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Best Budget-friendly CyberKnife Treatment in India

Does surgery for removing the brain tumor itself bring shivers in you?

Lots of stress and anxiety with fear of the unknown start rushing in the mind, when you get to know that you have to undergo brain surgery. Still, there is no way whereby you can avoid removing the tumor to live a longer life. However, the method can be nonsurgical.

Removing the tumor without surgery would not be possible a decade ago.

With the advancement in the technologies, shrinking and removal of tumors are possible without surgery. CyberKnife treatment in India has made it possible to shrink and eliminate the tumor without surgery and pain. 

Moreover, It’s an outpatient treatment which means you don’t need to be admitted to the hospital. 

Let’s understand the CyberKnife treatment in India experience of Mr. Abdul, from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia who is scared of surgery. 

Abdul is a 46-year-old owner of a real estate agency. Abdul has two sons and a wonderful wife. 

Two years back, Abdul got unconscious while he was in the office. Abdul’s colleague rushed and admitted him to the nearby hospital. Abdul got consciousness and the doctor did an MRI of the brain. 

Cyberknife Treatment, cyberknife treatment in india
cyberknife treatment in india

The reports confirmed a brain tumor of size 3.2 mm. 

The news of brain tumor was very shocking to Abdul and his wife Amaira. 

The doctor suggested to Abdul that he need to go for surgery to remove the tumor. 

Abdul was afraid of surgery because a similar incident already happened in his family. His uncle was paralyzed after the brain surgery.

Abdul wanted the treatment but he didn’t want surgery. So he started searching for a nonsurgical way to remove the tumor. While researching on the internet he visited the MedicoExperts website and learned about the CyberKnife treatment in India. 

Abdul left his inquiry, MedicoExperts patient care department got in touch with Abdul. After receiving the medical reports MedicoExperts arranged a video consultation with the doctor. The doctor explained the cyberknife treatment, benefits, risks, number of sessions, and duration to Abdul and cleared all his doubts. After understanding the treatment process Abdul decided to come to India for the treatment. 

After two weeks, Abdul came to India with his wife for treatment. On the same day, a pre-evaluation test was performed to determine the current state of the tumor. As per reports doctor decided to give 4 sessions in a duration of two weeks. 

Since it is an outpatient procedure Abdul does not need to get hospitalized. MedicoExperts arranged the accommodation near the empanelled hospital. Abdul needs to go to the hospital to take cyberknife radiation therapy for 30 min.  

Abdul responded very well to the treatment and after two sessions the tumor started shrinking. After the completion of four sessions, a re-evaluation test was performed and the tumor disappeared. 

Abdul and his wife were very happy with the treatment and thanked the doctor and MedicoExperts.

This can be your story as well to get rid of the tumor. 

What you need is the right guidance, the right treatment at the right time, and of course the latest technology from the right experts.

Before we move ahead with CyberKnife treatment in India and its advantages and cost.

Let’s first understand what CyberKnife is.

CyberKnife treatment in India, cyberknife in india

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What is a Cyberknife?

CyberKnife is a minimally invasive (nonsurgical) treatment for cancerous and non-cancerous tumors. 

It can be used to treat conditions in the prostate, lung, brain, spine, head and neck, liver, pancreas, and kidney. Cyberknife is also a solution for patients with inoperable or surgically complex tumors. 

Treatments with the CyberKnife are usually completed in one to five sessions. The CyberKnife System has been used to help thousands of cancer patients for more than two decades.

Let’s understand how CyberKnife radiosurgery works.

CyberKnife treatment in India, cyberknife treatment
Cyberknife Treatment, cyberknife in india

How does CyberKnife work?

CyberKnife uses a high-energy X-ray machine on a robotic arm to accurately deliver radiation beams that destroy tumor cells and stop tumor growth while avoiding damage to healthy tissue.

A CT scan or the CyberKnife treatment planning computer is used to create 3D images of the target area prior to the radiation. In addition to imaging, radiographic markers are injected intravenously to ensure that the tumor is accurately targeted during treatment.

