
Which Food Reduces Creatinine Level: Top 6 of Them

Is your doctor’s report showing high creatinine levels in your blood giving you sleepless nights?

Don’t lose your sleep but take action to bring down the blood creatinine levels. 

The foods you are consuming can be the culprit. Taking the right food is extremely important for you.

More so, foods can be your partner in managing creatinine levels, provided, you pick the right ones and avoid the ones that spike the creatinine levels up. 

So, are you ready to learn which food reduces creatinine levels?

You will be happy to know that there are quite a few of them. To help you out, we have created a list of 6 food categories that bring down your creatinine levels. 

Along with that, you will learn about what foods to avoid, and which lifestyle choices can help achieve your goal.  

What is creatinine?

In a nutshell, creatinine is a waste that the body produces from protein digestion and natural muscle activities.

The kidney filters the blood and the waste ideally goes out of the body through the urinal route. If the kidney is not able to filter properly, the creatinine remains in the blood and is detected as high creatinine levels in the blood.

What are the causes of high creatinine levels?

There could be many reasons for high creatinine levels. The following are the most prevalent causes of high creatinine levels in the blood:

  • Diseases such as High blood pressure and diabetes
  • Kidney Inflammation and Infections
  • Chronic Kidney disease 
  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Certain Infections like HIV, Syphilis
  • Hormonal issues like Thyroid 
  • Cancer 
  • Blockages in the Urinary tract and bladder
  • Genetic which means family history 

What are the symptoms of high creatinine levels?

When your blood creatinine levels are high, you might notice these symptoms:

  • Your feet and ankles swell up
  • Changes in how often you pee or the thickness of your pee
  • Blood in your pee
  • General Fatigue
  • Your eyes look puffy
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Cramps in your muscles

What is a normal creatinine level?

We have already told you that creatinine is a byproduct of the daily activities your muscles do. That’s the reason why men, women, and babies have differences in normal levels of creatinine. 

Let us explain it to you, most women have lower levels of creatinine because they have less muscle mass than men. Check the list below to get an exact idea about the normal creatinine levels for men, women, and children. 

  • Women and older teenagers: 0.6 to 1.1 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL)
  • Men and some older teenagers:  0.8 to 1.3 mg/dL
  • Babies:  0.2 mg/dL or higher

Understanding the normal levels of creatinine in your blood will help you take proactive steps when required, which include approaching a doctor and taking care of your diet. 

Which Food reduces Creatinine Level?

Your diet plays an important role in bringing down your creatinine levels and focusing on it will help you get rid of the toxins and waste from your system. So, without wasting any more time, let’s check the foods that help reduce your creatinine levels. 

Vegetables to reduce creatinine levels

These are some of the vegetables that can lower creatinine levels: 


You should not forget cabbage as it is loaded with antioxidants and sulfur compounds.  Even studies suggest that the antioxidants in it improve your kidney function. 

Additionally, cabbage has dietary fiber that can boost digestion and clear your system of waste products and toxins, which includes creatinine. 


Cauliflower is another vegetable that is great for CKD (chronic Kidney disease).

It is also a vegetable that is high in fiber content and promotes the excretion of waste products from the body, including creatinine. 

Besides fiber, cauliflower is a good source of antioxidants, vitamin C, and folate, which are excellent nutrients for kidney health.

You should also remember that cauliflower is low in potassium, which means it is good for people with kidney issues who need to manage their electrolyte levels.


You must not miss carrots, as they have beta-carotene and pectins. a nutritious type of fiber. As per studies, pectin helps prevent kidney failure. 

It has a diuretic effect that helps your kidneys get rid of water and toxins from your body. Pectin also reduces creatinine levels. 

At the same time, you must note that though carrots are great for kidneys they are moderately high in oxalate. 

So, if you have calcium oxalate kidney stones, you should have them in a small amount. 


We all know that onion is a kitchen staple. But this everyday vegetable is good for your kidney health. 

Especially, because onion contains allicin, a nutrient that helps improve kidney dysfunction and lower blood pressure. 

Apart from that, onions are a good source of vitamin C, and calcium, which are important for maintaining healthy kidney function. 

Onions are also rich in bioactive compounds that have antioxidant properties. These bioactive compounds are beneficial for you as an anti-inflammatory agent.


Eggplant or brinjal is another vegetable that may be part of your kitchen. But do you know that it is low in potassium and sodium? 

That’s exactly why it is an excellent choice for those who have kidney disease. 

A 2014 study indicated that chlorogenic acid, an antioxidant in eggplant, may decrease bad cholesterol and lower the risk of non-alcoholic fatty liver diseases. Another reason you should have this amazing vegetable. 

Additionally, eggplant has diuretic properties which is good for your kidneys. It is rich in fiber which regulates your bowel movement and helps your body get rid of creatinine. 

Soaked dark green leafy vegetables 

Dark leafy green vegetables like spinach have nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals, and fibers. Most of them have antioxidants. But you need to have them after soaking them well overnight. 

Doing so will help you maintain the levels of oxalates that cause kidney stones and reduce the kidneys’ power to filter wastes like creatinine.

Green leafy vegetables also have a high fiber content, which can help improve your digestion and promote regular bowel movements.

But you need to keep in mind that these vegetables are high in potassium, so those who are on a restricted diet and dialysis should not have them.

Fruits to reduce creatinine levels

If you are not taking fruits regularly, you are missing out on nutrients. Including some fruits in your diet can boost kidney health and reduce creatinine levels. 

Cranberry is one such fruit that has some nutrients that are amazing for your kidneys. 

Cranberries contain antioxidants like tannins and proanthocyanidins that protect your kidneys against oxidative damage and promote urine production. 

When your urine production improves you easily filter waste like creatinine from your body.

Similarly, red grapes, blueberries, and raspberries have antioxidants that reduce inflammation and protect against kidney damage. 

Apart from berries and grapes, melons, oranges, apples, pineapples, and cherries are rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, that support kidney health and reduce creatinine levels. 

Add these fruits to your diet and their hydrating properties and nutrient content will help you keep your kidneys super healthy. 

Seeds to reduce creatinine levels

Consumption of Seeds is another great way to improve your kidney health. You should add some pumpkin, chia, or flax seeds to your diet to boost kidney function.

Flaxseeds have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, and as per experts, a dietary supplement of flaxseed oil reduces the chances of kidney failure. 

Chia seed is a rich source of ALA (alpha-linolenic acid). It has great effects on kidney function.

Studies have also shown that pumpkin seeds improve blood sugar levels and reduce the risk of diabetic nephropathy, a common complication of diabetes that affects the kidneys.

These seeds have potassium and phosphorus, so the amount you can have each day depends completely on the type of dialysis you receive or your stage of kidney disease. We would advise you to consult your doctor in case of any doubt. 

Whole Grains to reduce creatinine levels

A review of studies has shown that dietary fiber can help lower creatinine levels, and whole grains are rich sources of fiber. 

Whole grains are an excellent source of antioxidants, dietary fiber, minerals, and vitamins.

Diets high in whole grains help improve kidney function if you have chronic kidney disease and lower the chances of developing such disease.

Whole grains have other health benefits too, like a lower risk of type 2 diabetes, and heart disease, lowered chances of obesity, and improved gut health. That’s why including whole grains in your diet is an excellent idea. 

Plant-based proteins to reduce creatinine levels

Plant proteins contain calcium, magnesium, and vitamin C. Adding them to your diet can help reduce the acidity in your meals. 

Reduction of acidity in meals can help improve kidney function.

So you can switch your animal protein sources with plant-based options, such as beans, lentils, and tofu.

Herbs to reduce creatinine levels

You should add the above-mentioned foods to your diet because it is an amazing way to reduce your creatinine level. 

But if you want better results, you should take these Ayurvedic herbs to lower the high creatinine levels naturally and maintain the normal levels. 

These herbs can shield your kidney from harm and help you lower creatinine levels. Moreover, the Ayurvedic herbs have no side effects.


Punarnava is beneficial for kidney health with diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties. It reduces the risk of inflammatory kidney conditions and helps remove kidney stones.


Kasni is another herb that should be in your diet. It has diuretic properties and helps lower your creatinine levels. 


If kidney stones are bothering you Gokhru is your go-to herb. 

Gokhru improves your kidney health by preventing stone formation.

It breaks down existing stones and protects against kidney issues. 


Makoye promotes urine production and waste elimination.

Neem Chal

Neem chal has natural properties that lower creatinine levels; studies show that neem leaf protects the kidneys.

Peepal Chal

Peepal chal is believed to have diuretic properties that support kidney function. 

You can find these herbs in Ayurvedic stores. You should definitely go for herbs that are organically grown for the best effects. 

If you find difficulty finding these herbs, you can go for MedicoExperts’ Kidney Detox or Kidney Suddhi Kadha. This is one such supplement that has all the herbs mentioned above. 

This is a perfect solution for your hectic lifestyle. You just need to mix it with hot water, keep it for 2 minutes, and have it and the herbs in this kadha will boost your kidney health.

What not to eat when you have high creatinine levels?

There are foods that you need to completely avoid when you have a high creatinine level. 

  • Restrict your sodium intake.
  • Cut back on high-sodium foods like packaged items
  • Avoid processed meats
  • Avoid cheese
  • Avoid fast food 
  • Avoid potassium-rich foods 

Let’s have a look at some foods that you need to avoid in detail:


Potatoes are high in potassium and that’s why you need to avoid them if you have a high creatinine level. But you can reduce the high creatinine levels up to 20% if you first soak it in cold water for at least 5 minutes and then boil it properly. 

Even then, if you have severe kidney conditions you should completely avoid potatoes.


Tomato doesn’t fall on the kidney-friendly diet list because it is another fruit that is high in potassium. Apart from that, it is one of the fruits that have the highest levels of pesticides. 

That’s why, you should completely avoid tomatoes if your creatinine level is high or you have a severe kidney problem.

Canned Food

From paneer to tuna, foods that are canned have sodium in a very high quantity. If you have CKD, you must avoid canned food totally, as your kidneys will not be able to filter the excess sodium like they normally do. 

Drinks with Dark Colours

Most dark-coloured drinks have phosphorous to increase flavour and shelf life. Your body has a system to maintain the right balance of sodium but when you have CKD and other kidney-related problems that balance is disturbed. 

Either your kidney works less effectively in this situation or your body tries to make the balance by changing hormone levels. This may affect your bones and heart health. 

Because of this, you should avoid coloured drinks like sodas and other beverages. 

Dairy Products

Dairy products are natural sources of potassium and phosphorous. Consuming too much dairy products along with phosphorous-rich food may impact your kidneys if you already have kidney issues.


Bananas are high in potassium like potatoes. So, you should avoid them if you have high creatinine levels


Oranges are rich in potassium. Even a small orange contains 174 mg of potassium. For the same reason, you should avoid orange juice and opt for beetroot juice or apple juice. 

Dried Fruits

Dried fruits like apricots, prunes, raisins, and dates have high potassium and you should avoid them. 


Without pickle, your paratha may not taste that good but you should still avoid it if your creatinine levels are high. 

Mostly because, while curing the pickle a huge amount of salt is used, which means they are high in sodium. Hence, you should avoid it. 

Processed Meat

Chicken nuggets, popcorn, kebabs, paparonis and all other such meat packages you buy from the market are processed meat. These meats are salted, dried, and cured. 

They have preservatives and high levels of sodium which are harmful to your kidney health. 

Brown Rice

Brown rice has high potassium and phosphorus which makes it not suitable for those who have kidney issues. 

Now that you know what foods to avoid, let’s learn about some home remedies. 

Some other Home Remedies to lower creatinine levels

There is no doubt that diet plays a vital role in lowering your creatinine levels. But apart from that many other home remedies can help you bring the creatinine level down drastically. 

  • Avoid creatine supplements. These can increase creatinine levels in the body.
  • Reduce protein Intake. Especially cut back on red meat, eggs, chicken, and dairy.
  • Increase fibre consumption. Include whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and legumes in your diet.
  • Limit Salt Intake. Processed foods are high in sodium, which can harm kidney function.
  • Use NSAIDs Sparingly. Avoid overuse of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, especially with kidney disease.
  • Quit smoking. Smoking can raise blood pressure and harm kidney function.
  • Moderate alcohol consumption. Excessive alcohol can impair kidney function and raise blood pressure.
  • Avoid Straining Exercises. Overuse of muscles can increase creatinine levels. So avoid exercises that strain you out. 


A healthy diet low in salt and fat and rich in whole grains, fruits, and vegetables is the best if you have high creatinine levels. 

