Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma Treatment in India
As a non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma patient, you may have many questions in your mind. You may be also thinking about the cost expenses and treatment options for it.
But do you know that non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma treatment in India is one way to get the best medical care at an affordable cost?
India offers bone marrow transplants, immunotherapy, and targeted therapy at an affordable cost.
To ensure that you don’t have any trouble in your treatment journey in the country, we have brought you all the information.
Let’s get started on finding the best treatment for non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma treatment.
Key Takeaways
- Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, abbreviated as NHL, is a disease that results from cancerous cells where the growth of white blood cells called lymphocytes is abnormal. This causes multiplication in tissues of your body’s immune system leading to tumor formation.
- Although the cause of NHL has not been defined, weakened immunity, certain infections, and exposure to chemicals may heighten the risk of developing it. Awareness of these conditions can provide early prevention as well as diagnosis before symptoms occur.
- The key symptoms involve swollen lymph nodes, fever, night sweats, loss of weight, and malaise. This should be reported to a healthcare provider as early as possible.
- NHL is classified according to the type of lymphocyte that is affected as B-cell or T-cell and also by the extent of its progression from stage I, localized, to stage IV, advanced. Its type and stage can thus explain the specific approach in its treatment.
- A combination of various physical exams, blood tests, imaging studies, and biopsies is often necessary for the diagnosis of NHL. Early and accurate diagnosis marks successful treatment.
- Treatment Options in India
- NHL can be treated by several methods in India; chemotherapy, radiation therapy, targeted therapy, and immunotherapy. The choice of treatment you will get depends upon the classification and stage of your NHL.
- The selection of the hospital and the oncologist may make a difference in the treatment. To get the best possible treatments, find better cancer centers and experienced oncologists in India.
- India is known to provide very good-quality treatment at a very minimal cost compared to other countries. Cost may differ according to the type of treatment and based on the hospital chosen.
- Survival rate varies among NHL patients, but early stages coupled with proper treatment will increase the chance of cure. Most of the patients who acquire NHL in India are cured and remain in long-term remission. For peace of mind, knowing your prognosis and available treatments is essential.
What is Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma?
Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma (NHL) is a type of cancer that starts in white blood cells called lymphocytes. Lymphocytes are an important part of the immune system of your body. Generally, it affects adults but it may happen to kids as well.
NHL starts in lymph nodes. It is also generally referred to as lymphoma as there are various types of lymphoma and NHL is one of them.
What causes Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma?
Doctors don’t know the exact cause of NHL. But it happens when your body creates innumerable lymphocytes. Normally, old lymphocytes die and then new ones replace them. But in NHL your lymphocytes don’t die. At the same time, your body keeps creating new lymphocytes.
There are some risk factors that are closely linked to NHL. So if you are associated with any of these risk factors, there are higher chances of developing NHL. Which means it is important for you to learn about them. Here are they:
- If you are taking any medication that suppresses the immune system, it increases the risk of NHL
- Infection with bacteria such as H.Pylori and HIV virus increases the risk of NHL
- Exposure to chemicals like pesticides and insecticides increases the risk of NHL
- Aging also increases the risk of NHL. Even though it may happen at any age, increasing age also increases the risk of it.
Now that you know the risk factors and causes, let’s move on and learn more about this disease.
Where does exactly NHL happen?
NHL can start in your lymphatic system which is part of the immune system. It performs many functions like balancing the fluid in your body, removing waste, transporting nutrients, oxygen, and hormones to different parts, producing germ-fighting white blood cells for your immune system, and maintaining blood pressure levels.
NHL can happen anywhere in your body where lymph tissues ( tissues in your body that have lymphocytes and part of your immune system) are there. Lymph tissues are majorly found in lymph nodes, spleen, bone marrow, thymus, Adenoids and tonsils, and digestive tract.
What are the signs and symptoms of Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma?
The symptoms of NHL may include the following:
- Pain in the abdomen and swelling
- Fever
- Sweating at night
- Weight loss without any reason
- Chest pain, cough, and trouble breathing
- Fatigue for a long time
- Swollen lymph nodes in the groin, armpits, and neck
If any of these symptoms remain for a long time, and if you are at any risk factors for NHL, it is time to visit the doctor.
What are the different types of Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma?
It is very important for you to know what type of NHL it is because the treatment is highly dependent on the type.
The type of lymphoma depends on
- What type of lymphocyte is affected (B cell or T cell)
- How mature cells are while becoming cancerous
Also, the type of treatment you will get will depend on the type of NHL you have and how mature the cells are when they become cancerous. So, let’s compare and contrast the types depending on these two factors.