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Minimally invasive total hip replacement surgery in India

Marie travelled from Ghana for a minimally invasive hip replacement surgery in India and was able to resume her daily activities pain-free.

Tell us about yourself

My name is Marie and I am 56 years old. I was prescribed medicine when I started to experience hip pain several years ago, had MRI performed, but felt no relief or adequate diagnosis of my hip disease. I couldn’t bend, or enjoy any of my previous activities. Moving my hip even a little would cause me immense pain. Eventually my doctors asked me to get an x-ray done, and the results showed that my left leg was shorter than my right and this could be corrected after a hip replacement surgery. I spoke to my local doctor and started checking for options to get this treatment.

How did you know about MedicoExperts?

While scrolling through Facebook, I came across an advertisement about minimally invasive hip replacement surgery, and quickly filled up the enquiry form. Within 24hrs, I got in touch with their patient care expert and began discussing my condition. The orthopaedic surgeon in India reviewed my reports and said that I was a good candidate for minimally invasive surgery. And with that I began my plan to travel to India to receive my treatment.

How was your experience with MedicoExperts and the Indian Surgeon?

My experience was very good. MedicoExperts team kept in touch with me throughout my journey and was very kind and helpful. My surgeon too was excellent and I was discharged from the hospital very soon. I was able to resume work 2 weeks after my surgery and also have been able to move better. My life is better and renewed now.

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