The foods including vegetables, fruits, seeds, and whole grains mentioned in this article will help your body to naturally reduce creatinine levels.

Moreover, if you want better effects or if you are not able to create a routine to have these foods, you can add Ayurvedic natural herbs to your diet. 

Along with that, you should consult a nephrologist without fail. 

If you need any further help on foods, or herbs including how to find and buy organic herbs, or nephrologists, feel free to contact us.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1. How can I lower my creatinine levels quickly?

You will be able to lower your creatinine levels if you follow the tips below.
1. Have a kidney-friendly diet mentioned in our article.
2. Avoid creatinine supplements
3. Lower your salt intake
4. Avoid smoking and alcohol
5. Avoid NSAIDs

Q2. Does lemon water reduce creatinine?

Drinking lemon water doesn’t increase or decrease your creatinine levels.

Q3. Which fruits can help reduce the creatinine levels?

Bananas, oranges,  apples, melons, apples, kiwis, cranberries, and blueberries are some foods that can help you lower your creatinine levels

Q4. Can I have chapati if I have high creatinine levels?

Yes, you can have chapatis if you have high creatinine levels. 

Q5. Does milk increase creatinine?

Creatinine is a waste product created by your muscles during normal activities. Milk doesn’t increase creatinine levels. 

Q6. Which juice is best for the kidneys?

Many juices are good for the kidneys such as apple juice, beet juice, etc.

Q7. Is fasting good for creatinine?

Fasting is not good for reducing creatinine levels. Fasting increases serum creatinine levels because of dehydration. 

Q8. Is curd good for creatinine levels?

Milk and yoghurt are packed with vitamins and nutrients, but eating too much can be harmful if you have kidney issues, as they are high in phosphorus, potassium, and protein.

Q9. Can coconut water help with creatinine?

If you have kidney issues, you should limit your coconut water intake because it has high levels of potassium. 

Q10. How to lower creatinine overnight?

If you are healthy and there is no restriction on fluid intake, You can reduce creatinine levels overnight by drinking a lot of water before sleep. 

But that will be temporary and if you have severe kidney issues it may do more harm than good. 


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Medically Reviewed By MedicoExperts Editorial & Clinical Review Board on 09 May 2024

Liver damage and liver transplant in India

Warning Signs of Liver Damage: Stay Informed, and take action early to avoid complications

Are you concerned about your liver health which most of the time remains unnoticed?

Your concerns are very genuine. The liver is a body part that keeps on deteriorating unnoticed and gets attention at advanced stages. 

To identify and take corrective action in an early stage is the smartest move you can take.

With the awareness of early, late, and red flag symptoms which actually are the warning signs of liver damage, you can take the right steps at the right time.

You will definitely be able to avoid a situation where liver damage is going unidentified for years. When liver disease is detected at a later stage, doctors also start becoming helpless. 

But, before going into the details of the warning signs of liver damage, let us first know why the liver is important based on its functionality. 

Why is the Liver Important?

The liver has metabolic (related to digestion and energy production) and synthetic functions (cleansing and toxin removal). 

The major functions of the liver are as follows.

  • Production of bile, which helps in breaking down and absorption of fat in the small intestine
  • The liver regulates blood clotting function by synthesizing proteins such as albumin
  • Storage of carbohydrates for use as glucose in the blood.
  • Elimination of bilirubin through metabolism or secretion and thus helps you to avoid jaundice and related complications.
  • Fighting infections through the development of immune factors and removal of bacteria from the bloodstream
  • Elimination of biochemical wastes, detoxification of alcohol, environmental toxins, and certain drugs
  • Conversion of ammonia (A harmful toxin) to urea (less toxic for excretion)  in protein metabolism.

Now that you know the functional role played by the liver, let us know the early, late, and red-flag symptoms. Red flag symptoms are also an indication that your liver is dying. 

A. Early symptoms of liver disease

Following are the symptoms that indicate early-stage liver disease. These symptoms are typically observed in other diseases as well and hence can easily be ignored by many. 

However, if you are observing symptoms in combination, you should take them seriously. The liver disease is simplest to solve when it is in its early stage.

Pain in Abdomen

You may feel pain in the upper right side of the abdomen where your liver is located. This pain can also be accompanied by right shoulder pain. You should not ignore this type of pain if it continues for more than a few days. 

Such pains may originate from the enlargement of the liver or compression of the bile duct.

General Fatigue

You may feel fatigued. This type of fatigue is known as central fatigue and can restrict you from performing your daily tasks.


Fever is also one of the symptoms. But, based on fever, you should not conclude that you are having liver disease. However, if you are observing other symptoms of liver disease as well, then only it can be an indication of liver malfunction.

Lack of Appetite

You may not feel like eating anything and can gradually start losing weight.

The important point to note is that you should not worry from once in a while loss of appetite.

If you lose appetite for a very long time, that chronic loss of appetite can be an indicator of liver disease. 

Nausea and Vomiting

Regular feelings of nausea and vomiting for a very long period of time are also an indication that your liver is disturbed.

If you find other symptoms along with nausea and vomiting, you should not ignore them.

Itchy Skin

One of the common signs of liver disease is itchy skin. If you have itchy skin, then it could be a sign of obstructive jaundice.

Itchy skin is also medically known as pruritus and can occur in 17% of patients having obstructive jaundice. Your sole feet and palm have a maximum chance of getting affected by pruritus.

Red Palms

If your palms are getting red and swollen, this may be a warning sign for liver damage.

In the context of liver damage, scarring of liver tissue results in increased redness of the palm.

Sleep Disturbances

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and primary bile disorders can cause insomnia, problems in rapid eye movement during sleep, and disturbances in sleep patterns. 

Spider Angioma

If you can see small spider-shaped veins, under the skin on your face and legs, you have to check for liver disease. 

This condition occurs due to higher levels of estrogen, thereby implying the improper functioning of the liver in the metabolism of your hormones. 

B. Late symptoms of liver disease

There may be late symptoms due to fibrosis or cirrhosis, which can warn you of liver disease in your body. You should be careful about late liver disease symptoms, as they may become a potential threat if left untreated. However, with proper and timely measures, there are very good chances of easy recovery. 

Yellowing of the eye and the skin

The eye and skin start getting pale or yellowish due to excess bilirubin in the blood. This is also a symptom of jaundice, which is also a liver disease.

You should take it seriously and approach the doctor if you are observing it for a couple of days.

Accumulation of fluid in the abdomen (Ascites)

Accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity may happen due to cirrhosis.  If you are gaining weight too fast, it can be due to ascites and your doctor will advise you to take a low-salt diet. 

Blood Vomiting

In chronic liver disease, the patient may experience blood vomiting which needs emergency care.

Blood vomiting indicates the severity of the liver disease. You should immediately contact your doctor and preferably a hepatologist, who is a liver expert. 

Swelling of the legs, ankles and feet

If you are observing swelling (edema in medical terms) in the legs, hands, and feet, it may be due to the presence of liver disease.   

Dark urine and/or pale-coloured stool

If you are seeing dark-coloured urine for a week, even when you are having good water intake,  there may be a possibility that you have a high level of bilirubin (pigment present in urine and stool) in urine which is an indication of liver damage.

Along with dark urine colour and pale stool, if you are also observing the change in colour of your eyes, you need to rush to a doctor.  

Sexual dysfunctions

Though sexual dysfunction can result from many other causes like stress, performance anxiety, and hormonal imbalance,  you can also experience it in serious liver disease along with other symptoms. 

As a result of liver disease, there is an alteration in the metabolism of estrogen hormone. This can lead to infertility, menstrual problems in women, enlarged breasts, and shortened testis in males. 

Easy bleeding and bruising

Easy bleeding or bruising after injuries is also a sign of an unhealthy liver. Easy bleeding can happen due to bacterial or viral infections in your body. 

If you are observing easy bleeding along with yellowing of your eye or passing of dark urine, you should not ignore this and should plan to meet a doctor. 

C. Red flag symptoms which are also signs that your liver is dying

If you are a liver patient of cirrhosis stage and you start getting the following symptoms, you should consider them a Red flag and should go to the hospital.  

Fever and high temperature

If your temperature rises alarmingly as a result of cirrhosis, it is time to rush to the hospital. 

Shortness of breath

This is known as hepatopulmonary syndrome and this happens in liver cirrhosis patients when the level of oxygen in the blood reaches a minimum level. In these cases, a liver transplant may be required as hepatopulmonary syndrome has no long-lasting relief through medicines. 

Please note that shortness of breath can also occur due to pulmonary disease or cardiac ailments, but if you have an already existing liver disorder and you have this symptom, it is important that you go to the hospital immediately. 

Mental confusion, drowsiness, and forgetfulness

This condition is known as severe hepatic encephalopathy (hepatic brain disorder). It can gradually lead to coma and severe brain dysfunctions. 

In the case of serious liver disease or cirrhosis, patients may have cognitive dysfunction such as memory loss, problems in identifying expressions, etc. 

This condition also may require a liver transplant and is one of the red flag symptoms. 

Mental confusion and forgetfulness can be a very common symptom, but when it occurs in severe liver disorder patients, it can be a warning sign of liver disease that needs immediate attention. 

Stages of Liver Disease

Liver disease is categorized into four stages. 

Stage 1: Hepatitis

Chronic or acute inflammation of the liver is known as hepatitis. It is essential to stop the progression of the disease at this point.

There are many easy ways including lifestyle modifications, Ayurvedic herbs, etc to control liver damage at this stage.

One of the best ways to detox the liver is with Ayurveda supplements because they are chemical-free, natural, organic, and don’t have any side effects.

Ayurveda is very famous for its results for gut, liver, kidney, and sexual wellness.

You can prevent the progression of the disease by using LivClenz- an Ayurveda medicine that consists of 15 herbs.

Stage 2: Liver Fibrosis

When the patient enters the fibrotic stage from the hepatitis stage, scar tissue (unhealed wounds) is formed in the liver to make it fibrotic.  

If the liver cells become fibrous, then there is an immediate need for the regeneration of new hepatic cells and reverse fibrosis.

This stage is also controllable with medications, lifestyle modification, and advanced treatment like stem cell therapy.  

Stage 3: Liver Cirrhosis

When there is permanent damage in the liver, due to irreversible scarring of the liver tissues, cirrhosis is caused. 

You may think that cirrhosis may only be caused by alcohol consumption but it may also be caused by viral and other autoimmune diseases.

In late-stage cirrhosis, liver failure begins. This condition is difficult to control and requires immediate medical attention. 

Stage 4: End Stage Liver Disease or Liver Failure 

In end-stage liver disease, your respiratory and nervous systems are affected.

You feel shortness of breath and mental confusion, and treatment options available at this stage are palliative care and liver transplant. Often patients reach this stage as a result of aggressive hepatocellular carcinoma.

Now, that we have read about the different stages of liver disease, let us know how we can prevent it.

Prevention of liver disease 

Progression of mild liver disease to serious liver disease can be prevented by using home remedies, Ayurvedic herbs, and eating healthy foods. You can also prevent liver ailments by losing weight, stopping smoking, doing exercise, and avoiding alcoholic beverages. 

1. Detox yourself

Your liver plays a crucial role in detoxifying your body. So we must cleanse the body part which is crucial to remove toxins from the body. Detoxing your liver helps to reduce the burden on your liver. 

To detoxify the liver you can use the following:

  1. Drink water as much as possible to flush out the toxins from the liver. 
  2. Eat a healthy diet to help your liver function properly. It is one of the ways to prevent the occurrence of liver disease. Eat potassium-rich food to cleanse your liver, lower your cholesterol level, and keep your blood pressure under control. Potassium-rich vegetables and fruits like beans, sweet potatoes, and bananas can help detoxify your liver and keep you in good health.
  3. Exercise and do yoga every day to help in the metabolism of toxins in your liver.
  4. Ayurvedic herbs expedite the detox process.  Ayurvedic herbs contain ingredients that cleanse the liver and check the progression of liver disease. Moreover, the herbs do not have any side effects. Liv Clenz is an Ayurvedic product that contains a mixture of 15 herbs to detoxify your liver and keep you in good health. 

You can buy LivClenz by clicking the button below.

2. Maintain Healthy Weight

You become overweight when the consumption of food is more than what your body needs in terms of energy.

The liver will start storing the excess energy in the form of fat. 

This fat is deposited in different part of bodies and even on your liver as well and that’s how the term fatty lever is coined.

You must need to maintain your BMI Ratio between 20-25. 

Regular exercise is the best way to achieve this BMI and maintain this BMI.

If you live a sedentary lifestyle, the chances of having liver disease increase drastically. 

