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Benefits Of Using Ubtan Facepack For A Beutiful Skin

Are you under the impression that Ubtan, used in Indian marriages, is merely a ritual?

In reality, it serves a more significant purpose. In today’s terms, Ubtan serves as an effective face pack, known for its ability to promote glowing and radiant skin.

Are you wondering Why?

The first impression is the last impression. A glowing face with a smile can create the best possible impression both in relationships and in professional life.
A glowing face and skin are subconsciously associated with good health, vitality, and attractiveness.

Who else can better understand this fact than a sales professional for whom the first impression plays a vital role in deal cracking.

Let’s understand the experience of Sushma from Mumbai.

Sushma, a 35-year-old woman working in sales, was struggling with her skin. Her job required her to be outside in all weather conditions, often resulting in her face being exposed to dust, sweat, and humidity. Despite this, Sushma was able to earn a good income and support her family.

However, Sushma’s biggest concern was her deteriorating skin. Her face was starting to look like that of a 45-year-old, and she was beginning to notice pigmentation, rashes, and pimples due to the dirt and moisture. As a salesperson, first impressions were important, and the deteriorating condition of her skin was a constant worry.

Sushma tried everything to overcome her skin problems. She tried all the treatments available in beauty parlors including facials and de-tan sessions. She even underwent a few sessions of laser treatment for her face. However, nothing seemed to work for her. After every treatment, there were some benefits for a few weeks, but then her skin would start to deteriorate again.

The Dermatologists suggested Sushma avoid heat, humidity, and dust, which practically meant quitting her job. But Sushma enjoyed her work and was not willing to quit. Then she heard about natural solutions and consulted an Ayurvedic doctor, who suggested using certain ingredients as a face pack.

Sushma tried to find the natural ingredients, but during her search, she came across a product called MedicoExperts Face Ubtan, which had all the ingredients the Ayurvedic doctor had recommended. Sushma decided to use it for a couple of months, thinking she had nothing to lose.

Long story short, after using the MedicoExperts Face Ubtan regularly for 4 months, Sushma’s skin began to look like that of a 27-28-year-old. 

She is once again confident and felt ready to face anything, including all the weather conditions she encountered on the job. Now the MedicoExperts Glow Ubtan Face Mask is her weekly routine.

The fact is you can also use the Ubtan on a daily basis.

 What you need is good quality ingredients face ubtan that you can confidently use without any side effects.

Try it out and you would find the difference on your own. 

Before you try it you should know about all the required ingredients and their benefits Ubtan face pack for glowing skin. 

Mandatary ingredients for Ubtan face pack for glowing skin

1. Rakta Chandan :

The Rakta Chandan or red sandalwood has amazing benefits for the skin. Rakta Chandan helps to heal sun-damaged skin and suntanned skin by giving your face an even complexion and a healthy and radiant glow. Apart from reversing sun-damage Rakta Chandan also helps to reduce:

  • Inflammation,
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Early signs of ageing
  • Acne scars
  • Dark spots

2. Manjistha :

Manjistha or Indian Madder is one of the best blood purifying herbs. The blood-purifying property of Manjistha helps in reducing your risk of developing acne and pimples. Also, Manjistha helps in brightening and lightening your skin tone.

3. Sariwa : 

Sariwa or Sarsaparilla is widely used to manage psoriasis, eczema, acne, and dermatitis. The ability of Sariwa or sarsaparilla to remove toxins from the body makes Sariwa one of the favorite ingredients for our face pack for glowing skin.

4. Lodhra : 

Lodhra is one of the ingredients in our face pack for glowing skin. The antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties of Lodra help in managing several skin problems. Lodhra also helps in managing skin blemishes, acne, and black and white heads. Also, the regular use of Lodra helps you feel light and relaxed thereby ensuring a natural glow on your face.

5. Kushtha : 

Kushtha is also called Indian costus or Saussurea lappa. Kushtha improves complexion by increasing blood flow to the surface of the skin. It is also efficient to improve the healing of the skin. Kushtha helps heal scars and other skin-associated infections due to its strong healing activity. Kushtha provides a tightening effect as well as by clean the skin.

6. Vantankur :

Vantankur roots are excellent to even out the skin complexion while ensuring an even facial skin texture. Moreover, Vantankur roots also act like a natural cleanser that cleans the blood, giving your skin a radiant glow.

7. Ushir : 

Ushir or Khus roots help in keeping the skin hydrated thereby imparting a natural glow. Besides keeping the skin hydrated khus also help in:

  • Fighting acne
  • Deep cleaning of pores
  • Soothes redness 
  • Reduces the effects of sunburn
  • Tightening the skin to gives a youthful appearance
  • Reduces scars and helps you achieve spotless skin

8. Jatamansi :

Jatamansi or Kantiprada enhances the skin complexion while adding a lustrous glow to the skin. Also, the antioxidant present in Jatamansi reduces the appearance of early signs of ageing by increasing the moisture content of the skin.

Furthermore, Jatamansi promotes the production of collagen to promote the natural elasticity of the skin.

9. Daruharidra :

Daruharidra or Indian Barberry or tree turmeric is a rich source of vitamin C that helps to check acne by preventing the growth of bacteria that may cause acne. 

Also, Daruharidra helps in promoting collagen production to ensure the elasticity of the facial skin.

10. Saffron: 

Saffron helps to lighten and brighten your skin naturally. Besides giving a natural glow Saffron also helps to:

  • Protect the skin from oxidative stress and free radicals
  • Saffron has anti-inflammatory properties that help to soothe and calm irritated skin
  • Saffron helps to brighter complexion by promoting a more even skin tone
saffron glow ubtan face mask

11. Multani Mitti : 

Multani-Mitti face pack for glowing skin

Hyaluronic acid (HA) is a naturally occurring substance in the body that plays a crucial role in maintaining skin hydration.

  • It helps to attract and retain moisture, keeping the skin well-hydrated
  • Help reduce the appearance of sagging and promote a firmer skin texture

Important considerations for preparing face pack for glowing skin

The effectiveness of the face pack depends totally on the quality of the ingredients. The quality of ingredients depends upon multiple factors such as 

  • Whether the herbs are organically farmed
  • Source of herbs – roots, leaves, or stem
  • Aging of the herbs
  • Chemical exposures during farming
  • Breed or origin of herbs
  • Want to have a Simple and effective solution

MedicoExperts has created a Glow Ubtan Face Mask for Glowing Skin considering all the practical aspects of effectiveness.

You can simply order it from Amazon at the following link.

Another Alternative is you can source these herbs and create the Ubtan in powder form.

Benefits of MedicoExperts Ubtan Face Mask for glowing skin

  • 1.      Glow Skin
  • 2.      De-tan
  • 3.      Glow
  • 4.      Dark Spot
  • 5.      Rashes
  • 6.      Pigmentation

How to use for maximum benefits

1) Wash face with normal water
2) Apply Glow Ubtan Face Mask on a face.
3) Keep it for 15 minutes, gently scrub while washing off
4) Use 20-25 days daily for visible skin tone effect.
Note: Skin tone check strip added in pack.

Guys what are you waiting for, try it out and change your life bring back the confidence which was always looking for.

It’s not just for the females, Males also deserve to have good glowing skin.

Act now and take the first step to experience the benefits of the age-old science of Ayurveda in an absolutely natural way without any side effects.

Author: MedicoExperts

A Global Virtual Hospital

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