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Is Stem Cell Therapy The Future Of Diabetes Treatment?

Over 460 million people worldwide are now taking lifelong medication for diabetes, which has become an epidemic. 

You must be wondering!!!

How close are we to developing a diabetes treatment that will be able to cure this chronic illness?

The question is relevant as diabetes is the leading cause of several life-threatening health conditions like heart attacks, strokes, kidney failure, and blindness. 

According to the World Health Organization, by 2045, around 700 million people worldwide will have diabetes. 

Despite affecting a large number of people, diabetes still has no known cure. Although treatment like insulin helps patients control their symptoms to some extent, it does not offer cure. Despite taking medication people having diabetes continue to experience several long-term health conditions.

Apart from causing long-term health conditions, this disease has insidiously crept inside the brain of people with diabetes, making them live under constant fear about the dosage of the medicine. People having diabetes are under stress about the dosage of medicines as  overdosing or underdosing, which could result in a seizure, coma, or even death. 

Although insulin injections have emerged as a lifesaver for people having diabetes, it does not offer a cure.

The inability of conventional medicines to reverse diabetes has made the researchers look for treatment methods that are capable of reversing diabetes. In the quest of finding a permanent solution to cure cancer, researchers moved even closer to a treatment that offers a cure for diabetes. 

The treatment method is none other than innovative stem cell therapy for diabetes.

The ability of Stem cells to transform into any cell type helped researchers to reprogram stem cells to become islet cells that produce insulin.

The stem cell is becoming the future of diabetes treatment and will soon replace conservative treatment for diabetes. 

We understand your curiosity to know about the latest cell-based treatment which is deemed to be the future treatment for diabetes. Before we move ahead let us first understand the mechanism of how stem cell therapy works.

How does stem cells therapy for diabetes treatment work?

there is a cure for diabetes

Stem cells have a natural ability to repair and regenerate damaged cells that can help them cure chronic illnesses like diabetes. 

Researchers use advanced technology to modify blood cells into stem cells genetically. These genetically modified blood cells are later reprogrammed to become the pancreatic islet cells that produce insulin.

Transplanting these islet cells into the pancreas through injection helps the pancreas to reinstate its ability to produce insulin.

Stem cell-based therapy does not carry any risk of rejection or cross infection as they are usually derived from your body. 

The amazing healing property of stem cells to reverse has made this latest treatment popular among people. Considering the popularity of cell-based therapy to reverse diabetes, researchers are hopeful that the cell-based therapy will emerge as a future of diabetes treatment. 

Why is there a need for a new treatment to reverse diabetes?

miracle cure for diabetes

Medication and insulin are the conventional treatments for reversing diabetes. Insulin is very safe when used properly, but it’s important to know that it can have some side effects. Side effects like weight gain and hypoglycemia (low blood glucose level).

Furthermore, if diabetes is untreated for a longer period, it can result in kidney damage, diabetic foot, and other physical issues.

To overcome the side effects, an urge for a new treatment is required.

Why should you consider stem cell therapy for diabetes?

complete cure for diabetes, future of diabetes treatment

Some of the factors that will help you decide the treatment 

  • Injection-based therapy and no surgery are needed
  • It has no side effects
  • Since own cell is used for treatment, there is no rejection 
  • Improve metabolism
  • Reduction insulin dependency
  • Regulated sleep patterns
  • Regulated blood glucose levels
  • Improve overall quality of life 

Let’s understand who should choose stem cell treatment for diabetes.

Who should choose cell-based therapy to reverse your diabetes?

complete cure for diabetes, future of diabetes treatment

High blood glucose levels affect the whole body adversely. Although we are all aware of the complications of high blood glucose levels we sometimes fail to manage the blood glucose levels because managing diabetes takes a lot of effort and restrictions on the meals we take. 

But with stem cell therapy you can reverse high blood glucose levels without depending on medication and insulin. You should consider stem cell therapy, if

  • You have uncontrolled blood glucose levels.
  • Type 1 Diabetes / Type 2 Diabetes
  • Complications due to Diabetes

Moreover, a person should choose stem cells as a treatment for diabetes if they want to avoid developing any future complications that are commonly associated with high blood glucose levels.

If you have decided that you want a permanent cure, not a lifelong symptoms suppressant way for treatment in your life. Then you should choose stem cell therapy for diabetes treatment.

When should you consider stem cell therapy to reverse diabetes?

complete cure for diabetes, future of diabetes treatment

You should consider stem cell therapy to reverse diabetes if you failed to control your blood glucose level by diet and exercise. 

If you fail to maintain a normal blood glucose level you will become totally dependent on medication and insulin to lower blood sugar levels.

So it is always advisable to start with stem cell therapy to reverse diabetes at an early stage.

Stem cell therapy also helps in managing the side-effects that might have been caused due to diabetes.

How to check eligibility for stem cell therapy for diabetes treatment?

future of diabetes treatment, there is a cure for diabetes

If you want to check whether you are eligible for stem cell therapy or not. 

Please call or WhatsApp us at +91 9769516280 or fill out the form below, stem cell experts will contact you. 


How does stem cell therapy work for type 1 diabetes?

 In type 1 diabetes, your body cannot produce insulin because the immune system destroys insulin-making cells in your pancreas. These are called beta cells.

Stem cell therapy prevents autoimmune attacks from destroying beta and islet cells in the pancreas, which produce insulin.

 How does stem cell therapy work for type 2 diabetes? 

 Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) [stem cells which are derived from the bone marrow] have the potential to treat a wide range of chronic diseases, including type 2 diabetes, according to research.

MSCs are regarded as an excellent option for the treatment of type 2 diabetes because they can differentiate, renew themselves, suppress the immune system, reduce inflammation, and repair tissue.

Stem cell therapy can improve the symptoms and long-term complications which are caused due to type 2 diabetes.

What are the benefits of stem cell therapy for diabetes?

 Both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes can be treated with stem cells. The long-term objectives of therapy are to:
Prolong life
Reduce symptoms
Control your blood sugar levels
Prevent diabetes complications like amputation of limbs, heart disease, kidney failure, diabetic foot and blindness.

What is the current status of Stem cell therapy from the regulatory framework?

The stem cell-based therapy is in the research phase and not yet formally approved by ICMR. However, the application of stem cells, popularly known as bone marrow transplants, in blood-related disorders is approved by ICMR.

Author: MedicoExperts

A Global Virtual Hospital

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