3. Eat healthy

By making healthy eating choices you can help your liver heal and stay healthy. The foods that you should add to your diet include:

  • Probiotics strengthen gut health and proper assimilation of fats.
  • Citrus fruits help to flush out toxins from the liver
  • Turmeric helps reduce inflammation of the liver
  • Nuts to reduce cell damage

In addition, you must limit your intake of carbohydrates. By limiting your carbohydrate intake, you can prevent the storage of unused glucose in the liver.

4. Avoid smoking

We all know that smoking affects our lungs and may cause cancer. But smoking cigarettes negatively affects the liver too.

The nicotine present in the cigarette increases the fat content of the blood, while the liver is working hard to remove the toxins cigarette smoking produces. 

5. Avoid alcoholic beverages

Alcohol consumption can adversely affect your liver. Addiction to alcoholic beverages can cause several liver diseases which if left untreated can cause life-threatening complications.  

Even if you drink any alcoholic beverage sometimes, make sure to drink adequate water. Water helps to remove the toxins and helps in hydrating your body. 

6. Say no to unprotected sex

Hepatitis virus may be transmitted by unprotected sex. Both B and C viruses have a chance of causing progressive hepatitis. 

Key takeaway after understanding the crucial warning signs of liver damage

You now know that your liver plays a very critical role in metabolism, detoxification, Blood clot regulation etc and hence you should observe the warning signs of liver damage regularly and take action on a timely basis. 

In the early stages, your liver damage can easily be recovered by prevention mechanisms shared in the prevention section and by detoxifying your liver using natural home remedies. Moreover, you can expedite the process of detoxification by using Ayurvedic herbs like Liv Clenz

In the fibrosis stage, there are some advanced treatments like Stem cell therapy. It is a cellular therapy that can regenerate your liver and make it healthy. The sudden weight loss also helps you to recover you from the fibrosis stage.

In cirrhosis and the last stage, you should take the help of a renowned hepatologist. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: How do you know your liver is healthy?

A liver function test is one of the blood tests which indicates the health of your liver and its functionality. 

Q2. What lifestyle factors contribute to liver damage?

Consuming processed foods, smoking, and drinking alcohol can be harmful to your liver.

Q3. Can viral hepatitis cause liver damage?

Yes, viral hepatitis such as hepatitis B and C can very well damage your liver.  

Q4. What is the best supplement to reverse liver damage?

Liv Clenz is one of the best ayurvedic supplements. It contains 15 Ayurvedic herbs that detoxify your liver.

You can come out with the early signs of liver disease and even avoid these symptoms if you take Liv Clenz regularly. 

Q5. What are the first signs of a bad liver? 

Abdominal pain below the right side, fatigue, body pain, and skin itching are some signs of bad liver.

A bad liver can be cured at an early stage with Ayurvedic interventions. You can go for Liv Clenz herbal formulation to protect your liver from any kind of damage. 

Q6. How can I make my liver healthy again?

In the first stage, you can go with Ayurvedic medicine – Liv Clenz, the second stage which is the fibrosis stage, can be treated with the help of stem cell therapy, and in the last stage, you consult a hepatologist.

You can also go for an opinion of medical doctors from the MedicoExperts panel of renowned doctors. Regular monitoring of your liver is important if you have any symptoms. Try to remain careful and know about the warning signs.



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Looking back at the 19th and 20th century, innovations and cutting edge technologies have been developed in neither space nor computer sciences, but in the field of genetics, cell based medicine and nanotechnology. These novel diagnostic and……Read More

Medically Reviewed By MedicoExperts Editorial & Clinical Review Board on 09 May 2024

Is Autism Curable? Are There Advanced Treatments For It? 

As a parent of an autistic child, you have one question in your mind: Is autism curable?

As per conventional medical sciences, autism is not curable. 

Does that mean there is no hope for you?

With the combination of advanced and traditional therapies and medication, there can be a 70-80 percent improvement in your child’s behaviour, communication, and social behaviour. Let’s learn about it in detail. 

Is autism curable or treatable?

is Autism Curable or Treatable ?

If you ask whether it is possible to cure, reverse, or treat autism, the question can be answered in two ways. 

  1. Technical answer as per traditional medical sciences
  2. Practically, how soon your child can perform his daily functions on his own? 

Technically, as per conventional and prevailing health science, there’s no cure for autism spectrum disorder (ASD) or it cannot be reversed. Autism means your child’s brain develops differently from others, but it’s not an illness. But it is treatable. 

Instead of thinking of a cure, you should focus on providing support and treatment to your child for their skill development. Treatments available right now aim to lower the symptoms that come the way of a child’s independence. 

If your child is autistic, your doctor might suggest treatments to improve their communication and social skills and help them learn everyday skills better.

At the same time,  combining various treatments, such as stem cell therapy, ABA therapy, Ayurveda, or homeopathy, can help accelerate and boost your child’s self-sufficiency. 

There is very good scope to lower your child’s symptoms and improve communication and social skills. You need to recognize the uniqueness of your child’s needs and collaborate closely with healthcare professionals to develop a personalized treatment plan.

What are the treatments to accelerate the self-sufficiency of an autistic child?

What are the treatments to accelerate the self-sufficiency of an autistic child?

Different medical sciences approach autism in different ways but their goal is the same: making the child self-sufficient. Let’s check how these medical sciences achieve self-sufficiency and independence in an autistic child. 

ABA Therapy for Autism

ABA Therapy

ABA therapy is based on the science of learning and behavior and it aims to improve your autistic child’s efficiency in performing daily activities and personal growth. 

ABA therapy experts study the behaviour of your Autistic child closely and try to find how your child will react to a particular stimulus or prompt and interact with their environment. 

In short, this therapy aims to boost constructive behaviour and reduce destructive behaviour, which helps your child to improve their social skills. ABA therapy follows the philosophy that people repeat behaviours that have positive results.   

ABC model is an important part of ABA therapy. ABC means Antecedent, Behavior, Consequence. This model helps therapists to understand why behaviours happen and how to change them. 

Also, ABA therapy can cater to each child’s needs. Your child can join a one-on-one session or groups and the doctors can conduct it at a place of your preference, such as your home, your child’s school, etc. 

However, while ABA therapy has many good points, it also has some setbacks. The biggest one is you never know when you will see the improvements in your child. 

Mostly because human behavior is complex and each child or adult is different. This means it’s important for you to be patient and be consistent while the therapy goes on.

If you want to see results fast, relying on ABA therapy alone will not work for you. 

Stem Cell Therapy for Autism

Stem Cell Therapy

Researchers have found that stem cell therapy is effective for children with autism. Stem cells are the body’s building block. These cells can turn into different types of cells to fix issues in your body.

Doctors will use stem cells for your child to repair the damaged part of their brain. The entire process boosts your child’s learning, communication,  behaviour, and overall health. 

The combination of stem cell therapy with other treatments like ABA therapy will improve your child’s thinking skills, learning abilities, memory, and self-reliance. Stem cell therapy speeds up the journey of self-sufficiency for your child. 

Simply put, with stem cell therapy you will see the progress in your child in stages. In the first 15 days, you might notice that your child’s hyperactivity has reduced. 

In the next 6 months, you will see major improvements like better eye contact, improved social and communication skills

If your child is struggling with speech, stem cell therapy can be more effective than speech therapy, especially in mild and moderate autism.  

You should expect 50 to 60 percent improvement in your child. But, if your child has severe autism, the improvement may be restricted to about 30 to 40 percent.

These improvement rates vary from doctor to doctor. Since stem cell therapy is still not a very standardized protocol, it’s really important for you to choose the right stem cell expert who has very good experience and demonstrated consistent results for similar cases.  

Combining stem cell therapy with ABA therapy can help boost the improvement even further. 

But in 5 to 10 percent of cases, some people may not see sufficient progress. If you face any such situation, the doctor may suggest that you repeat stem cell therapy cycles until your child becomes better in terms of self-sufficiency. 

That’s why you need to approach a skilled stem cell expert for guidance. 

Understand the Potential of Stem Cell Therapy in Treating Autism

Ayurveda Treatment for Autism


In Ayurveda, Autism is associated with “unmada”. Ayurveda also has the concept of doshas which are the fundamental energies governing our mental and physical well-being. As per Ayurveda, mild and moderate autism have 1 or 2 of the three major doshas. And the Ayurvedic treatments work very well and bring promising outcomes in these cases. 

At the same time, you must remember that Ayurveda focuses on the root causes of any issue. That’s why it might take some time to see progress in your child. 

The treatment success rate of your child may go up to 50 to 60 percent in the case of mild autism in which only 1 dosha is present. 

In moderate cases, with two doshas, success rates can still reach 40 to 50 percent. But in cases where all three doshas are present, Ayurveda might not be able to help you.   

Though the progress is slow you will see a remarkable improvement in your child’s self-sufficiency within a year.  

You will notice an improvement in motor skills, sensory perception, communication abilities, and reduced sensitivity to stimuli like sound, light, texture, and balance. Moreover, the child’s hyperactivity will reduce drastically. 

As said in the beginning, Ayurveda alone will not be helpful if your child has severe autism where all three doshas are present. 

In such situations, stem cell therapy will be the first step of treatment. Then you can move forward with Ayurvedic treatment.

But here you should remember that you need to approach the right Ayurvedic practitioner who understands your child’s needs and have good practical experience of successfully treating Autistic Kids. One mistake parents often do and consider every Ayurvedic doctor is expert in Autism also.

In short, it is always a good idea to explore different options and then go for combination therapy to accelerate the results. 

Ayurveda’s Approach to Manage Autism

Homeopathy Treatment for Autism


Homeopathy aims to bring out your natural healing abilities. It focuses on bringing a balance to your health and overall well-being.

With Homeopathy you do not need to fear the poking of needles and the pain of surgeries. as it is a gentle approach. As a parent, you do not need to worry about your child creating a fuss while taking the medicine because most children love the sweet taste of it.

It is best for severe cases of autism and you might see about 30 to 50 percent improvement in your child over time, but at the same time, you need to have patience as the progress will be slow. 

For moderate to mild cases with high reactivity, improvement of your child can reach 20 to 40 percent. If reactivity is low, it might be around 20 to 30 percent.

Here again, combining treatments can help speed up recovery. For quicker and more lasting relief, consider pairing homeopathic treatment with stem cell therapy and/or behavioral therapy. External Ayurvedic treatments like Shiro Pachu, Shiro Dhara, and basic Panchkarma therapies can further boost recovery. However, avoid combining homeopathy with Ayurvedic internal medicine.

Combining homeopathy with stem cell therapy can lead to 40 to 60 percent improvement. For that, you will need experts’ help as specialists will decide the treatment sequence to avoid any issues that can come up due to the combination of treatments. If your child has severe autism, you may start the treatment process with homeopathy. 

Here again, you will need a homeopath, who understands the ins and outs of Autism and have successfully handled Autistic cases. Don’t assume that every Homeopathy doctor will be equally effective for Autism.

Explore Homeopathy’s Role in Autism Treatment

Let’s learn more about combination therapy and how it works. 

Combination Therapy for Autism

Combination Therapy

If your child has severe autism, a single treatment approach may not give faster and better results. You can consider combination therapies if you see that a single approach is not working well for your child. While considering treatment options, you should understand how combination therapy can work wonders. 

Let us help you understand with an example. In severe cases, where all three doshas are present, you can opt for a combination of stem cell therapy followed by Ayurveda. 

This approach will not only fast-track the improvements but also bring the combined benefits. 

If your child has moderate autism, a combination of Ayurvedic treatment with homeopathy will increase the improvement by up to 10 %. On the other hand, your child may get a combination of homeopathic treatment with stem cell therapy or ABA therapy. This will speed up the entire process and boost the improvement by 40 to 60 percent.

While combining the treatments is a great idea, the combination and its sequence needs to be decided by a team of experts. 

Let us give you another example, you can start with homeopathy for severe cases to lower the symptoms, as it works well in severe cases.  

But, you should remember the fact that the right combination varies based on the symptoms, the severity of autism, and the type of autism your child has.

Apart from that, in cases of moderate Kanner’s Syndrome which is caused by trauma during pregnancy, starting with stem cell therapy is an excellent idea. 

Then, it can be followed by homeopathy and Ayurvedic Panchkarma therapy, respectively. This approach will help sustain results but also improve outcomes over time.

Most importantly, you should have a panel of experts to select the appropriate combination of therapies. This panel must have a team of doctors specializing in their respective fields. 

Though no treatment can guarantee 100% positive results, combining therapies gives you a chance to speed up your child’s recovery and improve in terms of self-sufficiency.

