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Best liposuction surgery in India to get rid of unwanted fat

Does your excess weight make you look older than your actual age?

Often people who are obese feel that they look older than their actual age because of their weight. While some people shed those extra kilos through diet and physical exercise, some find it difficult to do so. If you are also looking for ways to lose weight surgically, try liposuction.

Liposuction has helped several men and women achieve a perfect and toned physique by removing stubborn body fat. With the fat-removing liposuction surgery, you can lose those extra kilos. 

Do not let people body shame you for your extra kilos, with liposuction surgery, get rid of your unwanted fats like Serena from Florida did.

Serena, a 35-year-old lawyer, was a fitness freak. Since teenager Serena indulged in sports and rigorous exercise, however after meeting an accident while diving in the sea, Serena was injured, and her movement got restricted for a few months. Although Serena got discharged from the hospital after a few months, Serena was not able to walk without her crutches.

It took about a year for Serena to recover completely from the accident. The accident had left Serena depressed and the only thing that helped her feel better was food. 

liposuction surgery in india
best liposuction surgery in india

Once Serena recovered completely she felt bad to see the shape of her body. Her body was still fragile to bear vigorous exercise.

Despite making necessary lifestyle changes, Serena was not able to lose weight. Serena felt very conscious to go around as if people were staring and making fun of her. 

Desperate to get a toned physique Serena started looking for surgical options to lose weight. While searching for clinics that offered liposuction she shortlisted a few clinics. But the cost of liposuction in Florida was a bit too much for Serena.

Disheartened Serena started looking for clinics that offered liposuction at an affordable price. While browsing Serena came across the MedicoExperts website and dropped her query with us.

Once our sales team received her query, we contacted her to check for her availability for a video consultation.

After confirming the availability of Serena we arranged a video call for Serena with one of our empanelled board-certified doctors.

After the video consultation, Serena was sure to undergo the procedure and booked a flight to India.

Once Serena reached India we ensured hassle-free hospitalization for her. After hospitalization, the doctors conducted some pre-evaluation tests for Serena.

Based on the results of the pre-evaluation test the doctors confirmed Serena’s eligibility for undergoing the procedure.

Serena underwent the procedure without any hiccoughs. Once the procedure was over Serena was thrilled to see the transformation.

After the procedure, Serena was not able to believe that it was her body. 

Serena was overjoyed to get her toned physique back. Like Serena, you too can get a well-contoured and toned physique by liposuction.

Firstly, let us learn more about liposuction,

liposuction in india

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liposuction in india, best liposuction in india

What is liposuction?

Liposuction is an innovative cosmetic approach that helps you get rid of unwanted fat to help you achieve a sculpted body by reshaping it. 

Liposuction is often termed as ‘lipoplasty’, ‘lipectomy’, ‘liposculpture suction’, or simply called ‘lipo’.

Liposuction has helped several people to tone and enhance the contour of their bodies.

Before opting for liposuction, you must understand that liposuction is a surgical approach to cause weight loss and it must not be treated as a treatment for obesity. 

Liposuction mainly helps in removing stubborn fat deposits from specific body parts. 

The procedure has rewarding results for both males and females.

Why should you undergo liposuction?

We all desire a well-toned physique. At times your obesity can make you appear unattractive to other people and your partner. But sometimes our sedentary lifestyle can result in the deposition of fats which are difficult to get rid of, by exercise and diet. 

With liposuction, you can easily get rid of fat deposition in the abdomen, upper arm, buttocks, hips, thighs, chest, calves, chin and neck. Occasionally liposuction helps in removing fats from the breast. 

With liposuction you can achieve:

  • Significant weight loss
  • Improved physical appearance with prominent body contour
  • Confidence boost
  • A perfect physique that was difficult to achieve through exercise and diet
why should you undergo liposuction, best liposuction in india
benefits of liposuction, liposuction surgery in india

How can you benefit from liposuction?

It can sometimes be too difficult for you to decide about undergoing liposuction. We know you are still in a double state of mind about undergoing liposuction. Sometimes it is the taboo associated with it or it may just be your fear of undergoing surgery.

Everyone deserves to look attractive and confident about their body and it is now your turn to achieve a perfect and attractive body. Overcome your fears and inhibitions about liposuction and achieve a perfect body.

Liposuction is a surgical procedure that is proven to effectively sharpen your body contour. 

Say goodbye to your fat deposits with liposuction, while you confidently embrace your new well-contoured body.

Trust the cosmetic surgeons who claim the safety and efficacy of liposuction.

If you feel that liposuction won’t alone be good for you, talk to your doctor. Generally, doctors couple liposuction with other contouring procedures, like butt lift surgery, for enhanced aesthetic perfection.

What are the different procedures used for liposuction?

You can get your much-desired physique by undergoing liposuction. Based on your aes