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Signs of Cerebral Palsy in Newborns

Do you know that suspected cerebral palsy babies should be monitored as early as 20 weeks old?

Cerebral palsy has various symptoms in common with other movement disorders. You and your physician may find it difficult to first confirm the disease and then cope with different symptoms by applying various treatments. 

But, proper knowledge about cerebral palsy symptoms, using video monitoring, and doing the right treatment at the right time can help your child recover from the symptoms of cerebral palsy. 

Let us get to know the signs and treatment options for cerebral palsy.

What is the time of diagnosis of Cerebral palsy in a child?

What is the time of diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy in a child?

The signs of cerebral palsy typically emerge within the first few months of life, yet many children aren’t diagnosed until age 2 or later.

Early indicators often encompass developmental delays, such as delays in reaching milestones like rolling over, sitting, crawling, and walking. This delayed diagnosis underscores the importance of vigilance in recognizing subtle signs and seeking timely medical evaluation.

As parents, it is always better to learn about the signs of cerebral palsy. So, Here are the signs and symptoms:

What are the Signs of Cerebral Palsy in Newborn Babies?

What are the signs of Cerebral Palsy in newborn babies?

As per the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, certain indicators observed before six months of age may suggest that an infant could be affected by cerebral palsy.

  1. Lack of muscle tone in the baby
  2. The baby cannot be lifted easily as there is a lack of proper muscle support.
  3. The baby feels muscular spasms and stiffness.
  4. There is a lack of muscle control, proper posture, and well-defined reflexes.
  5. The baby has difficulty in feeding and swallowing.
  6. The baby likes to use only one side of their body.

The secondary signs of cerebral palsy in newborns are:

  1. Constipation
  2. Airway obstruction
  3. Stunted growth
  4. Sleep difficulties
  5. Oral health issues
  6. Gastroesophageal reflux (GERD, a condition, that happens when stomach acid moves back into the tube linking your mouth and stomach (esophagus) repeatedly.)

You should carefully observe your child for any signs of cerebral palsy. If you notice any concerning symptoms or developmental delays in your child, you should consult a healthcare professional. Early detection and intervention are crucial for managing cerebral palsy effectively.

What tests are done to detect cerebral palsy in newborns?

What tests are done to detect Cerebral Palsy in newborns?

A doctor can detect cerebral palsy right after the baby is born:

Apgar test

The Apgar (Appearance, pulse, grimace, activity, respiration) test evaluates newborns on a scale of 0-10 based on:

  • Heart rate
  • Breathing effort
  • Skin color
  • Muscle tone
  • Reflex irritability, which gauges response to stimulation like a gentle pinch.

Scores of 7-10 are considered normal, while lower scores may indicate reduced vitality. Low Apgar scores, especially at 5 minutes, correlate with a higher risk of cerebral palsy. A 10-minute score of 0-3 poses a greater risk than a similar score at 5 minutes. Changes in scores between 1 and 5 minutes, or a decrease between 5 and 10 minutes, also elevate the risk.

MRI and CT Scan

As per the American Academy of Pediatrics, infants should undergo developmental screenings at nine months of age. However, as a parent, if you have concerns about your newborn’s development, you have the right to request health screenings at any point in time.

What are the treatment options for cerebral palsy?

What are the treatment options for Cerebral Palsy?

Understanding the available treatments is essential for managing cerebral palsy effectively. So, here’s the list

  1. The doctor may suggest Mild hypothermia therapy. This therapy is administered to reduce the impact of brain injury in infants.
  2. The doctors may perform steroid administration. This is given to pregnant mothers to prevent preterm birth and reduce the risk of cerebral palsy in babies.
  3. The newborn may be given botulinum toxin injections that are used to decrease muscle spasticity and improve movement, typically initiated around the age of 2.
  4. The healthcare providers may also use neurosurgical procedures, such as selective dorsal rhizotomy to lessen leg spasticity.
  5. The newborn may have to undergo physical and occupational therapy that assists them in improving mobility. To improve their daily activities use of assistive devices like orthotics and wheelchairs can help.
  6. The doctors may perform cognitive behavioral therapy that helps the newborn manage chronic and acute pain.
  7. For the treatment of Sleep difficulty, occupational therapy can help by improving posture and movement issues.
  8. For swallowing difficulty, reflux, and excessive saliva drainage, the doctors may prescribe medication, surgery, or feeding tubes.
  9. Stem cell therapy is another way to treat cerebral palsy in newborns. Stem cell therapy can help to reduce the spasticity of the muscles. The new muscle cells can help your child to regain strength and do daily activities like playing, dressing, brushing teeth, and going to the toilet without any problem. Stem cell therapy can help to cure symptoms of swallowing difficulties, sleeping problems, and walking problems in the child. Your child can climb stairs and go outside to play with other children. The child’s writing ability will also improve drastically.


Conclusion | Signs of Cerebral Palsy in Newborns

Signs of cerebral palsy can be challenging to detect, as other movement disorders may mimic its symptoms.

While various treatment options exist for cerebral palsy, they may not offer permanent relief.

Stem cell therapy presents a promising approach to managing cerebral palsy, as it involves injecting stem cells into the cerebrospinal fluid to generate new neuronal cells.

Early administration of stem cell therapy can potentially prevent the development of symptoms as the child ages and ensure the achievement of developmental milestones.

MedicoExperts, a 24/7 global virtual hospital, features a team of expert stem cell therapists and neurologists who can provide consultations and effective treatment for cerebral palsy. Additionally, MedicoExperts offers post-treatment support and symptom monitoring by renowned neurologists.


Q1. Can you tell if a 2-month-old has cerebral palsy?

Ans: With the help of CT scan, and video monitoring it is possible to detect cerebral palsy by 20 weeks, but it may be too early to confirm cerebral palsy at the age of 2 months.

Q2. What is the first stage of cerebral palsy?

Ans: The initial symptoms of cerebral palsy are floppy muscles, stiffness or rigidity in muscles, and lack of reflexes. 



Author: Dr. Khushbu Jain

Dr. Khushbu Jain is a dedicated professional with a passion for advancing healthcare through cutting-edge treatments. She has a special interest in researching regenerative medicine and advanced treatment for diseases that are difficult to treat with conventional treatment options. Her deep understanding of these progressive treatments allows her to offer patients personalized and effective solutions for a variety of health concerns.

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