We can help you make your child’s journey to independent life smooth. Let’s learn how.

How MedicoExperts can speed up your child’s journey to self-sufficiency?

How MedicoExperts can speed up your child's journey to self-sufficiency?

Medico Experts can be your partner in giving your child a life of independence and we can help you achieve your goal real fast. We will help you take a proactive step toward your child’s brighter future.

Moreover, combination therapies for your child can also be planned to accelerate the recovery further. When you interact with a doctor from a particular medical science, they give the best input based on their learnings and experience.

But with MedicoExxperts, you can interact with a team of doctors from different medical sciences who are willing to collaborate by bringing the best of their respective medical sciences to the table to give the best results fast. 

You can schedule a call with our stem cell experts, Ayurvedic, and homeopathic doctors to discuss how the treatments will be done. You can also request a team evaluation to suggest combination therapies for your kid.



Every parent dreams of a better future for their children and a future of dependency is a nightmare for the parents of autistic children. They want their children to be completely cured of autism. 

Thankfully, there are treatments and combinations of treatments available that can give your child a better and brighter future which will make them self-reliant and excellent at life skills. You only need to make the right decision at the right time. 

Unlocking Paths to Accelerate Recovery from Autism: Insights from Stem Cell, Ayurvedic, and Homeopathic Experts

Don’t shy away from taking the help of MedicoExperts if you are having any further confusion or need more clarity. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1. What is the most effective treatment for autism?

You can accelerate the recovery process with a multidisciplinary approach. The right combination of stem cell therapy, ABA therapy, Homeopathy, and Ayurveda can significantly accelerate the recovery.  

Q2. Can someone with autism live a normal life?

Your concern as a parent whether your kid with Autism can live a normal life is genuine.

However, you need not worry because your child may have autism but they have their unique qualities and talents and if you support them properly they will be able to live independently. 

Moreover, combination therapy can really expedite your kid’s journey towards normalcy. 

Q3. Can an autistic child speak normally?

If your child has issues speaking normally, you do not need to worry and take action with the help of doctors immediately. 

Speech therapy (which is a part of ABA therapy) will help solve the problem.

You may also like to accelerate the improvement process by combination therapy including stem cell therapy.

Q4. Can you fully recover from autism?

While most people usually think of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) as lasting a lifetime, studies suggest that between 3% and 25% of children no longer meet the criteria for ASD as they grow up. Instead, they develop cognitive, adaptive, and social skills within the typical range.

Q5. Will my 7-year-old autistic child ever talk?

The answer in summary is Yes.

In addition to combination therapies, you should help your child to talk at home. Your kid’s speech can be improved by the following steps at home.

– Play with your child and try to make your conversations engaging. You can use games that help you initiate the conversation. Encourage your child to speak more. 
– You can mimic your child’s way of speaking and behaviour to make them more comfortable and try to talk to them. Trust us, that helps. 
– You can use body language and eye movements to talk with your child. Non-verbal communication can encourage them to talk more with you. 
– Use simple language that your child understands and then try to talk using little harder. Go slow.
– Give your child scope to speak as much as possible. 
– There are assistive devices that can help your child talk more. Get them and try to make them engage with them.
– Narrate and engage with your child based on their activities and interests to reinforce vocabulary and language learning.
– You can take the help of experts to decide the treatment for boosting language skills in your child. 

Q6. What is the most effective treatment for Autism?

The most effective treatment for Autism is a combination of medical sciences like stem cell treatment, homeopathy, and Ayurveda.  The combination therapy is the fastest way to accelerate the journey toward self-sufficiency of your child. 

To know more check our article above. 

Q7. Which autism treatment is most widely used?

ABA therapy is the treatment that is most widely used for autism. ABA therapy is focused on training your kid on the aspects where he/she is lacking.

Q8. What is new in autism treatment?

Stem cell therapy is new in the world of autism treatment. 

Q9. Is autism reversible?

Mild autism is reversible and a combination of treatment and therapies can make the process faster and more successful. 

Q10. Can autism be reversed in toddlers?

Mild Autism can be reversed. However, your focus should be to make your toddler self-reliant. Some therapies and treatments can make your child completely self-sufficient. But to get faster and better results combinations of therapies and treatment is the best solution. 

Q11. How to cure autism fast?

This question has been discussed in detail in our article above. Technically, autism cannot be cured. But with a combination of treatments and therapies your child can have a self-sufficient future ahead. 



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Stemcell Therapy for Autsim

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Homeopathy treatment for Autism

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Ayurvedic treatment for Autism

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Autism Treatment in India

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Medically Reviewed By MedicoExperts Editorial & Clinical Review Board on 29 April 2024

What is the First Sign of Tonsil Cancer? Don’t Overlook the Symptoms

Your body is sending you signals – are you paying attention to the first signs of tonsil cancer?

Have you ever wondered why your throat feels oddly uncomfortable even if it’s not your typical sore throat from a cold?

This question might lead you down a path more significant than you anticipated especially when it concerns our health. 

Today, we are focusing on the crucial health topic: What is the first sign of tonsil cancer? While it’s not a common subject in everyday discussions, it’s important to be informed.

We’ll explain the early signs, causes, and symptoms of tonsil cancer and what to do if you think you have it.

Understanding Tonsil Cancer

Understanding Tonsil Cancer

Tonsil cancer falls under the category of oropharyngeal cancer. The tonsils are two glandular structures in the oropharynx area. It is located directly behind the mouth and is crucial in fighting infections by blocking harmful germs from entering the mouth and nose. 

The oropharynx encompasses several key areas:

  • The posterior third of the tongue
  • The soft palate which is the softer part at the back of the mouth’s roof
  • The tonsils along with two tissue ridges adjacent to them
  • The throat’s back wall

This type of cancer may lead to difficulty in swallowing and a persistent sensation of having something stuck in one’s throat. 

Tonsil cancer typically affects the palatine tonsils. The majority of these cancers are classified as squamous cell carcinomas, although a significant portion are lymphomas.

Similar to other types of cancer, early treatment of tonsil cancer significantly improves the likelihood of a successful outcome. 

But tonsil cancer is often identified at a later stage once it has metastasized to adjacent areas including the neck’s lymph nodes. 

What are the causes and risk factors associated with tonsil cancer?

What are the causes and risk factors associated with tonsil cancer?

There are several causes and risk factors that contribute to the likelihood of developing tonsil cancer. The National Library of Medicine outlines key risk factors as follows:

Environmental Factors

The use of tobacco products and heavy alcohol consumption are significant contributors.


People infected with HPV or HIV are at an increased risk of developing tonsil cancer.

Age and Gender

As per the research by the World Health Organization, tonsil cancer is more common in men over the age of 50. Yet, the incidence varies with HPV status, with HPV-positive cancers more frequently found in younger persons and those who are non-smokers.

These causes and risk factors serve as a reminder to prioritize our overall health and make positive lifestyle choices.

Recognizing the Symptoms of Tonsil Cancer

Recognizing the symptoms of Tonsil Cancer

Understanding the signs of tonsil cancer is crucial for early detection and treatment. Symptoms can often mimic those of less serious conditions, making awareness key. 

Here’s what to look out for:

  • Persistent Sore Throat or Mouth Pain: Unlike typical sore throats associated with a cold, this discomfort persists and may feel more pronounced.
  • Unhealed Sore in the Mouth: A notable sore that does not improve over time, particularly at the back of the mouth or on the tonsils.
  • Swelling or Asymmetry of the Tonsils: One tonsil may appear noticeably larger or more swollen than the other, without any signs of infection.
  • Unexpected Bleeding or Blood-Tinged Saliva: Finding blood in your saliva without a clear reason can be a tell-tale sign.
  • Difficulty with Oral Functions: Experiencing challenges in chewing, swallowing, or speaking are key symptoms, often accompanied by pain.
  • Pain in the Ear or Neck: Severe, persistent ear pain or discomfort in the neck, possibly due to swelling or lumps, should not be overlooked.
  • Bad Breath: Persistent bad breath, not related to dental issues, may indicate a deeper health concern.
  • Discomfort with Citrus Foods: An increased sensitivity or discomfort upon consuming acidic or citrus foods could be a symptom.

Advanced Symptoms

It’s really rare but sometimes people might cough up blood. This can happen when cancer gets into the blood vessels. 

It usually means the illness is very far along and isn’t a good sign. If someone’s teeth start to get loose it might be because the cancer is affecting their jaw and teeth.

You could also notice someone’s voice changing if the cancer reaches their throat. Big tumors might make it hard for them to swallow which means they might not eat well.  This could lead to losing weight and feeling very tired either because of not eating enough or because the cancer has spread a lot.

Each of these symptoms, especially when experienced in combination, warrants a closer look by a medical professional. Early intervention can significantly influence the course of treatment and recovery, highlighting why understanding and recognizing these signs is so vital.

What Does Throat Cancer Look Like?

What does Throat Cancer look like?

The National Cancer Institute reports in 2020 over 53,000 people were diagnosed with oral and pharyngeal cancers. Sadly, around 10,000 of those diagnosed succumbed to the disease. The five-year survival rate for these cancers stands at approximately 66%.

A White Spot

Oral leukoplakia refers to white spots in the mouth with an unknown cause. These spots are not cancer yet but have a chance of turning into cancer. 

As per studies about 3% to 17.5% might become cancerous over 15 years but some can also disappear on their own.

If you have a cough and sore throat that lasts more than three weeks it could be a symptom of oral leukoplakia.

A Red Spot

Some cancers in the throat and mouth appear as red spots known as erythroplakias. 

These are less common and usually found in older people. 

They are smooth red patches that might turn into cancer. It’s important to have them checked especially since they are more common among tobacco and alcohol users.

Tough Tissues in the Throat

There’s a kind of throat cancer called submucous fibrosis. Here the inside layer of the throat gets tough. This often happens to people who chew a lot of betel nut a common habit in Southeast Asia, and sometimes in those who chew tobacco. 

Submucous fibrosis is usually an early warning sign of something worse like cancer, and it could turn into actual cancer in about 1.5% to 15% of the cases. 

This problem usually starts in the mouth and gums and might spread to the throat. It can make your mouth burn after eating spicy food hurt when you eat and make it hard to open your mouth wide.

Next Steps: Preparing for Your Healthcare Visit

Next Steps: Preparing for your healthcare visit

Facing a healthcare issue can be challenging but preparing for your visit to the healthcare provider can make a significant difference in the outcome of your consultation. 

Here are tips to empower you during your visit:

Clear Objectives:

Be clear about why you’re going and what you hope to achieve. 

This clarity will guide the interaction with your healthcare provider toward your health goals.

Questions Are The Key:

Before your appointment, make a note of any questions or concerns you may have.

This ensures you won’t forget to address any important points during your visit.

Bring Support:

Having a friend or family member accompany you can provide emotional support help in asking questions, and assist in remembering the advice and information given by the healthcare provider.

Document Details:

During your visit take notes of critical information such as new diagnoses, medications, or treatment plans your healthcare provider discusses. 

This will aid in remembering the specifics at a later time.

Understanding Your Treatment:

If you’re prescribed a new medication or treatment, understand its purpose and how it should help. 

Be aware of potential side effects and ask about them.

Explore Alternatives:

It’s wise to inquire if other treatment options are available for your condition, understanding the pros and cons of each.

Purpose of Tests and Procedures:

If tests or procedures are recommended, clarify why they are necessary and what the possible outcomes imply for your health.

Know The Implications:

Ask about what could happen if you decide against taking the prescribed medicine or undergoing recommended tests.


If a follow-up appointment is necessary, ensure you note down when and why it’s needed. 

Understanding the purpose can help you prepare for the next steps in your healthcare journey.

These tips are designed not just to gather information during your healthcare visit but to build an understanding and partnership with your healthcare provider that leads to the best possible care for your needs.



Early-stage tonsil cancer often presents with symptoms that might be mistaken for common throat infections. 

Recognizing these early signs can be pivotal for early diagnosis and treatment. 

It’s imperative to note that these symptoms can also be related to other health conditions, so experiencing them doesn’t necessarily mean you have tonsil cancer.

 But if you do notice one or more of these symptoms persisting, it is crucial to schedule an appointment with your healthcare provider for a thorough evaluation.

An early diagnosis can lead to more effective treatment options and significantly improve the prognosis.

How MedicoExpert Can Help

Whether you’re grappling with a new diagnosis, seeking a second opinion, or exploring treatment options, MedicoExpert’s Tumor Board is here to support you with expert care and comprehensive solutions. Our approach is based on the latest scientific evidence, tailored to your unique situation, ensuring that you receive the best possible outcome.

