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8 Hip Pain Exercises to Get Active Again

Do you know that 30 to 40% of adults who play sports complain about chronic hip pain?

Also, 12 to 15 percent of all adults above 60 suffer from hip pain.

But it’s just not about playing sports or your age, hip pain can stem from various factors, such as muscle imbalances, injuries, arthritis, or even poor posture. In many of the cases, gentle exercises can help relieve the pain and restore mobility. 

So here is a list of 8 hip pain exercises that can help you regain mobility, reduce discomfort, and enjoy your day-to-day activities without any hindrance. From simple stretches to yoga poses, we’ve got you covered.

But before hopping on to your exercise mat let’s first learn what exactly is it and what are the causes behind this extreme discomfort. 

What is hip pain?

hip pain exercise

Hip pain is the pain you feel in and around your hip joints. 

A joint is where two bones come together in your body. The hip joint is where your thigh bone (femur) links up with your pelvis. It’s among the biggest joints in your body. You rely on your hip joint all the time for activities like moving, carrying your weight, and staying steady.

Hip discomfort varies, from a brief, passing bother to a more significant matter necessitating medical attention. The pain’s location hinges on the affected portion of your hip joint. You might experience hip pain:

  • Near the surface around your hip, often related to muscles, tendons, or ligaments.
  • In your lower back. Occasionally, hip pain can extend to other regions like the lower back or groin.
  • Deeper within your hip joint, originating from bones or cartilage.

In some cases, the pain may come and go, and in other cases in different parts of the day. Irrespective of how and when you feel the pain, you need to consult your healthcare provider if you feel it is hindering you from going on with your activities comfortably.

What are the different types of hip pain?

types of hip pain exercise

Here are the different types of hip pains:

  • Anterior hip pain

Anterior hip pain is when you feel discomfort in the front part of your hip, near the top of your leg where it meets your body. It’s like aches or twinges in the front area of your hip joint. Things like muscle strains, tendon problems, or issues with the bones can lead to this kind of pain.

  • Right & left hip Pain

Right and left hip pain means feeling discomfort on the right or left side of your hip. This kind of pain can come from various reasons like muscle strains, joint issues, or even problems in your back.

  • Lateral hip pain

Lateral hip pain means feeling discomfort on the outer side of your hip. It’s like having soreness or aching specifically on the outer part of your hip joint. This kind of pain can happen because of things like muscle strains, tendon issues, or problems with the bone structures.

What causes hip pain?

Here are some of the causes of hip pain:

  • Arthritis is a leading cause of hip pain. It wears down hip joint cartilage over time.
  • Another cause of hip pain is muscle strain. Overexertion or sudden movements can strain hip muscles.
  • Tendonitis (Inflammation of hip tendons due to repetitive stress) can cause hip pain.
  • You may have this issue if you have a hip fracture. Falls or trauma can result in fractured hip bones.
  • Bursitis, Inflamed bursae (fluid-filled sacs), cause hip pain.
  • Labral Tears or Tears in the hip joint’s cartilage ring (labrum) can also cause this pain.
  • Sciatica (Nerve compression radiates pain from the lower back to the hip) can cause hip pain. 
  • Due to Hip Impingement (Bone growth causes friction in the hip joint), you might feel pain in your hips.
  • If you have weak bones, they are susceptible to fractures and this leads to hip pain.
  • If you have hip joint infections, it can cause discomfort.
  • A misaligned hip joint from birth or hip dysplasia can cause hip pain. 
  • In rare cases, tumors can cause hip pain.

Now that you know almost all the causes of hip pain, let’s move on to the remedies for it. Some basic exercises can help reduce hip pain. By doing them you can get rid of that discomfort at home. 

What are the exercises for hip pain?

Here are 8 easy and simple exercises that can help you get relief from hip pain:

1. Butterfly pose

The Butterfly Pose is a simple yoga stretch. Sit on the floor, bend your knees, and bring the soles of your feet together. Hold onto your ankles and gently press your knees down towards the floor. This pose helps stretch your inner thighs and hips, promoting flexibility.

2. Cat-cow stretch: 

Start on your hands and knees. Arch your back like a cat, then lift your head and tailbone into a cow-like curve. Alternate between these poses for 10 cycles.

Cat-Cow pose is a gentle yoga movement that can help alleviate hip pain by promoting flexibility and mobility in the hip joint. The alternating arching and rounding of the spine in this pose stretches and strengthens the muscles surrounding the hips, potentially reducing discomfort and promoting overall hip joint health.

