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anal fissure treatments

Anal fissure treatments with advanced surgery in Nigeria 

Are you aware that your chronic anal fissure can be cured permanently?

You may be looking for the right treatment option to cure your chronic fissure which is painful and irritating. But, you are afraid of traditional surgery because of pain and the long duration of recovery.

Renowned doctors from India will be coming to Nigeria to perform advanced laser surgery to cure your anal fissure without pain.

Grab the right opportunity to cure your disease permanently and painlessly within a very short time.

Let us know how Paul Jacob cured his anal fissure with laser surgery.

Paul Jacob was suffering from constipation as he used to take less vegetables and fiber in his diet and used to drink less water.

One day, he noticed blood in his stool and felt irritation and pain in his bowel movement.

sickle cell disease
permanent treatment for piles, treatment for piles bleeding

He went to a doctor who examined his anus and told him that he had an anal fissure.

The doctor prescribed medicines for Paul and told him that if the fissure did not heal after two months he would need surgery.

Paul took the medicines regularly but his fissure did not get healed. He wanted to go for surgery but was afraid of pain and long recovery time.

Moreover, he had heard that traditional surgery leads to uncontrolled bowel movement

One day, his friend David told him about an organization called MedicoExperts which was organizing a surgical camp in Nigeria for fistula and fissure patients.

Paul booked his place in the camp and underwent laser surgery for his anal fissure.

There was no post-surgery pain and Paul did not feel any discomfort while passing stool.

He thanked MedicoExperts for their help.

Let us now know in detail about anal fissures in detail.

What is an anal fissure?

An anal fissure is a tear in the anus that cause a lot of pain and discomfort. Anal fissure causes the formation of scar tissue which may extend up to the muscular fold of the anal sphincter muscle. 

what is anal fissure?

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What are the causes of anal fissure?  

An anal fissure is caused by the following reasons 

  • An injury in the anus: An earlier surgery might cause an anal fissure.
  • Too much pressure while passing stool: The constipated hard stool might also lead to problems in passing stool and cause an anal fissure.
  • Constipation: Lack of fiber in the diet may cause constipation and anal fissures. 
  • Crohn’s disease: Crohn’s disease may affect the lining of the digestive system
  • Childbirth: During childbirth, there may be an injury in the anus leading to anal fissure.
causes of anal fissure
symptoms of anal fissure

What are the symptoms of anal fissure? 

  1. Feeling pain during bowel movement 
  2. Bleeding 
  3. Burning sensation after a bowel movement 
  4. Irritation 
  5. A lump formation near the anus 

What are the complications of anal fissure? 

There are three  main complications of the anal fissure formation 

  1. An anal fissure may not heal easily and can become chronic after 8 weeks. 
  2. An anal fissure can recur after they heal. Therefore, one must look for a permanent cure. 
  3. An anal fissure may get converted into an anal fistula if left untreated. 
complications of anal fistula
anal fissure diagnosed

How anal fissure is diagnosed?

  • Medical History: A medical history will be taken by the doctor who will ask you about the symptoms. If the tear in your anus is on the side of the anus, it may be due to inflammatory bowel disease or Crohn’s disease. 
  • Anoscopy: An anoscopy will further verify the cause of the anal fissure. 
  • Sigmoidoscopy: If there is any chance of anal cancer or colon cancer, then it can be detected using flexible sigmoidoscopy. 

What are the conventional anal fissure treatments?

There are several medications available to treat the pain due to anal fissures. 

There are also medications to paralyze the sphincter muscles which may get tightened up as a result of the fissure. 

There are also medicines to increase blood flow to the fissure, thereby helping in the healing of the scar tissue.

If the fissure is not healing for many months then surgery is recommended

Proctologists do a procedure called lateral internal sphincterotomy (LIS) to relieve the spasm in the muscle and allow the tear to heal.

This procedure is effective but carries the risk of incontinence, i,e, uncontrolled bowel movement.