At MedicoExpert we understand the anxiety and uncertainty that a potential cancer diagnosis brings. Our dedicated Tumor Board is designed to offer not just a multi-disciplinary review of your case, but a compassionate approach to your care, ensuring that you are not alone in this journey. 

With specialists from oncology, radiology, pathology, and surgery. Our Tumor Board collaborates to provide a comprehensive evaluation and personalized treatment plan ensuring the highest standard of care.

Q. What types of cancer does the MedicoExperts Tumor Board specialize in?

A. The MedicoExpert Tumor Board specializes in all types of cancers, including but not limited to, throat, breast, lung, prostate, and colorectal cancers. Each case is evaluated on an individual basis to provide tailored care plans.

Q. How can I get a consultation with the MedicoExperts Tumor Board?

A. You can schedule a consultation with the MedicoExperts Tumor Board by contacting us through our website or calling our office directly. Our patient care coordinators will guide you through the process of arranging your consultation.

Q. What should I expect during my first appointment?

A. During your first appointment, you will meet with a case manager who will review your medical history and any previous tests or treatments. Your case will then be discussed by our Tumor Board to formulate a comprehensive treatment plan tailored to your specific needs.

Q. Can the Tumor Board help if I have already started treatment elsewhere?

A. Yes, the Tumor Board can provide a second opinion and if necessary recommend adjustments to your treatment plan based on the latest research and clinical evidence. We’re here to ensure you receive the most effective treatment.

Q. Is virtual consultation available for those who cannot visit physically?

A. Absolutely, MedicoExperts offers virtual consultations to ensure that all patients, regardless of their location, can access our expertise. We utilize secure platforms to protect your privacy and ensure you receive the same level of care as in-person consultations.


What to Expect: Kidney Transplant Costs in India

Are you prepared for the financial impact of a kidney transplant?

Understanding the path to a kidney transplant can be overwhelming. For many, the pivotal concern revolves around the cost, especially in a diverse and vast medical landscape like India. 

In this comprehensive guide, we will try to ease your anxieties and answer all your questions about kidney transplant costs in India.

From laying out the basic definition of a kidney transplant, discussing different types of surgeries available, to highlighting factors that affect costs – this guide will equip you with the necessary information to make an informed decision.

Our focus is to provide authoritative, empathetic insights into the kidney transplant process emphasizing the kidney transplant cost in India.

The path to a successful transplant is fraught with uncertainties, particularly in navigating the costs involved in such a critical procedure. In India, where healthcare expenses can significantly vary understanding kidney transplant costs in advance is essential.

What is the current state of Kidney Transplants in India?

What is the current state of kidney transplants in India?

Kidney transplantation is a well-established procedure in India. The country boasts significant kidney transplant centers in both government-funded institutions and private hospitals, catering to those in need of transplantation services. 

With advancements in techniques, surgical skills, and post-transplant care, kidney transplantation has become a safer and more routine surgery. India is home to a talented pool of transplant surgeons, nephrologists, and healthcare professionals specializing in kidney transplants.

The transplantation process in India involves using kidneys from living donors, including close relatives, or opting for deceased donor kidneys for patients without living donors. 

Research indicates that living donors show better kidney graft function longevity when compared to deceased donor grafts. 

However, the availability of organs, transplantation procedures, and regulations may vary across regions and over time. It is recommended to seek guidance from healthcare professionals or kidney transplant centers in India to obtain the most current information on the status of kidney transplants.

What is the Cost of Kidney Transplants in various Indian Cities?

What is the cost of kidney transplants in various Indian cities?

The cost of kidney transplants in various Indian cities varies based on the type of procedure, with open or laparoscopic nephrectomy being common. 

In India, kidney transplant prices typically range from INR 5,00,000 to INR 15,00,000, potentially higher for minimally invasive surgeries. Despite the expenses, India provides top-notch medical facilities and expert kidney specialists. 

Compared to other countries, India offers kidney transplants at significantly lower costs without compromising on quality care standards.

Below is a summary of kidney transplant costs in major Indian cities:

  • Delhi: INR 6,76,630 to INR 13,53,261 – $8,124 to $16,248
  • Ahmedabad: INR 5,64,757 to INR 11,29,514 – $6,780 to $13,561
  • Bangalore: INR 6,64,089 to INR 13,28,096 – $7,973  to $ $15,946
  • Mumbai: INR 7,01,277 to INR 14,02,637 – $8,420 to $16,841
  • Pune: INR 6,39,215 to INR 12,78,513 – $7,902 to $15,805
  • Chennai: INR 6,08,225 to INR 12,16,451 – $7,530 to $15,061
  • Hyderabad: INR 5,89,631 to INR 11,79,180 – $7,296 to $14,592
  • Kolkata: INR 5,39,965 to INR 10,79,848 – $6,679 to $13,358

Please note that the figures provided are estimates and may vary based on factors such as the surgeon, hospital, and location.

What Factors Affect Kidney Transplant Costs in India?

What factors affect kidney transplant costs in India?

The cost of kidney transplant surgery is influenced by various factors that should be carefully considered. 

Let’s explore these factors to enhance our comprehension:

Type of Kidney Transplant: 

The nature of the kidney transplant procedure plays a significant role in determining the overall cost. 

For instance, opting for a living donor kidney transplant tends to be more expensive than a deceased donor transplant due to the complexities involved in operating on both the donor and recipient.

Type of Hospital: 

The choice of hospital for the kidney transplant procedure can also impact the total cost. 

Private hospitals generally have higher costs compared to government hospitals, influencing the overall expense of the surgery.

Age of the Patient: 

The age of the individual in need of a kidney transplant can affect the total cost. 

Older patients often require additional medical care post-surgery, leading to higher expenses.

Type of City: 

Healthcare costs vary across different cities, with metropolitan areas typically having higher expenses. 

Opting for a kidney transplant in a tier 1 city like Delhi may incur higher costs compared to tier 2 cities like Bhopal.

Type of Surgical Procedure: 

The specific surgical approach adopted during the kidney transplant impacts the cost.

For example, traditional open surgeries are generally more expensive than minimally invasive procedures.

Hospitalization Stay Duration: 

The duration of hospital stay post-surgery can influence the total cost. 

Procedures with longer recovery times tend to be more costly, while surgeries with faster recovery rates may be comparatively cheaper.

Surgeon’s Expertise & Reputation: 

The expertise and reputation of the surgeon performing the kidney transplant are key factors in cost determination. 

surgeons with extensive experience and a strong reputation may charge higher fees for their services.

People can make informed decisions regarding kidney transplant surgery and associated costs by considering these detailed factors.

What is the Cost of Diagnostic Tests for Kidney Transplant in India?

What is the cost of diagnostic tests for kidney transplant in India?

Preoperative tests assess the patient’s medical condition aiding medical professionals in mitigating surgical risks. 

The following diagnostic procedures can help in estimating the cost of a kidney transplant in India:

A. Donor and Recipient Compatibility Tests:

Donors undergo a series of blood tests and scans to determine their health and compatibility for kidney donation, including:

  • Crossmatch test
  • HLA typing

The cost ranges from INR 1,00,000 to 2,00,000. – $1,200 to $2,401

B. Kidney and Liver Examinations:

Before transplantation, kidney and liver tests are conducted to detect infections and assess blood enzyme levels, including:

  • Metabolic Panel Blood Test (INR 1,500 – 2,000) – $18.75 – $25
  • Liver Function Test (INR 300 – 1,000) –  $3.75 – $12.50
  • Lipid Profile (INR 1,000 – 2,500) – $12.50 – $31.25

C. Immune System Assessments:

  • Blood Typing Test (INR 300 – 600) –  $3.75 – $7.50
  • CBC Blood Test (INR 200 – 300) – $2.50 – $3.75
  • Coagulation Test (INR 300 – 900) –  $3.75 – $11.25
  • Antigen-antibody Test (INR 250 – 500) – $3.12 – $6.25
  • HIV Test (INR 500 – 1000) – $6.25 – $12.50

D. Lung Function Tests:

  • Chest X-ray (INR 500 – 2000) – $6.25 – $25
  • Pulmonary Function Test (PFT) (INR 800 – 1500) – $10 – $18.75

E. Cardiac Evaluations:

  • ECG (INR 300 – 700) – $3.75 – $8.75
  • Cardiac Stress Test (INR 3000 – 5000) –  $37.5 – $62.5

F. Blood Flow Assessments:

  • Doppler Ultrasound (INR 1000 – 2000) – $12.50 – $25
  • Pelvic CT Scan (INR 2000 – 8000) – $25 – $100

G. HLA and Lymphocytic Cross Match:

  •  The cost is INR 35,000 – 50,000 – $437.5 – $625

Please note that the costs provided are estimates and may vary across different hospitals.

Is Kidney Transplant Cost Covered by Health Insurance in India?

Is kidney transplant cost covered by health insurance in India?

All health insurance plans in India cover the expenses related to kidney transplants. These plans include coverage for various medical costs associated with the surgery, such as hospital room charges, surgeon and nurse fees, medication expenses, diagnostic tests, and more. 

They also extend coverage to pre-hospitalization and post-hospitalization expenses. 

Additionally, health insurance plans encompass the medical costs linked to the retrieval of a kidney from a living donor.

On the other hand, critical illness insurance plans offer a lump sum payment to the recipient to cover all medical expenses incurred during a kidney transplant surgery. 

Compared to standard health plans critical illness insurance provides a higher sum insured for kidney surgery.

However, it’s important to note that all health insurance plans have an initial waiting period of 30 days, while critical illness insurance plans have a waiting period of 90 days. 

If you were diagnosed with kidney disease before obtaining the policy, it will be classified as a pre-existing condition. In such instances, a waiting period of 2 to 4 years for pre-existing diseases will be applicable, depending on the specific plan.

In India, there are insurance providers that include transplant expenses in their coverage. However, patients need to apply for this coverage before experiencing renal failure, and there is a waiting period of 3-5 years during which patients cannot apply for transplant coverage after obtaining insurance. 

Consequently, many patients miss out on this insurance, leading to increased costs. It is recommended to have comprehensive health insurance when healthy to take advantage of this benefit.



Kidney transplant costs in India require detailed research and guidance.  

For precise and current details on the expenses associated with kidney transplant procedures in India, it is crucial to liaise with specific hospitals or medical facilities. Healthcare providers can offer personalized cost estimates tailored to the patient’s medical status and treatment plan. 

Moreover, the overall expenses for patients may be influenced by health insurance coverage and policies.

Interested in learning more about Kidney Transplantation?

At MedicoExperts, we utilize our extensive network of healthcare professionals, profound knowledge of the Indian healthcare system, and dedication to your health to guarantee you receive optimal care at a reasonable cost.

Our team supports you at every step of the process, from finding the right hospital and surgeon to post-surgery care and rehabilitation. 

Contact us today to learn more about kidney transplantation in India and how we can help you through this life-changing procedure. Don’t let financial concerns hold you back from receiving the best medical care possible. 

We are here to assist you every step of the way. Remember, a healthy life is priceless!

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What is the success rate of kidney transplants in India?

A. The success rate of kidney transplants in India varies but generally falls within a good range, with many patients experiencing positive outcomes.

Q2. What is the duration of the recovery period following a kidney transplant?

A. The recovery period after a kidney transplant typically ranges from several weeks to a few months, depending on individual health factors and post-operative care.

Q3. Can I lead a normal life after a kidney transplant?

A. After a kidney transplant, many individuals can lead a normal life, although they may need to take medications and follow up with medical appointments regularly.

Q4. What risks come with undergoing kidney transplant surgery?

A. Risks associated with kidney transplant surgery include infection, organ rejection, side effects from medications, and complications related to the surgical procedure. Consult your healthcare provider to address these risks effectively.

Q5. Is a kidney transplant available for patients of all ages?

A. Yes, a kidney transplant is available for patients of all ages, from children to older adults. The eligibility for a kidney transplant is determined by the patient’s overall health, severity of kidney disease, and ability to undergo surgery and manage post-transplant care. 

Q6. Will I require special care or lifestyle changes after a kidney transplant?

A. After a kidney transplant, patients will need to make certain lifestyle changes and follow specific care instructions to maintain their health and the functionality of the transplanted kidney. MedicoExperts provides personalized post-transplant care plans and lifestyle guidance to help patients adapt to their new life after the surgery, ensuring the best possible outcomes.


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Eating the Right Diet After Kidney Transplant – Guidelines

Creatinine Level After Kidney Transplant: What You Need to Know

Can Autism Go Away With Age? Understanding The Reality

Autism through the years: Does it go away with age?

