo genetic tests. 
  • The doctor may also ask you to undergo an electrical test to understand the electrical activity of your muscles. 
  • You may have to undergo a muscle biopsy in which they will extract a small sample of your muscle tissue to examine whether you have muscle dystrophy.
How is Muscular Dystrophy diagnosed?

What are the conventional treatments for Muscular Dystrophy?

The conventional treatments for muscular dystrophy focus on increasing the mobility and muscle strength of your heart and lungs.

These treatment options included physical therapy, occupational therapy, medication, and surgery. Depending on the extent of difficulty faced by the patient, treatment plans are made to help manage the trouble in swallowing, breathing, walking, and hand movements and also to slow the deterioration of muscle tissues.

The doctor may prescribe certain medications to help with the condition.

Through medication, the doctor aims to delay the progress of the condition and strengthen the muscles.

In cases where there is probable heart damage, doctors recommend heart medications, too.

Low-impact workouts like stretching and walking will help maintain muscle movement and improve overall health.

Under the careful supervision and guidance of a doctor, the patient can also do some exercises to retain the range of motion of the muscles which otherwise is affected by the disease.

Different types of therapy and assistive devices can improve your child’s self-reliance and overall health.  Braces and mobility aids will help support the weak muscles and increase self-dependency.

Additionally, the braces will help keep the muscles and tendons flexible and stretched, reducing contracture. Contracture is a permanent tightening of the muscles, skin, tendons, and nearby tissues.

Surgery is needed to fix spine problems and tight muscles, which can make breathing difficult for you or your child. In many cases, people with MD develop scoliosis, a condition that makes the spine curved abnormally which can lead to disability. Surgery is needed to straighten and stabilize the bones in the spine to avoid disability. 

On the other hand, in cases where the heart function may be affected, the doctors will conduct surgery to implant a pacemaker or other cardiac devices.

What are the advanced treatments for Muscular Dystrophy?

When you opt for advanced treatments for muscular dystrophy, they focus more on regenerating muscle tissues and minimizing the symptoms instead of managing them and giving temporary relief.

Now, let’s learn about these advanced treatments for muscular dystrophy:

Stem cell therapy for muscular dystrophy is one of the most effective ways to treat this disease. Stem cells have regenerative power with the help of which they create new cells replace the damaged ones and help you regain your muscle health.

In hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT), doctors use high-pressure oxygen to heal the body naturally. You will be given 100% pure oxygen in a chamber where the atmospheric pressure is increased and controlled under the supervision of a doctor. 

This therapy decreases inflammation and swelling, boosts your immunity, helps in healing the injuries, and regenerates the injured tissues.

This therapy increases oxygen in your body and improves the immune system. Through this therapy, doctors can quickly and effectively increase the amount of oxygen and boost the healing process.

Ozone therapy helps your oxygen-deprived tissues get enough of it and increases the oxygen levels in resting muscles. It helps you avoid lung damage, increases blood flow, improves oxygen delivery to tissues and effectively treats low-oxygen conditions (one of the symptoms of MD is respiratory failure due to lack of oxygen).

Stem cell researchers and practitioners can enhance the results by clubbing stem cell therapy with HBOT and Ozone therapy. The right combination can only be determined after a thorough examination of the patient.

Moreover, stem cell therapy combined with advanced hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) technology has turned into the highest possible blend of beneficial muscular dystrophy treatment.

Studies have shown the effectiveness of stem cell therapy in treating muscle dystrophy. So, We will now discuss in detail how it works.

Stem Cell Treatment for Muscular Dystrophy

Stem cells have the potential to regenerate and repair damaged muscle cells. Stem cell therapy can effectively treat muscular dystrophy by providing cells that can produce muscle protein and replace damaged muscle cells.

Each year MD grows 20% in most cases. Stem cell therapy can not only slow down the progression but also stop it completely and thus prevent further complications.

What is the procedure for stem cell therapy for Muscular Dystrophy in India?

Stem cell therapy for muscular dystrophy treatment is simple and completely safe. It requires only injections and it is a non-invasive procedure.

In this therapy, adult stem cells are taken from your bone marrow and injected back into you after processing in a specialized stem cell laboratory.

The procedure involves 3 steps:

It starts with extracting the stem cells from your blood, fat cells, or umbilical cord. Mesenchymal stem cells are used.  It is a painless and minimally invasive process with little or no pain.