The radiation dose and the number of fractions or sessions will be calculated using these pre-treatment images. The patient is asked to lie comfortably on the couch during the treatment.

The system’s low-dose X-ray cameras monitor the patient’s movements once he or she is in the position. These new images are compared to the ones taken before the treatment. The radiation delivery is realigned based on the comparison data.

According to the treatment plan, the computer-controlled robotic arm moves around, delivering radiation from multiple angles to the target area.

CyberKnife reduces the damage to healthy tissues and helps patients recover faster by reducing margins and accounting for body movements.

Let’s understand what to expect before and during the CyberKnife treatment.

What to expect in CyberKnife treatment?

Each person’s treatment is unique, based on the shape, size, type, and location of their tumor.

The diagnostic test is performed before the treatment.

  • Before the treatment MRI, CT, or CT/PET to determine the shape, size, and exact location of the tumor.

This test helps the specialized team of physicians, medical, surgical, and radiation oncologists to determine the best approaches, number of radiation dosages, as well as other details for the safest and most effective treatment.

  • Fiducials (or markers) may be implanted to treat certain tumors.
    • Fiducial implantation is a non-invasive outpatient procedure that can be done under local or general anesthesia.
    • The CyberKnife robot is guided by these tiny gold or platinum markers, which ensure accuracy during treatment sessions.
  • The radiation is delivered by a robotic arm while the patients are lying on a special table.
  • Individual treatment sessions last about 30 minutes, and most patients are able to return to their normal activities after each visit.

In most cases, a full course of CyberKnife treatment is shorter than other types of radiation therapy. Patients receive one to five outpatient treatments in one to two weeks, depending on the type of tumor.

Follow-up is required per individual case.

Let’s now understand the advantages of CyberKnife treatment.

advantages of Cyberknife Treatment, cyberknife in india

What are the advantages of CyberKnife treatment?

Cyberknife treatment offers many benefits over surgery and other forms of radiation, including:

  • Incomparable precision: CyberKnife treats benign and cancerous tumors from over 1,400 angles without harming healthy tissue and organs in the surrounding area.
  • No hospitalization: CyberKnife radiosurgery is performed as an outpatient procedure so you can go home the same day you receive treatment.
  • No pain, no anesthesia, or no recovery time: You won’t need to worry about losing blood, caring for incisions, or taking medication since CyberKnife isn’t a surgical procedure.
  • Faster treatment completion: You’ll have one to five treatments spread out over one to two weeks, versus over 40 visits with traditional radiation.
  • Excellent outcomes: CyberKnife has been shown to be as effective as surgery in treating most early-stage tumors and to be superior to traditional radiation therapy.
  • Tracks the movement: CyberKnife carefully tracks the movement of the tumor caused due to breathing, coughing, swallowing, etc., and adjusts radiation beams accordingly.

Now, Let’s understand the types of tumors that can be treated by CyberKnife.

What are the different types of tumor, cancer, and conditions treated with CyberKnife?

CyberKnife is typically used to treat tumors that are inoperable or complex. It’s a great option for patients who can’t or doesn’t want to have surgery, as well as those with tumors in particularly sensitive or difficult-to-reach areas.

Tumors treated with Cyberknife are as the following:

Let’s check for whom cyberknife treatment is the best option.

Cyberknife Treatment
Cyberknife Treatment, cyberknife treatment in india

Who should undergo cyberknife treatment?

Typically cyberknife radiosurgery is your best option if:

  • You prefer a non-surgical approach to treatment.
  • Surgery or other radiation methods of treatment will not be able to treat your lesion or tumor.
  • You’ve had radiation treatments in the past.
  • You have other health issues that prevent you from having surgery or undergoing general anesthesia.

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What is the survival rate of cyberknife treatment in India?

Cyberknife survival rates

  • 1-year survival rates 97%
  • 3-year survival rates 81.3%
  • 5-year survival rates 67.0%