Autism is a word that often invokes a vast number of emotions in the hearts of parents and caregivers who hear it in connection with a loved one. 

The diagnosis can be overwhelming, leading to a quest for understanding what it contains, its nature, causes, prevalence, and, importantly, its course over time. 

A burning question that many seek answers to is, “Can autism go away with age?” 

Our primary focus with this blog is to address this question thereby guiding you through a comprehensive exploration of autism, from its definition to how a child can evolve with it throughout their lives.

What is Autism?

What is Autism?

Autism, or Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), is a complex neurodevelopmental condition characterized by challenges in social interaction, restricted interests, and repetitive behaviors. 

The term spectrum in ASD highlights the wide range of symptoms and skills the child with autism can have. Some may require significant support in daily activities, while others might live independently. 

Learn more here

Can autism go away with age?

Can Autism go away with age?

The question of whether autism can “go away” with age is complex and deserves an understanding of the nature of autism as a spectrum. 

Autism doesn’t disappear, but how it shows up can change as time goes on. Many children see significant improvements with the right support and interventions.

It is also possible for some to develop coping mechanisms that make managing certain aspects of autism easier. 

What are the causes of Autism?

What are the causes of Autism?

Understanding the causes of autism requires a nuanced exploration of various factors, reflecting the complexity of the condition itself. Here are the main contributors:

Genetic Influences:

Genetics plays a significant role in the development of autism. 

Specific gene mutations are often identified in those with autism, and having a family member with autism increases the likelihood of a diagnosis.

Environmental Factors:

Exposure to certain environmental factors during pregnancy can increase the risk of autism. 

These may include maternal infections, certain prescription medications, and exposure to pollutants.

Brain Structure and Function:

Studies have found differences in certain areas of the brain that process sensory information and language in individuals with autism.

These structural differences are believed to affect behavior and communication.

Prenatal Conditions: 

Complications during pregnancy, including advanced parental age at the time of conception, maternal health issues, and certain prenatal nutritional deficiencies.

They have been associated with a higher likelihood of autism spectrum disorders.

Understanding these causes helps in early diagnosis and tailored intervention plans, ensuring a supportive developmental path for those with autism.

How Common is Autism?

How common is Autism?

Recent estimates from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reveal that approximately 1 in 36 children have been diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD).

This marks a steady increase in the prevalence rates over the past decades highlighting the growing awareness and diagnosis of the condition. 

Autism impacts children across various racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic backgrounds, with boys being approximately four times more likely to be affected than girls.

What are the signs of autism in children?

What are the signs of Autism in children?

Early recognition of autism can play a crucial role in how effectively it can be managed. 

Some of the possible signs of autism in children include:

  • Avoids eye contact: Autistic kids might be very shy and look away when talking or being spoken to, a lot or all the time.
  • Acts distant: Sometimes, they seem lost in their thoughts and may not respond when someone talks to them.
  • Stick to routines: Following a set way of doing things makes them feel safe. Any changes can upset them.
  • Struggles with changes: They can handle tasks meant for their age but find it tough to switch activities or try new methods.
  • Hard to see others’ point of view: Understanding what others think or feel can be challenging for an autistic child.
  • Difficulty in new social settings: They may get upset in new social situations and have trouble understanding social rules and expectations.
  • Issues with making and keeping friends: Autistic children find it hard to engage in pretend play, make friends or share interests.
  • Repetitive actions: They may repeat actions, activities, movements, or words, like lining up objects repeatedly.
  • Focused interests: Autistic children may have few interests but know a lot about them.
  • Sensitive or indifferent to sensations: Some might be very sensitive to touch, noise, or other sensations, while others may not react much to sensory changes like extreme temperatures.

Identifying these signs early can lead to earlier intervention which is often key in helping children with autism develop to their full potential. 

How is Autism Diagnosed?

How is Autism diagnosed?

Autism diagnosis doesn’t rely on blood tests, x-rays, or lab exams. Rather, keen observation plays a crucial role in detecting autism. Research indicates that the average age for the first intervention in the U.S. is 4.7 years, as reported by the National Autism Data Center.

More factors are as follows:

  • Initial evaluation for autism involves input from parents, teachers, and caregivers to assess a child’s progress in hitting developmental milestones.
  • Pediatricians monitor growth during checkups, but your observations are crucial in early autism detection.
  • Doctors focus on missed milestones like lack of eye contact or absence of pretend play to identify autism.
  • Suspected autism leads to specific diagnostic criteria assessment by a pediatrician or specialist. Criteria for autism spectrum disorder involve social communication deficits, repetitive behaviors, early developmental symptoms, and non-intellectual disability-related disturbances.

What are the Treatment options to improve the Autism Traits over time? 

What are the treatment options to improve the autism traits over time?

While there is no known cure for autism treatment options can significantly improve children’s traits and functioning over time. Treatment is often tailored to each child’s unique needs and can include a combination of therapies, educational support, and medication. 

There are numerous strategies to help reduce symptoms and enhance capabilities for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). 

Utilizing skills effectively is possible with personalized therapies. Different methods work for different people. Specialized programs have shown good results for many with ASD. 

Early diagnosis and interventions specifically in preschool are of greater help to manage symptoms and develop skills in the long run.

Let us see the detailed descriptions for each treatment type:

Behavioral Management Therapy: 

Behavioral management therapy focuses on addressing behaviors that challenge children with ASD, aiming to promote positive behaviors and reduce negative ones.

Children who undergo early intensive behavioral therapy demonstrate remarkable and enduring advancements in IQ, language skills, academic performance, adaptive behavior, and certain aspects of social behavior. 

Their progress surpasses that of children in control groups, highlighting the significant effectiveness of this approach.

Functional Behavior Therapy:

Functional behavior analysis, also known as functional assessment, plays a vital role in behaviorally-based interventions for addressing undesirable behaviors. 

The majority of problematic behaviors fulfill an adaptive function and are reinforced by specific outcomes, like gaining adult attention, obtaining a desired object or experience, or escaping from an unpleasant situation or request.

Early Intervention:

Provides tailored support and services to young children with ASD to enhance developmental outcomes and address specific needs early on.

Educational and School-Based Therapies: 

Includes specialized education programs and interventions to support learning and skill development in academic settings. 

These can include speech and language therapy, occupational therapy, and social skills training.

Medication Treatment:

Involves the use of medications to manage certain symptoms associated with ASD, such as anxiety or aggression, under medical supervision. 

It is essential to note that medication alone is not considered a primary treatment for ASD, and should always be used in combination with other therapies.

Nutritional Therapy: 

Focuses on dietary interventions and nutritional plans to support overall health and well-being in individuals with ASD. 

Research suggests that certain nutrients or dietary changes may have a positive impact on behaviors and symptoms associated with ASD. 

Occupational Therapy: 

Aims to enhance independent living skills and improve the functional abilities of children with ASD to participate in daily activities.

Parent-Mediated Therapy:

Parent-mediated therapy involves training and support for parents to implement effective strategies at home to promote their child’s development.

This method provides children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) with continual reinforcement and training throughout the day. 

Additionally, parents can engage in therapies with children who show early signs of autism but have not yet received a diagnosis.

Physical Therapy: 

Focuses on improving motor skills, coordination, and mobility in individuals with ASD to enhance physical health.

Social Skills Training: 

Provides targeted interventions to improve social interaction, communication, and relationship-building skills in individuals with ASD.

Alternative Therapies: 

Include a range of treatments that are not scientifically proven but may be used in conjunction with other therapies to enhance well-being and reduce symptoms. 

Options may involve animal-assisted therapy, art therapy, or music therapy.

Speech-Language Therapy: 

Addresses speech and language difficulties in children with ASD to improve communication abilities and language development.

For inquiries about treatment consult our healthcare professionals at MedicoExperts to discuss a personalized treatment plan that suits your child’s needs. 



While autism is a lifelong condition that does not go away with age, it is important to recognize that children with autism can continue to evolve and improve throughout their lives. 

Early recognition, intervention, and support are crucial in helping children with autism reach their full potential. With the right treatment and care, individuals with autism can lead fulfilling and meaningful lives.  

So, don’t hesitate to seek professional help if you suspect your child may have autism. 

MedicoExperts offers a wide range of services tailored to meet the specific needs of each child. 

From diagnostic assessments to advanced therapy options including behavioral, 

speech-language, and occupational therapies, the organization is committed to promoting the well-being and development of individuals with autism. 

By integrating the latest research and therapeutic techniques, MedicoExpert ensures that every child has the opportunity to achieve their fullest potential. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q. At what age is autism usually identified?

A. Autism can be identified as early as 18 months or younger. By the age of 2, a diagnosis made by a seasoned professional can be deemed highly dependable. However, many children may not receive a final diagnosis until much older.

Q. Can children with autism attend regular schools?

A. Yes, many children with autism can attend regular schools with or without additional support. It depends on the individual’s needs and the availability of special education services to help them succeed.

Q. How can I support my child with autism at home?  

A. Supporting a child with autism at home involves creating a structured environment, using visual aids for communication, engaging in regular therapy sessions as recommended, and offering unconditional love and patience.

Q. Is there a genetic test for autism?  

A. Currently, there is no single genetic test that can predict autism. However, genetic testing can sometimes identify genetic mutations that increase the risk of developing autism.

Q. Where can I find reliable information and support for autism?

MedicoExperts is an invaluable resource for families dealing with autism. They offer comprehensive information on autism, access to specialists, and support groups to help guide you through the process of diagnosis, treatment, and managing daily challenges.


Innovations in Muscular Dystrophy Therapy

Did you know? Over 30 different genetic forms of Muscular Dystrophy have been identified, impacting people in diverse yet profound ways, while New Treatments for Muscular Dystrophy are in development to address these variations.

For many years, there was no cure for muscular dystrophy and treatment options were limited to managing symptoms.

However, recent advancements in medical research have led to the development of a new muscular dystrophy treatment that shows promising results.

Muscular dystrophy is a group of inherited disorders causing progressive muscle disease due to insufficient or absent glycoproteins in the muscle cell membrane. 

In this blog, we aim to provide an overview of treatment options and their potential impact on those living with muscular dystrophy. 

 So, let’s dive in:-

What is Muscular Dystrophy?  

What is Muscular Dystrophy?

Muscular dystrophies are a diverse set of genetic conditions characterized by muscle weakness and a gradual loss of muscle mass. 

This group of disorders affects different muscle groups in the body, leads to challenges in mobility, and varies in severity—from mild symptoms to severe physical disabilities. 

While some types of muscular dystrophy are inherited, passing from one generation to the next, others may occur spontaneously in people with no family history of the condition.

Symptoms and the age at which they appear can differ significantly, even among patients with the same type of muscular dystrophy. 

Despite their rarity, these conditions are the focus of ongoing research, including efforts by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to better understand their prevalence.

What are Muscular Dystrophy’s common signs and symptoms

What are Muscular Dystrophy's common signs and symptoms?


Muscular dystrophy typically manifests its symptoms during childhood or adolescence, affecting various aspects of a child’s physical abilities. 

The doctor will ask about any signs and symptoms of MD you or your child have seen and when they started. 

Here are some common indicators:

  • Frequent falls
  • Muscle weakness
  • Muscle cramps
  • Difficulty with activities such as standing up, climbing stairs, running, or jumping
  • Toe walking or waddling gait

Additionally, some children may exhibit the following symptoms:

  • Scoliosis (curvature of the spine)
  • Ptosis (drooping eyelids)
  • Cardiac issues
  • Respiratory or swallowing difficulties
  • Vision impairments
  • Weakness in facial muscles

How is Muscular Dystrophy diagnosed?

How is Muscular Dystrophy diagnosed?

Diagnosing the various types of muscular dystrophy (MD) involves multiple methods. The age of diagnosis varies based on symptom onset. 

The diagnostic process includes: 

  • Exploring presenting symptoms
  • Reviewing the family history of MD
  • Conducting a physical examination
  • Performing different types of tests

If you experience symptoms like muscle weakness or mobility issues, consult a GP initially. 

Further tests at a hospital may be recommended if needed.

Let’s see them in detail:

Exploring presenting symptoms

To diagnose MD types, it’s essential to know when your symptoms started and which muscles are involved. The details of different types of symptoms are discussed above.

Reviewing the family history of MD

Some types of muscular dystrophy have genetic origins. 

Hence, if you are aware that a family member is affected by this disease, there may be an increased risk of it being passed down to the next generation. 

Conducting a physical examination

This helps doctors assess muscle strength and look for signs like contractures—limited movements in joints due to muscle tightness. 

The doctor may also check for muscle twitching or wasting away.

