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Stem cell therapy for knee cartilage repair without surgery

Stem cell therapy for knee cartilage repair and regeneration without surgery in India

Do you know you can avoid joint replacement surgery by stem cell therapy for knee cartilage repair and cover the expenses under insurance?

Yes, You heard it Right.

Say goodbye to the fear of surgery and live your life fully without pain and complete mobility through regenerative stem cell therapy for knee cartilage repair.

Explore the transformative potential of stem cell therapy for knee cartilage repair, and uncover the possibilities that insurance coverage brings for patients seeking effective and innovative solutions.

Before moving forward, let’s understand from the experience of one of the benefitted patients.

Sunita is from Mumbai, India, She is a working lady and lives with two pretty daughters, a husband, and her parents. She manages her office and home perfectly and is a respectable lady in her professional and personal circles. 

In her happy life, there was one aspect that always worried her and that was her mother’s knee pain which was persisting from the last ten years. 

The condition was continuously deteriorating and when she approached us, in 2023, her mother was not even able to walk properly due to stiffness and pain. Even the painkiller was ineffective. 

Earlier, Sunita had consulted with many orthopedic doctors and surgeons. All of them suggested for knee replacement surgery as the only solution.

However, Sunita’s mother, a 62 years old lady was scared to undergo knee replacement surgery. She said a straight NO to Sunita for surgery. This pushed Sunita to look for nonsurgical yet effective options for the treatment.

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stem-cell-therapy-knee-injection-treatment, knee cartilage repair without surgery

One of Sunita’s friends in her office shared about his relative’s experience of stem cell therapy from MedicoExperts doctors. She did quite a lot of research on stem cell therapy and realized that Stemcell is are not covered by insurance companies and even not recognized by many governments of different countries.

Still, she decided to visit the MedicoExperts website and read a blog about stem cell treatment, and left an inquiry. 

MedicoExperts patient care executive got in touch with Sunita, she narrated the condition of her mother and also forwarded the diagnostic reports. MedicoExperts executive arranged a video consultation with one of the empaneled doctors who have special expertise for Stemcell in ortho cases. The doctor confirmed that she would be benefited from stem cell therapy for knee cartilage repair without surgery.

Though Sunita was thoroughly convinced but she was looking for insurance coverage because of obvious reasons. She shared the concern with the MedicoExperts team. 

The MedicoExperts team helped her to get insurance coverage. 

Next week they decided to come and they got admitted to the hospital. The treatment started and 2 doses of stem cells were given to her mother.

Within a week after the stem cell therapy was given, her knee pain decreased drastically and the stiffness in her knee was gone. 

After 3 weeks of physiotherapy, she was able to walk again without any support.

Currently, she is living a pain-free and normal life.

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Stem cell therapy for knee cartilage repair without surgery

stem cell therapy for knee cartilage repair without surgery

Stem cells are the basic building blocks of our body with the characteristic of dividing themselves and multiply their numbers.

These cells can develop into different types of cells with a specific function depending on where they are placed. 

For example, when stem cells are placed near damaged cartilage, they can transform themselves into cartilage tissue later on.

Mesenchymal Stem Cells are the common types of stem cells that are used for treating Arthritis. These cells are collected or harvested from the fat, blood, or bone marrow of the patient.

Knee stem cell therapy is a relatively newer alternative method for knee joint pain treatment. This approach to knee joint pain treatment has more advantages when compared to the traditional approaches.

This therapy extracts the unique type of cells in our body called the stem cells, usually from an area of high density, and then injects them into the damaged area to help the body heal naturally.

 Let’s understand the procedure of stem cell therapy for knee cartilage repair.

Procedure for stem cell therapy for knee pain and cartilage regeneration in India

Stem cell therapy is a simple and completely safe procedure that requires only injections and no surgery is involved.

In Stem cell procedure, Adult stem cells are taken from the bone marrow of the patient and injected back into the patient after processing them in a specialized stem cell laboratory.

The stem cell therapy for knees procedure involves 3 steps:

Step1: Bone Marrow Aspiration:

In this process, a needle is inserted into the hip bone to extract the bone marrow. This is done under local anesthesia so that the patient does not experience pain. 

Step 2: Stem Cell Separation:

The bone marrow which is taken in step 1 from the patient is sent to the Stem cell laboratory, where the stem cells are separated from the remaining cells of the bone marrow by the density gradient method.

Step 3: Stem Cell Injection:

Stem cells are injected back into the infected areas.

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prerequisites of stem cell therapy, stem cell therapy for knees cost in india, knee cartilage repair without surgery

Who is the Ideal candidate for stem cell therapy for knee pain and cartilage regeneration treatment in India?

Stem Cell Therapy does not have a restriction on who can receive the treatment.

Stem Cell Therapy is recommended for the following cases:

  • Patients with early arthritis.
  • Young patients with mild osteoarthritis or cartilage damage
  • Healthy patients with relatively less cartilage damage

Stem Cell therapy can help treat patients suffering from the following knee injuries and conditions:

  • Early arthritis / Osteoarthritis
  • Meniscus Tear
  • MCL, ACL, PCL, and LCL tears and sprains
  • Knee Instability
  • Patellofemoral Syndrome
  • Traumatic knee injury

What are the expected outcomes of stem cell therapy for cartilage repair in India?

  • Repair damaged cartilage
  • Slow the deterioration of cartilage
  • Decrease inflammation and reduce pain
  • Possibly delay or prevent the need for knee replacement surgery
  • Reduce pain, even chronic joint pain, with less need for medications.
  • Increase functionality, range of motion, and flexibility.
  • Reduce muscle compensations and risk for future injuries
  • Decrease nerve damage
  • Return patients to their normal activities as quickly as possible

Now, Let’s explore the stem cell therapy for knees cost in India.

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Stem Cell Therapy for Knees Cost in India

India is one of the most cost-effective and result-oriented destinations to choose to undergo stem cell therapy. With the availability of state-of-the-art hospitals, the best stem cell experts, and excellent infrastructure which is at par with international standards, you also get affordability and trustworthiness.

The stem cell therapy for knee pain treatment in India is based on the patient’s requirements and medical condition.

The stem cell therapy for knees cost in India starts from USD 2000 per cycle, depending on the patient’s current condition, treating doctor, and suggested treatment protocol.

A stay of 12-15 days in the country is required for the entire treatment, and in some cases, the stay may be extended to 45 days as well.

Frequently Asked Questions and patient concerns:

1. Does stem cell therapy for knees really work?

Studies have shown that stem cell therapy can help reduce knee pain and improve function.

2. How much does stem cell therapy for knees cost?

Stem cell therapy for knees cost is cover above.

3. What happens if you don't do a knee replacement?

The longer patients wait and allow their knee issues to affect them, the more it impacts overall health. It may become harder to walk, drive, and do household chores.

4. Is stem cell therapy for knees covered by insurance?

Yes, stem cell therapy for knees is now covered under insurance. For more information and guidance WhatsApp us at +919769516280

5. What is the current status of Stem cell therapy from the regulatory framework?

The stem cell-based therapy is in the research phase and not yet formally approved by ICMR. However, the application of stem cells, popularly known as bone marrow transplants, in blood-related disorders is approved by ICMR.

Get personalized treatment plan for knee cartilage repair without surgery?

Get a personalized treatment plan from the stem cell specialists for knee cartilage repair without surgery in India.

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