Laser piles surgery is the modern-day treatment of anal fissures. It painlessly cures your fissures in a very short span of time.

Advance Laser fissure surgery in Nigeria 

Laser surgery for fissure: 

Laser surgery is a minimally invasive procedure that uses a focused laser beam to remove or repair the damaged tissue in the anal area.


Procedure of laser surgery: 

During the laser surgery, a surgeon uses a specialized laser device to precisely target the damaged tissue in the anal fissure. Laser fissure therapy will be done by using a diode laser 1470 nm.

The laser beam is used to vaporize or remove the affected tissue, sealing the blood vessels and nerve endings as it works. This can help to promote healing and reduce pain.

anal fissure surgery
advantages of laser surgery

Advantages of laser surgery:

and it has the following advantages 

  1. A deep tear is converted into a shallow wound by the laser treatment 
  2. The sealing of the wound edges is properly done 
  3. Complete peeling of the anal fissure 
  4. Very less operation time 
  5. No complications like incontinence post-surgery 

Recovery timeline:

The recovery time after laser surgery for anal fissures can vary depending on the individual and the extent of the surgery. 

Most people can expect to resume their normal activities within a few days to a week after the procedure.

However, it’s important to avoid strenuous activities, heavy lifting, and constipation during the recovery period to allow for proper healing.


Anal fissures can be cured by laser surgery. It is a painless procedure with very less recovery time. 

MedicoExperts is arranging a camp in Nigeria to treat the anal fissure patients. Eminent doctors from India will be performing surgeries. Participate in the surgical camp to cure your anal fissure permanently. 

What is the cost of laser surgery for fissure treatment in Nigeria? 

The cost range of  fissure treatment in Nigeria can vary depending on several factors, such as the severity of the condition, the location of the healthcare facility, and the treatment method chosen. Here is a rough estimate of the cost range for each condition.

Laser Surgery for Fissure Treatment cost in Nigeria ranges from $3000 to $3200


Procedures Cost of Procedure Implants & Consumables
(At Actuals)
Total Cost
Laser Surgery for Fissure USD 2500 – USD 2700 Upto USD 500 USD 3000 – USD 3200
cost of fissure treatment

MedicoExperts’ Surgical Camps track record in Nigeria

We have successfully conducted about seven OPD and surgical camps in Nigeria. Our surgical services range from laparoscopic surgeries like hernia repair to orthopedic surgeries like total knee replacement. Over 1000 patients have benefitted from our surgical camps and have received world-class surgical treatment from the top Indian specialist surgeons.


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MedicoExperts success ratio for fissure surgery in Nigeria

MedicoExperts have an excellent track record of 98.6% successful surgeries in Nigeria. 1.4% of people got some infection post surgeries which was also cured with medication.

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Frequently Asked Questions and patient concerns:

Q1. What are the Home Remedies for anal fissures ?

Ans :

  1. Lots of vegetables, fruit, whole grain, and nuts can help in the healing process of anal fissures. 
  2. Drinking adequate water can prevent dehydration which is one of the causes of constipation. 
  3. Putting a lot of strain during a bowel movement can delay anal fissure healing. 
  4. Warm water washing of the anus is suggested after bowel movement to help in the healing of anal fissure.

Q2. What is the difference between anal fissure and hemorrhoids?

Ans: Anal fissures and hemorrhoids are two different conditions that affect the anus and rectum.

Anal fissures are small tears or cuts in the lining of the anus.

On the other hand, hemorrhoids are swollen veins in the anus or rectum. They can be internal (inside the rectum) or external (outside the anus).

Q3. Which doctor to consult for laser surgery for anal fissure?

Ans: If you are considering laser surgery for anal fissures, it’s important to consult with a qualified healthcare professional, such as a colorectal surgeon or proctologist. 

They will evaluate your specific condition, discuss the potential benefits and risks of the procedure, and determine if laser surgery is the most appropriate treatment option for you.

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