Performing different types of tests

Healthcare professionals may utilize various tests to diagnose MD accurately and determine the specific type present. 

These tests also serve to rule out other potential causes of muscle weakness, such as injuries, toxic exposures, medications, or alternative muscle disorders.

Diagnostic procedures can include:

Diagnostic procedures are essential steps in the medical field. These procedures play a crucial role in guiding healthcare professionals toward accurate diagnoses, thereby facilitating effective treatment plans and patient care. 

Let’s see them in detail: 

Blood Tests

These tests measure levels of specific substances that may be elevated in individuals with MD, indicating muscle weakness, injury, or disease. 

Key blood tests include:

  1. Serum creatine kinase: an enzyme released into the bloodstream due to muscle fiber damage.
  2. Serum aldolase: an enzyme aiding in sugar breakdown for energy.
  3. Myoglobin: a protein responsible for oxygen transportation and storage in muscles.

Muscle Biopsies

Involving the extraction of a small muscle tissue sample for microscopic examination, these biopsies help identify MD-specific markers. 

Patients diagnosed through muscle biopsies often require genetic testing to confirm gene mutations.

Genetic Testing

This procedure identifies genes associated with inherited muscle diseases, confirming specific neuromuscular conditions, including MD.

Neurological tests: 

Conducted to exclude nervous system disorders, and assess muscle weakness patterns, reflexes, coordination, and contractions.

Heart Assessments

Electrocardiograms (ECG) or echocardiograms (Echo) may be performed to evaluate heart rate, rhythm, and structure, especially in MD cases affecting heart function.

Exercise Evaluations

These assessments measure muscle strength, breathing capacity, and specific markers following physical activity.

Imaging Studies

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and ultrasound imaging are valuable tools for analyzing internal body structures, muscle quality, bulk, and fat infiltration within muscle tissue.

Understanding the diagnosis of muscular dystrophy can be a significant emotional and mental challenge for patients and their families. Beyond the technical procedures and terms lies a personal journey characterized by uncertainty and resilience. 

Empowering yourself with knowledge about the condition, and engaging with medical professionals and support networks can transform the diagnosis from an intimidating challenge into a manageable aspect of health.

Learn more about the causes of muscular dystrophy here.

What are the Conventional Treatments for Muscular Dystrophy?

What are the Conventional Treatments for Muscular Dystrophy?

Treatment for muscular dystrophy (MD) focuses on symptom management, delaying the progression of muscle degeneration, and enhancing health.

Given the complexity and variability of MD, treatments are tailored to the specific needs of each individual, often requiring a multidisciplinary approach. 

Here’s an overview of the primary treatments available:

Physical Therapy:

Physical therapy is a centerpiece in the management of MD, aimed at maintaining muscle function and flexibility.

  • Stretching exercises are crucial for keeping muscles and joints flexible, and preventing contractures.
  • Strength training can help maintain muscle strength without overexertion, which may worsen muscle damage.
  • Aerobic exercise improves overall cardiovascular health without putting undue stress on the muscles.
  • Assistive devices, like braces or wheelchairs, are often introduced to enhance mobility and independence.

Occupational Therapy: 

Occupational therapy is focused on empowering individuals with MD to perform day-to-day activities with greater ease. 

Through the adaptation of tasks and environments, occupational therapists work to improve the quality of life and foster autonomy.

Speech Therapy: 

For those affected by MD in ways that impair their ability to speak or swallow, speech therapy offers a symbol of expectancy.

Speech therapists (or speech-language pathologists) provide specialized exercises and strategies to enhance speech clarity and safe swallowing techniques.

Psychological Support: 

Facing MD can be challenging, not just physically but also emotionally. Access to mental health professionals, support groups, and counseling services provides essential emotional support for both patients and their families. 

These resources can help individuals cope with the diagnosis and the challenges that come with managing a chronic condition.


Several medications can help manage symptoms or slow the progression of the disease.

  • Corticosteroids, such as prednisolone, can help increase muscle strength and slow progression, but long-term use can have significant side effects.
  • Heart medications, including ACE inhibitors or beta-blockers, are prescribed if MD affects the heart.
  • Immunosuppressants may be used in some cases to delay some aspects of muscle damage.
  • New genetic therapies, such as exon skipping or gene replacement, are emerging treatments aiming to address the underlying genetic causes of some types of MD.

Surgical Treatments:

In some cases, surgery may be necessary to manage the complications of MD.

  • Scoliosis surgery can correct or stabilize spinal curvature, improving posture and breathing.
  • Tendon release surgery is performed to improve mobility and manage contractures.
  • Cardiac surgery might be required for individuals with MD-related heart conditions, to implant devices that help manage heart rhythm disorders.

Nutritional Management:

Proper nutrition plays a pivotal role in managing MD.

  • Dietary adjustments can help manage weight, as obesity can exacerbate mobility and respiratory issues.
  • Nutritional supplements may be recommended to ensure adequate intake of certain vitamins and minerals that could benefit muscle health.

Respiratory Care:

Since MD can affect respiratory muscles, regular assessments and interventions are crucial.

  • Breathing exercises help maintain lung capacity and strength.
  • Assistive devices such as ventilators or BiPAP machines may be used during sleep or progressively throughout the day to support breathing.

What Are The New Muscular Dystrophy Treatment Options?

What are the new Muscular Dystrophy treatment options?

Currently, there is no cure for muscular dystrophy. However, researchers are constantly working on new treatments to help manage the symptoms and slow the progression of MD. 

Some promising treatment options being studied include: 

Gene therapy: 

Gene therapy holds great promise as a revolutionary approach to treating Muscular Dystrophy (MD). This innovative treatment strategy involves introducing a correct version of the mutated gene that causes MD directly into a patient’s muscle cells. 

The primary goal is to enable these cells to produce the protein that was either missing or defective due to the genetic mutation, thereby correcting the root cause of the disease. 

Several methods are being explored to deliver these healthy genes, including viral vectors, which are modified viruses designed to carry the therapeutic gene into the muscle cells without causing disease themselves.

Another exciting aspect of gene therapy research focuses on CRISPR/Cas9 technology, a kind of molecular scissors that allows scientists to edit genes precisely at specific locations. 

By targeting the specific mutations that cause MD, researchers hope to repair or replace the faulty genes, potentially restoring normal muscle function to affected individuals.

Stem cell therapy:  

Stem cell therapy is another promising treatment for MD. Stem cells are specialized cells that can develop into different types of cells, including muscle cells. 

The concept behind stem cell therapy for muscular dystrophy (MD) is both innovative and hopeful. Stem cells, by their unique ability to differentiate into various cell types, offer a potential pathway to regenerate or repair damaged muscle tissue characteristic of MD. 

The process involves harvesting stem cells, which could be either from the patient (autologous transplantation) or a donor (allogeneic transplantation), and then treating them in a laboratory setting to enhance their muscle-regeneration capabilities. Following this preparation, these cells are reintroduced into the patient’s body, targeting the muscle areas most affected by MD. 

Researchers are optimistic that once inside the body, these stem cells will engraft within the muscle tissue and begin the process of repairing or regenerating muscle cells thereby restoring some level of muscle function and strength that the disease has compromised. 

Exon skipping: 

Exon Skipping is a cutting-edge approach that targets the genetic mutations responsible for causing certain types of muscular dystrophy, particularly Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD). 

This method works by manipulating the cell’s machinery to “skip over” faulty sections of the gene, known as exons that cause disruptions in the production of the dystrophin protein crucial for muscle health. 

Through the use of synthetic molecules called antisense oligonucleotides (AONs), exon skipping can facilitate the production of a shorter albeit partially functional dystrophin protein. 

This has the potential to slow the progression of the disease and improve the quality of life for those affected. 

Clinical trials have shown promising results, indicating that exon-skipping therapy can lead to modest improvements in muscle function for some patients. 

While not a cure, this strategy represents a significant step forward in muscular dystrophy treatment offering longing for more effective therapies in the future.

Anti-inflammatory medications:  

Inflammation is a key process in the progression of MD, causing muscle damage and weakness. As such, researchers are exploring the use of anti-inflammatory medications to help manage symptoms and slow down disease progression. 

Some promising drugs being studied include glucocorticoids, which can reduce inflammation and improve muscle strength in some types of MD.

Other potential treatments being investigated include TNF-alpha inhibitors and IL-6 blockers, which could help reduce inflammation in muscles and improve muscle function. 

Clinical Trials and Research:

The relentless pursuit of advancements in Muscular Dystrophy (MD) treatment is heartening. These meticulously designed studies not only test the efficacy and safety of emerging treatments but also deepen our understanding of MD’s complexities. 

Participation in clinical trials empowers patients and families, placing them at the forefront of medical innovation. 

By volunteering people can contribute significantly to the collective effort to discover new treatments paving the way for future generations. 

The Path Forward

While the pursuit of a cure continues, the advancements in treatment options and supportive care underscore a hopeful trajectory in the battle against Muscular Dystrophy.

As we look to the future, the synergy between pioneering treatments and supportive therapies promises to transform the landscape of Muscular Dystrophy care.

 It is through persistent research, collaboration, and compassionate support that we inch closer to a world where the impact of MD is significantly lessened. 

Meanwhile, MedicoExpert’s Team stands ready to provide critical assistance for navigating the complexities of Muscular Dystrophy (MD).

With a deep understanding of MD’s challenges and an empathetic approach, our dedicated team offers comprehensive support from providing up-to-date information on treatment options and clinical trials to facilitating access to the best care. 

Recognizing that each patient’s journey is unique, we tailor our services to meet your specific needs, ensuring you have the necessary resources to make informed decisions about your health. 

Connect with us today to take the first step in managing Muscular Dystrophy. We are dedicated to providing unwavering support and empowering you throughout your journey.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1. How does muscular dystrophy affect children?

A. Muscular dystrophy (MD) in children often results in progressive muscle weakness and degeneration, affecting their ability to perform common physical activities like walking, running, and eventually, tasks requiring finer motor skills. Symptoms and progression can vary widely depending on the type of MD. 

Q2. How long do muscular dystrophy patients live?

A. The life expectancy of individuals with muscular dystrophy varies significantly between the different types of MD. Some forms, such as Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD), are more severe and may lead to a shorter lifespan, often into the late twenties to early thirties, primarily due to respiratory or cardiac complications. Other forms, like Becker Muscular Dystrophy, allow individuals to live well into mid to late adulthood.

Q3. How painful is muscular dystrophy?

A. Muscular dystrophy itself is not always directly painful, but muscle weakness can lead to secondary conditions that cause discomfort or pain, such as joint deformities, muscle cramps, and back pain. Management and therapeutic strategies can help alleviate most of these painful symptoms.

Q4. What happens if muscular dystrophy is not treated?

A. Untreated muscular dystrophy leads to progressive muscle weakness and degradation, severely impacting mobility and daily activities. Over time, it can lead to complications such as respiratory failure, cardiac issues, and significantly reduced overall health.

Q5. Can muscular dystrophy be detected before symptoms appear? 

A. Yes, muscular dystrophy can sometimes be detected before symptoms appear through genetic testing, especially if there’s a known family history of the disease. Prenatal testing and carrier screening are available for some forms of MD, which can inform potential parents about their risk of having a child with MD. At MedicoExpert, we bridge the gap between uncertainties and solutions, providing expert-led guidance and support tailored specifically to your Muscular Dystrophy challenges.

Q6. Is there any research towards finding a cure for muscular dystrophy?

A. Absolutely. Continuous research is dedicated to finding a cure for muscular dystrophy, focusing on gene therapy, stem cell therapy, and novel pharmaceuticals. Significant progress has been made in understanding the genetic and molecular bases of MD, leading to innovative treatments that aim to slow progression, manage symptoms, and ultimately, discover a cure. 


How Awake Craniotomy is Transforming Neurosurgery

Breaking barriers, awake craniotomy redefines the landscape of neurosurgery, proving that limitations are but stepping stones to greater achievements.

The mere thought of brain surgery can provoke a range of emotions – from fear and anxiety to a desire for relief and recovery.

According to recent statistics, brain tumors are diagnosed in over 90,000 people every year, and around 17,200 people lose their lives to malignant brain tumors.

In the era of medical science and patient care advancements, awake craniotomies stand out as an outstanding surgical approach.

Let’s understand the need for awake craniotomy, its benefits and challenges, and most importantly, how it can empower patients to take an active role in their healthcare journey. 

Let’s explore this aspect of neurosurgery in detail.

What is Awake Craniotomy?  

What is Awake Craniotomy?

An awake craniotomy is a specialized neurosurgical procedure where the patient is kept conscious and alert during the operation. 

