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Non-surgical Procedures to Get Relief from Knee Pain

7 Non-surgical methods to get relief from knee pain

Is it possible to get knee pain relief without surgery?

Yes, It’s possible even if an orthopedic surgeon has recommended joint replacement surgery. 

There is no doubt that knee pain that hampers your active life. It includes your outdoor activities, sports activities, and everything that needs knee movement. 

The knee pain starts from a very manageable level but eventually reaches the level where even walking becomes difficult. 

When treated at the initial stage, orthopedics helps you manage the pain with medication, then a combination of physiotherapy and medicine, and at severe stages, they would recommend total knee replacement surgery.

Your knee condition limits your activities and that again brings in many lifestyle-related diseases and ailments. But the best part is your knee can be cured completely without any surgical interventions. 

To avoid getting to the point of needing a total knee replacement, it’s crucial to understand various effective pain management methods. Even if your knee pain is severe and surgery is suggested, there are stem cell treatments that might postpone the need for it.

Taking the right steps early on can help you get back to a normal, active life without compromising your movement. You can enjoy your hobbies and passions just like before. Here are different methods for treating knee pain, depending on its nature and severity.

So, let’s check the 7 methods to get knee pain relief without surgery!

Non-surgical methods for mild to moderate knee pain

Mild to moderate knee pain can be treated at home. There are several options for dealing with pain, even if the pain is due to arthritis.

Pain caused by inflammation, arthritis, or a minor injury usually goes away on its own. Home remedies can help you feel better and manage your symptoms.

1. Medications:

Your doctor may prescribe medications to relieve pain and treat the underlying conditions that are causing your knee pain, such as rheumatoid arthritis or gout.

There are many over-the-counter ointments, and medicines available with different names.

2. Physical therapy or massage therapy:

Physical-therapy for knee pain, knee pain relief without surgery

In the case of a severe strain or sprain, you may require professional assistance. Physical therapy strengthens and rehabilitates your knee. Massage therapy focuses on relieving pain spasms caused by trigger points.


knee brace for pain

A knee immobilizer brace is used for a short period after an acute injury, such as a complete major ligament or tendon tear or a patellar fracture or dislocation, which can protect the knee.

When combined with oral analgesics and early physical therapy, minimally restrictive bracing can help patients with grade 1 or 2 medial collateral ligament injuries.

4. Injections:

  1. Corticosteroid injections: Corticosteroids can quickly reduce inflammation, relieving pain caused by swelling that presses on nerves or surrounding tissues.
  2. Hyaluronic acid: Hyaluronic acid is a thick fluid that can be injected into your knee to improve mobility and relieve pain. It’s similar to the fluid that naturally lubricates joints. Although study results on the effectiveness of this treatment have been mixed, relief from one or a series of shots can last up to six months.
  3. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP): Many different growth factors are concentrated in PRP, which appears to reduce inflammation and promote healing. PRP has shown good results in some studies to help people with osteoarthritis.

5. Lifestyle/ Home remedies:

RICE for knee pain, lifestyle changes for knee pain
  1. R.I.C.E.: Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation (RICE) is excellent for knee pain caused by a minor injury or an arthritis flare. Rest your knee, apply ice to reduce swelling, cover it with a compressive bandage, and keep it elevated.
  2. Heat:  Applying a heat pack or a hot water bottle to the painful area on your knee may provide temporary pain relief.
  3. Exercise: Too much rest can weaken your muscles, causing joint pain to worsen. Choose a safe exercise program for your knees and stick to it. Like cardio exercises, improve flexibility and strengthen the muscles that support your knee. Weightlifting and stretching are also beneficial. Walking, swimming, water aerobics, stationary cycling, and elliptical machines are all good cardio options. Running, jumping, and kickboxing are all jarring exercises to avoid. Avoid exercises that put a lot of strain on your knees, such as lunges and deep squats. These can worsen pain and, if done incorrectly, result in injury.
  4. Control your weight: Losing weight reduces the stress on your knee if you’re overweight. It’s not even necessary to reach your “ideal” weight. Even small changes make a difference.

6. Acupuncture:

Acupuncture for knee pain

Numerous clinical studies have proven that Acupuncture can relieve osteoarthritis pain, particularly in the knee. Acupuncture releases endogenous opioid endorphins (the body’s natural pain-relieving chemicals).

Acupuncture is a good option to keep in mind if you want to reduce pain, inflammation, and stiffness in your knee while also increasing your range of motion.

Non-surgical methods for severe knee pain

Severe knee pain is the stage where doctors recommend total knee replacement surgery. Though knee replacement surgery methods have advanced quite a lot, if you want to avoid the surgery there is a method that exists today. This method is “Stem cell therapy for knee pain.”

Let’s understand this method in a bit more detail.

7. Stem cell therapy for knee pain relief without surgery:

stem-cells therapy for knee pain

Stem cell therapy is regenerative medicine, which means it uses your adult stem cells to help your body repair the damage in your knees.

Stem cell therapy involves injecting healthy stem cells directly into the affected area. After that, the stem cells regenerate, adapting to the specific need for which they were created.

The cells regrow healthy tissue or bone to allow your joints to heal. After stem cell therapy, patients have reported that osteoarthritis, tendonitis, and muscle and soft tissue pain have improved or disappeared.

The stem cell is the most advanced treatment for knee joint pain. If you want more details, please visit stem cell therapy for knee pain.

Patients typically go for stem cell therapy as a substitute for Total knee replacement surgery. However, if you start this therapy in the early stages of pain, you will not reach this stage and live precious years of your life without pain and restricted mobility.


In the early stages of knee pain, manage it effectively with the different methods mentioned above under the guidance of the doctor. 

If you are entering the moderate stage, you can avoid entering in severe stage with the timely decision to explore stem cell therapy.

If you are having pains of severe stage and you don’t want to undergo total knee replacement surgery then stem cell therapy is the only option for you.

If you want to know more about stem cell therapy for knee pain click here stem cell therapy for joint pain.

If you have any other questions you may choose to contact us for further details. 

Frequently asked questions

Q1. What is the current status of Stem cell therapy from the regulatory framework?

The stem cell-based therapy is in the research phase and has not yet been formally approved by ICMR. However, the application of stem cells, popularly known as bone marrow transplants, in blood-related disorders is approved by ICMR.

Author: MedicoExperts

A Global Virtual Hospital

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