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Reversing Diabetes, The Silent Killer, In A Short Time

reversing diabetes in 30 days

Would you like to seek a treatment for diabetes that starts reversing diabetes in 30 days and does not require strict discipline on your lifestyle?  

Are you looking for a less time consuming treatment that requires a less disciplined treatment approach with innovative treatment?

Diabetes has emerged as a silent killer in several developed and developing countries. Unmanaged diabetes can lead to uncontrolled sugar levels that can harm several vital organs like kidneys, heart, nerves, and eyes, sometimes causing irreversible damage. 

Traditionally only medicine and insulin injection are the only way to manage blood sugar levels. However with time, the dosage of medicine to manage your blood sugar level will keep increasing as this methodology is only to manage the sugar levels. 

It is not the case anymore. After extensive research on cell based therapy today there are solutions that exist which strengthen the natural capability of the body to produce insulin.

The innovative stem cell based therapy has emerged as a viable solution by which you can start reversing diabetes in 30 days. The reversal of diabetes means that you can live a long life without depending on medication and fearing any complications or damage to an organ that can happen because of uncontrolled blood glucose levels. 

Stem cell therapy immensely increases your  ability to produce insulin naturally and hence it starts reversing your diabetes in 30 days, while decreasing your risk of developing cardiac ailment in future. 

Also with stem cells treatment for reversing diabetes you can live a life on your terms without worrying about your diabetes and complications associated with it. 

How does stem cell therapy start reversing diabetes in 30 days?

The stem cells are undifferentiated cells that are typically extracted from cord cells or they are extracted from the bone marrow or adipose tissues of a healthy donor. These stem cells have amazing repairing and regenerating properties. 

In simple terms stem cells are the raw building cells of the body from which other different kinds of cells or daughter cells are formed. These stem cells act as parent cells to produce different kinds of daughter cells. 

reversing diabetes in 30 days

Originally stem cells develop in the embryos when they are only 3 to 5 days old in the womb. Initially these cells have the ability to divide and produce daughter stem cells. This type of stem cells are called embryonic stem cells.

However as the child grows in the womb these embryonic cells get replaced with pluripotent stem cells. Although these cells do not produce daughter stem cells, yet, they still restore their regeneration properties.

Moreover, when the baby is born the pluripotent cells start to deplete and are replaced by adult stem cells that are usually found in the bone marrow and in the adipose tissues. These adult stem cells have regenerative properties but are slightly diminished than that of pluripotent and embryonic stem cells.

How does stem cell therapy work to reverse diabetes?

How does stem cell therapy work to reverse diabetes?

The healing and regenerative property of stem cells is not hidden to us. It is the regenerative properties of embryonic stem  and pluripotent stem cells that a child develops from one cell to an organism in the womb. Also it is the stem cells that play a crucial role in the growth of a child from its birth to adulthood. 

The adult stem cells present in the bone marrow and adipose tissue are responsible for generation of blood cells and for replacing and damaged tissues. A stem cell specialist doctor uses the regenerative property of these adult and cord stem cells in reversing several health conditions.

Typically during the stem cell therapy the stem cells are harvested from cord cells or the bone marrow or adipose tissue of a healthy donor. These stem cells are then processed in the lab, once the stem cells are processed your doctor will administer the processed stem cells into the damaged tissue to promote healing.

The curative power of stem cells promotes replacement and repair of damaged beta cells of the pancreas that produce insulin. 

What should you expect after stem cell therapy?

what should you expect after stem cell therapy

Within thirty days you will start seeing significant improvement in your diabetes like:

  • Stabilize blood glucose levels
  • Improved overall life quality
  • Decreased dependency on medication and insulin injections
  • Improved wound healing ability
  • Improved sexual wellness
  • Minimal risk of developing any complications caused due to uncontrolled blood sugar levels.
  • Improvement in the symptoms associated with diabetes like frequent urination.
  • Improved nerve health 

Stem cell is not for every person with diabetes:

Stem cell is not for every person with diabetes:

Stem cell therapy for reversing diabetes is not suitable for everyone having diabetes. Before opting for stem cell therapy for reversing diabetes, talk to a stem cell specialist doctor about your eligibility to undergo the procedure. 

Typically your eligibility to undergo stem cell therapy depends on various factors like your age, your blood sugar levels and the damages your body is undergoing because of the uncontrolled blood sugar levels. 

Important factors to select stem cell experts for stem cell therapy: 

Important factors to select stem cell experts for stem cell therapy: 

Stem cell based therapies are the latest advancement in the field of medicines. A very few researchers and doctors are practicing it. Stem cell practitioners are having their own specializations and hence able to deliver good results in specific diseases and conditions. 

So, it is very important for you to choose a stem cell expert who has delivered consistently good results in diabetes.

Are you a good candidate for stem cell therapy for diabetes?

are you a good candidate for stem cell therapy

Once your doctor analyzes your disease history and its progression, and also checks if you have any underlying chronic ailment, your doctor will determine your eligibility to undergo the procedure. 

If you want to check your eligibility for stem cell therapy for diabetes from one of the stem cell expert, who has consistently given good results for diabetes, from the MedicoExperts Panel.


The stem cell treatment has potential to treat the chronic lifestyle disorder diabetes. The regenerative property of stem cells to replace and repair damaged beta cells have caused doctors to consider stem cell therapy as a viable future diabetes treatment approach.

With stem cell therapy you not just reverse your diabetes but also reduce the chance of developing any high blood glucose level related complications. 

Stem cell therapy is a safe, efficient and long term treatment solution to reverse your diabetes without any significant complications.

What is the current status of Stem cell therapy from the regulatory framework?

The stem cell-based therapy is in the research phase and not yet formally approved by ICMR. However, the application of stem cells, popularly known as bone marrow transplants, in blood-related disorders is approved by ICMR.

Author: MedicoExperts

A Global Virtual Hospital

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