3. Wall squats:

Stand against a wall and slide down into a squat position. Hold for 20-30 seconds, then slowly stand back up. Do 3-4 repetitions.

Wall squats can assist in relieving hip pain by engaging and strengthening the muscles in the hips, thighs, and lower back. This exercise helps improve hip stability and flexibility while minimizing strain on the joints, potentially reducing discomfort and promoting better hip function.

4. Seated leg raises

Sit on a chair with legs extended. Lift one leg straight out, hold briefly, and lower. Do 3 sets of 12-15 reps on each leg.

Seated leg raises can help alleviate hip pain by strengthening the muscles around the hip joint, which provides better support and stability. This exercise targets the hip flexors and surrounding muscles, promoting an improved range of motion and reducing discomfort.

5. Side-lying leg raise

The Side-Lying Leg Raise is an exercise where you lie on your side and lift your top leg upward while keeping it straight. This works your outer hip muscles (abductors) and helps strengthen the hip area. It’s a great way to improve hip stability and prevent issues like hip pain or imbalance.

6. Clamshell Exercise: 

Lie on your side with your legs bent at a 90-degree angle. Keep your feet touching and open your knees like a clamshell. Close them slowly and repeat 15-20 times on each side.

Another exercise that is beneficial for hip pain as it targets the muscles of the outer hip, known as the gluteus medius. Strengthening these muscles can help stabilize the hip joint, improve overall hip alignment, and alleviate pain caused by issues like IT band syndrome or hip imbalances.

7. Glute bridge 

Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat. Lift your hips off the ground while squeezing your glutes. Hold for a few seconds, then lower. Repeat for 10-15 reps.

This exercise helps you strengthen your gluteal muscles. By addressing muscle imbalances and promoting better hip mechanics, the glute bridge can contribute to decreased hip discomfort and improved overall hip function.

8. Donkey kick

Start on your hands and knees in a tabletop position. Keeping your knee bent at a 90-degree angle, lift one leg upwards, pushing your foot towards the ceiling. Keep your core engaged and your back straight. Lower your leg back down and repeat for the desired repetitions before switching to the other leg.

This exercise strengthens gluteal muscles. It also engages the core muscles, providing additional support to the hip region. 

While doing any of these exercises, if you feel discomfort, stop immediately and relax. Always listen to your body and never ignore it when it tells you to stop. 

Final thoughts

There is no doubt that hip pain can take a toll on your day-to-day life and exercise is the best way to get rid of this discomfort. What’s more, you can do these exercises at home and you can get relief naturally.

But if your hip pain exceeds or persists consulting your health care provider is the best idea. Medico Experts has the best Orthopedic Surgeons in India who have successfully completed hundreds of bilateral total hip replacements. 

We also help you get stem cell therapy for hip pain. It is relatively a newer alternative for hip joint treatment and it has more benefits than the traditional methods.


Q1. What is the fastest way to relieve hip pain at home?

Ans: The fastest way to relieve mild hip pain at home is through rest, applying ice to the affected area for about 15-20 minutes every few hours, and taking over-the-counter pain relievers. Gentle stretches and movements that don’t exacerbate the pain can also help maintain flexibility and reduce discomfort. However, if the pain is severe or persistent, it’s important to consult a medical professional for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Q2. Is walking OK for hip pain?

Ans: Walking can be okay for mild hip pain, as it promotes blood flow, joint mobility, and muscle engagement without putting excessive strain on the hips. However, it’s crucial to listen to your body and avoid pushing through severe discomfort. If walking exacerbates the pain or if the pain is persistent, it’s advisable to rest, consult a healthcare provider, and consider modifying your activity until the issue is addressed

Q3. What causes daily hip pain?

Ans: Daily hip pain can be caused by various factors, including muscle imbalances, overuse, poor posture, arthritis, bursitis, or injuries like strains or tears in the hip muscles or tendons. Additionally, underlying conditions such as hip labral tears, IT band syndrome, or nerve compression can contribute to consistent hip discomfort. Consulting a healthcare professional can help identify the specific cause of your daily hip pain and guide appropriate treatment.

Q4. What is Stage 1 hip pain?

Ans: Stage 1 hip pain typically refers to the initial phase of discomfort, often characterized by mild symptoms. It might arise from factors like muscle tension, minor strains, or postural issues. At this stage, the pain is usually manageable and might respond well to rest gentle stretching, and over-the-counter pain relief measures. However, if the pain worsens or persists, it’s important to seek medical advice to prevent it from progressing to more serious stages.

Author: MedicoExperts

A Global Virtual Hospital

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