It starts with extracting the stem cells from your blood, fat cells, or umbilical cord. Mesenchymal stem cells are used. It is a painless and minimally invasive process with little or no pain.

The bone marrow which is taken in step 1 from the patient is sent to the stem cell laboratory, where the stem cells are separated from the remaining cells of the bone marrow by the density gradient method.

A lumbar puncture (a test used to diagnose certain health issues) is done using a very thin needle through the L4-L5 space of the spine (the two lowest vertebrae of your lumber spine), after giving local anesthetic and the stem cells are injected into the cerebrospinal fluid.

After the procedure is over, your doctor may suggest some follow-up therapies like hyperbaric therapy and ozone therapy to increase the effectiveness and potency of the stem cells. 

What are the prerequisites for Muscular Dystrophy Treatment in India?

Your child needs to fulfil the following prerequisites to treat muscular dystrophy in India:

  • They should be at least 2 years of age
  • They should have a minimum haemoglobin level of 10 grams

What should you expect from Stem Cell Therapy for Muscular Dystrophy?

You can expect the following improvements after  stem cell therapy for muscular dystrophy:

  • Increased strength in core muscle 
  • Improved limb strength and balance
  • Improvements in walking ability
  • Improved hand function
  • Increased stamina
  • Better core balance
What you should expect from stem cell therapy for muscular dystrophy?
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What aftercare is needed post Stem Cell Therapy for Muscular Dystrophy?

The aftercare therapies and treatments post stem cell therapy will completely depend on the doctor you have chosen and the protocol they follow. You may need supportive remedies, follow-up therapies, immune booster programs, or rehabilitation depending on your doctor, their protocol, and your condition.

What are the costs of Muscular Dystrophy Treatment in India?

The cost of stem cell therapy for MD in India is around 2000 USD (1, 67,000 INR) per cycle.

You may need to stay for 12-15 days in the country for the entire treatment. Depending on your child’s condition, the stay may be extended to 45 days as well.

Depending on the specialist you have chosen, stem cell therapy will be combined with the latest and advanced therapies like ozone therapy, HBOT, and stimulations for better results. The number of stem cell cycles will also depend on the doctor and their protocol. 

The cost of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) ranges between 50 USD (4000 INR) to 90 USD (7500 INR) per session. Each session lasts for about 60-90 minutes for 25-30 days, every day.

The cost of ozone therapy is between 0.36 USD (60 INR) and 72 USD (6000 INR).

Get effective stem cell therapy and some other advanced treatments for muscle dystrophy within your budget in India.

We have highly advanced hospitals having a state-of-the-art facility, the best stem cell experts, and great infrastructure.

What are the Costs of Muscular Dystrophy Treatment in India?
What is the success rate of muscular dystrophy treatment in India?

What is the success rate of Muscular Dystrophy Treatment in India?

Successful stem cell treatment for muscular dystrophy aims to restore and slow down muscle wasting which occurs in this disease. MedicoExperts’s research and years of successful treatment of muscular dystrophy in India have resulted in patients showing significant improvement.

Over 90% of patients with muscular dystrophy have shown improvement in muscle strength, mobility, hand function, increase in stamina, body balance, and limb strength.

Our patients have exhibited notable improvements in multiple ways that demonstrate the advantages of cell therapy in India for muscular dystrophy.

The strength and tone of the muscles improve after stem cell therapy as a result of new muscle fibers which consequently help reduce symptoms and improve the condition.


If you are planning to come to India for treatment of muscular dystrophy, you have made the right decision, as you will be able to access world-class medical care at an affordable cost. 

If you are planning stem cell therapy for your child, you should not worry about the safety and effectiveness of this treatment, as this cell-based treatment has shown exceptional results in treating muscular dystrophy.

Whereas with MedicoExperts, you will be not only assisted in consulting the finest stem cell experts but will also be guided to avail services from among the finest hospitals across the country. 

We take pride in our commitment to help you through all stages of treatment, from preliminary consultations to thorough after-treatment care.

Muscular Dystrophy Treatment in India - Takeaway

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Q1. Can muscular dystrophy be cured?

Though some experts say that muscular dystrophy cannot cure muscular dystrophy, evidence has shown how stem cell therapy has given relief to many from the symptoms of MD and also improved their mobility.

Q2. How long can a person with muscular dystrophy live?

Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy is the most common and severe type of the disease. Commonly, It affects boys in their early childhood, and once they have this condition they live up to their 20s and 30s.

On the other hand, people with Becker muscular dystrophy have a life expectancy of 30 to 40 years. 

But diagnosing MDs early and treating them with advanced treatments like stem cell therapy can not only increase your life expectancy but also reduce the symptoms drastically and help you live an active pain-free life.

Q3. Why is muscular dystrophy more common in males?

MD is more common in males because of the MD gene is on the X chromosome. Boys have only one X chromosome, while girls have two X chromosomes from both parents. As the females have two copies of the X chromosome, when one gets mutated, they don’t have many problems. But as the boys only have one X chromosome, when it gets mutated, they are more prone to muscular dystrophy.

Q4. What is the treatment for duchenne muscular dystrophy?

Some steroid medications can improve the symptoms and increase muscle strength. But to get better results, stem cell therapy can be one of the best treatments.

Q5. Which doctor is best for muscular dystrophy?

If you see the symptoms of MD in your child or anyone in your family, you should immediately approach a neurologist. Once MD is diagnosed and you want to treat it with stem cell therapy, you need to approach a stem cell specialist. 

While choosing a stem cell specialist, you should consider their track record and the protocol they follow. 

MedicoExperts can help you connect with the best stem cell specialist in India. To know more about it, contact us today.

Q6. What is the treatment for becker muscular dystrophy?

Usually, doctors prescribe steroid medicines to help you walk without difficulty for as long as possible.

However, stem cell therapy has shown some promising results in treating MD. So you should approach a stem cell therapist with experience and a proven track record.

Q7. Which is the best hospital for muscular dystrophy treatment in India?

India has many top-tier hospitals for the treatment of muscular dystrophy. It may be confusing for you to choose the right one. MedicoExperts can help you find the best hospital in the country that not only suits your needs but also your budget.

Q8. Muscular dystrophy comes under which category of disease?

MD comes under x-linked disorder or genetic disorder which can be transmitted from mother to her children, even if she doesn’t have it herself.

Q9. What causes duchenne muscular dystrophy?

DMD happens when there is a genetic mutation in one on the x chromosomes of the mother. When the production of dystrophine protein is hampered by this genetic mutation DMD occurs.

Q10. Why is creatine kinase elevated in muscular dystrophy?

Your muscles release an enzyme called creatinine kinase when they are damaged. When there is excess of this enzyme in your blood it may be due to muscular dystrophy.

Q11. What are the treatment options for DMD?

You can get relief from the symptoms of DMD with the help of medication, physical therapy, occupational therapy, behavioural therapy, diet and proper nutrition. 

The DMD treatment through stem cell therapy has also shown promising results. The researchers in this field effectively showed how the therapy was effective in treating DMD.

Q12. What is the muscular dystrophy treatment in Ayurveda?

Different herbs are used in the Ayurvedic treatment of muscular dystrophy. These herbs include Ashwagandha, Bala, Guggulu, Arjuna, and Triphala. Some yoga asanas help digestion and detox the system of a muscular dystrophy patient.

Q13. Which hospital is the best for muscular dystrophy treatment in Delhi?

Delhi contains many good hospitals for the treatment of muscular dystrophy. How to find the best among them is where MedicoExperts comes into the picture. Contact us to know more about it.

Q14. Which hospital is the best for muscular dystrophy treatment in Mumbai?

If you are trying to find out the best hospital in Mumbai, then MedicoExperts can help you connect with the one. Contact us today to get the details.

Q15. Are there any new treatments for muscular dystrophy?

Stem cell therapy is a relatively new but effective treatment for muscular dystrophy.

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Most suitable for patients who are looking for:-
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  • https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4480531/#:~:text=Stem%20cell%20based%20therapies,differentiate%20into%20multiple%20cell%20lineages.
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Medically Reviewed By MedicoExperts Editorial & Clinically Review Board On 24 June 2024

Dr. Khushbu Jain

Author Bio:

Dr. Khushbu Jain 

Dr. Khushbu Jain is a dedicated professional with a passion for advancing healthcare through cutting-edge treatments. She has a special interest in researching regenerative medicine and advanced treatment for diseases that are difficult to treat with conventional treatment options. Her deep understanding of these progressive treatments allows her to offer patients personalized and effective solutions for a variety of health concerns.

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