Contrary to traditional surgery patients are completely unconscious under general anesthesia an awake craniotomy allows surgeons to interact with patients in real time while performing the delicate brain surgery.

Having a patient awake during brain surgery allows the surgeon to perform tasks that provide vital feedback to the healthcare team. 

This technique is also known as cortical mapping. It ensures surgeons assess the function of different brain areas by stimulating them. This approach allows the surgeon to target maximal tumor removal while reducing potential risks.

While the idea of awake brain surgery may unsettle some people, the surgical team will offer counseling and support to help the patient prepare for the procedure. They will ensure the patient’s comfort throughout the operation. 

Awake brain surgery is generally considered an effective and safe surgical approach.

When is an awake craniotomy suggested?  

When is an awake craniotomy suggested? 

The decision to undergo awake brain surgery will depend on several factors, including the size and location of the tumor, the health of the patient, and their ability to cooperate during surgery.

It could be suggested when the tumor is near areas of your brain controlling speech, movements, or sensations. This includes tumors near the motor cortex in the prefrontal gyrus (Brodmann area 4), the sensory cortex in the postcentral gyrus (Brodmann areas 3,1,2), and areas responsible for language (Broca’s and Wernicke’s areas).

Awake craniotomy is a critical technique for performing deep brain stimulation, especially beneficial in treating Parkinson’s disease, central movement disorders, Alzheimer’s disease, and certain psychiatric conditions. 

For patients undergoing pallidotomy and thalamotomy to manage chronic pain, awake craniotomy allows for real-time patient feedback, enhancing the safety and efficacy of these interventions.

What are the potential benefits of awake craniotomy?

What are the potential benefits of awake craniotomy?

Research indicates that awake brain tumor surgery tends to result in improved outcomes such as:

  • More comprehensive tumor removal, 
  • Reduced occurrence of late neurological deficits, 
  • Shorter durations of hospital stays, and 
  • Increased survival rates in comparison to surgeries performed under general anesthesia.

These favorable outcomes can only be achieved through intraoperative stimulation mapping on conscious patients, a technique that plays a pivotal role in safeguarding vital neurological functions.

Furthermore, the anesthesiologist plays a significant role in minimizing the adverse effects associated with awake brain tumor surgeries by avoiding specific general endotracheal anesthesia components.

Understanding the Risks of Awake Brain Surgery

Understanding the Risks of Awake Brain Surgery

While awake craniotomy has revolutionized the approach to treating brain tumors and represents a significant advancement in neurosurgery. 

It is important to approach this procedure with an understanding of its associated risks. Like any surgical intervention, awake brain surgery involves certain complications, though the medical community works diligently to minimize these risks.

One notable risk during awake craniotomy is the potential for seizures, primarily during the process of cortical mapping. These occurrences are commonly brief and tend to resolve on their own. In the event of a seizure, surgical teams are prepared to intervene with cold, sterile water or appropriate medications to mitigate the episode promptly.

Other potential risks include:

  • Hypertension – An increase in blood pressure during the procedure.
  • Nausea or Vomiting – Reactions to the awake surgery process or medications.
  • Airway Complications Challenges in maintaining a clear airway while the patient is conscious.
  • Air Embolisms -The rare introduction of air into the bloodstream.
  • Failed Awake Craniotomy –  Situations where cortical mapping cannot be effectively performed, leading to an incomplete procedure.

Despite these risks, for people with brain tumors, avoiding surgery can result in the tumor’s continuous growth, which may cause irreversible brain damage over time. Thus, while awake craniotomy carries its set of challenges, the benefits of accurately removing brain tumors while preserving vital functions often overpower the potential for complications.

Preparing for Awake Brain Surgery: What to Expect

Preparing for Awake Brain Surgery: What to Expect

The path to awake brain surgery involves a series of preparatory steps designed to optimize outcomes and minimize discomfort for the patient. 

  • Patients can maintain their regular daily routines before surgery, including taking most prescribed medications.
  • It is vital to follow medication regimens like steroids, antiepileptics, and antihypertensives unless advised otherwise by the surgical team.
  • Before the operation, patients will have thorough consultations with healthcare providers to discuss special medications for a smoother surgical process.
  • Dietary guidelines recommend consuming solid foods up to 6 hours before surgery and fluids up to 2 hours before to ensure proper nourishment and preparation.

The focus is on balancing patient nutrition and readiness for surgery to prioritize safety and comfort.

The Procedure to Awake Craniotomy Surgery

The Procedure to Awake Craniotomy Surgery

During the intricate process of an awake craniotomy, the surgical team prioritizes the comfort and safety of the person undergoing the procedure. 

Step 1

The initial steps involve administering mild sedatives through an IV in the individual’s arm ensuring a state of relaxation without inducing full unconsciousness. To keep the patient comfortable and manage fluid output efficiently – a catheter may also be inserted.

Step 2

The next phase includes preparing the skull for surgery. 

Surgeons apply local anesthesia to numb the area where they need to access the brain. This is crucial for a pain-free experience, even as the surgeon secures the patient’s head in a clamp to stabilize it throughout the procedure. 

Modern image guidance systems display detailed brain scans on a monitor aiding surgeons in precisely locating the tumor before making any incisions. Before resorting to using tools like drills, which may sound intimidating but are painless thanks to anesthesia the surgeon confirms the patient’s comfort and absence of pain.

Step 3

Once the brain is accessible the surgeon conducts cortical mapping – a pivotal part of the surgery. This involves stimulating various brain regions to map functions such as speech, language, and movement. 

The patient may be asked to perform specific actions, like moving their toes or engaging in speech, to ensure critical areas are protected.

During this critical stage, as the surgeon removes as much of the tumor as possible, the patient’s active participation provides invaluable feedback.

Step 4

After the tumor is carefully removed the surgeon proceeds to close the initially opened access point on the skull followed by suturing the scalp.

Step 5

The patient is then gently moved to a recovery area. 

It’s natural for people to feel fatigued post-operation. It stands as a commitment to the resilience demonstrated throughout this extraordinary procedure, aimed at safeguarding and maintaining critical brain functions.

What is the Recovery Process After Awake Brain Surgery?

What is the Recovery Process After Awake Brain Surgery?

In the hours immediately following awake brain surgery, patients are carefully monitored in a post-anesthesia care unit where healthcare professionals closely observe their vital signs, ensuring a stable condition. 

  • This vigilant monitoring usually lasting no less than two hours, is critical for early detection of any complications. 
  • Following this initial phase, patients are typically transferred to a high-dependency ward or an intensive care unit (ICU) tailored for more concentrated care. 
  • During this period patients receive pain management medications as needed to alleviate discomfort and facilitate a smoother recovery. Once the patient is stable and ready to leave the ICU or high-dependency ward, meetings with the medical team are arranged. 
  • These discussions are pivotal as they provide insights into the surgery outcomes offer a comprehensive diagnosis, and outline subsequent steps or treatments necessary for continued health improvement. 

This stage marks a significant milestone in the patient’s journey towards recovery emphasizing the commitment of healthcare professionals to ensure a thorough and empathetic approach to recovery.

How can MedicoExperts assist you?

How can MedicoExperts assist you?

MedicoExperts is a guiding path for people navigating the complex journey of brain surgery.

By connecting patients with leading specialists in awake craniotomy and providing access to state-of-the-art medical facilities, MedicoExpert ensures that each patient is equipped with the best possible care and information. 

Our tailored approach considers each person’s unique medical and emotional needs, ensuring a seamless, supported journey from pre-surgery preparation to post-operative recovery. 

With MedicoExperts, patients and their families can find solace in knowing they are not alone, backed by a team committed to their health and well-being every step of the way. Our 24/7 support care contributes to a stress-free experience, allowing patients to focus on their recovery confidently. 

So why wait? Contact us today to learn more about how we can empower your journey to healing. 



Undergoing awake brain surgery is undoubtedly a formidable and challenging experience, one that requires immense strength and courage from the patient and exceptional skill and precision from the healthcare team.

The successful execution of such complex procedures offers expectancy and a renewed chance at life for many, illuminating the path toward healing and recovery with expertise and compassion. 

Don’t hesitate to reach out today and take control of your health.

Q1. What is the success rate of awake craniotomy surgery?

A. Awake craniotomy has shown significant success rates, particularly in minimizing neurological damage while removing brain tumors. At MedicoExpert, we connect you with leading surgeons whose expertise and utilization of advanced surgical techniques contribute to our high success rates.

Q2. How long does recovery take after awake brain surgery?

A. Recovery times can vary depending on the individual’s overall health and the complexity of the surgery. Generally, patients can expect to spend 3 to 5 days in the hospital post-surgery. Full recovery and return to normal activities might take several weeks. MedicoExpert is dedicated to supporting you throughout your recovery process, providing guidance, resources, and rehabilitation services to ensure a smooth and speedy recovery.

Q3. Will I feel pain during awake craniotomy surgery?

A. Patients do not feel pain during the procedure due to the local anesthesia and sedatives administered to ensure comfort. The surgical team, in coordination with MedicoExpert specialists, continually monitors and adjusts sedation levels to ensure you’re comfortable and pain-free throughout the surgery.

Q4. What are the costs associated with awake craniotomy surgery?

A. The costs of awake craniotomy can vary widely based on several factors including the complexity of the procedure, the duration of the hospital stay, and the specific care requirements post-surgery. Typically, the range can vary from INR 2,00,000 to INR 8,00,000 or higher.

Q5. Can MedicoExperts help me with my post-surgery rehabilitation?

A. Absolutely. MedicoExperts understands that recovery doesn’t end with surgery. We provide comprehensive support including access to rehabilitation services, physical therapy, and follow-up consultations to ensure a holistic recovery. Our team will work with you to create a personalized rehabilitation plan targeting your specific needs and recovery goals.


Best Neurosurgeons in India

Here is a list of best neurosurgeons in India

Dr. Rajan Shah | Best Neurosurgeons In India

1. Dr. Rajan Shah

MBBS, MS (General Surgery), MCh (Neurosurgery), Fellowship (Skull Base Surgery)

Dr. Rajan Shah is a highly regarded neurosurgeon with an extensive 41-year career in the field.

  • Dr. Rajan Shah has effectively managed more than 8500 cases of brain tumors, maintaining a mortality rate of less than 1%.
  • Additionally, he has provided treatment for over 450 cases of cerebral aneurysms and more than 100 cases of arteriovenous malformations.
  • His expertise extends to special interests including trigeminal neuralgia, spinal tumors, brain injuries, and strokes.

Dr. Ashok Hande

2. Dr. Ashok Hande

MBBS | MS – General Surgery | MCh – Neuro Surgery

Dr. Ashok Hande is widely recognized as an outstanding neurosurgeon, celebrated for his exceptional skills and significant contributions to the field of neurosurgery.

  • Dr. Ashok Hande possesses extensive expertise in the specialized realm of neurosurgery, acquired through years of dedicated study and practice.
  • He earned his medical degree with honors from a distinguished institution and pursued advanced training in neurosurgery, focusing on intricate brain and spinal procedures.
  • With more than 32 years of hands-on experience in neurosurgery, Dr. Hande has skillfully conducted numerous surgeries, addressing diverse neurological conditions.
  • Renowned for his surgical precision, he consistently exhibits meticulous attention to detail during procedures, prioritizing patient safety and optimal outcomes.

Dr. Paresh K. Doshi

3. Dr. Paresh K. Doshi

MBBS, MCh – Neuro Surgery

Dr. Paresh Doshi is widely regarded as one of Mumbai’s most esteemed neurosurgeons and neurologists.

  • Dr. Paresh K Doshi is an expert in brain tumor surgery, deep brain stimulation, epilepsy surgery, brain suite procedures, and vagus nerve stimulation for epilepsy.
  • Dr. Paresh Doshi has around 30 years of experience in the field of Neurosurgery.
  • He has received prestigious accolades including the Medscape India Award for Excellence in Neurosciences in 2012 and the Best Neurosurgeon Award from the Indo-American Society in 2001.

Dr. Sandeep Vaishya

4. Dr. Sandeep Vaishya

MBBS, MS – General Surgery, MCH – Neurosurgery

Dr. Sandeep Vaishya is an esteemed neurosurgeon known for his expertise in complex brain and spinal surgeries.

  • Dr. Vaishya is deeply committed to patient well-being, consistently achieving optimal outcomes through innovative methodologies.
  • With extensive experience, he is recognized for his surgical precision and unwavering pursuit of excellence.
  • His contributions to neurosurgical advancements have garnered both national and international acclaim, while his compassionate demeanor and exceptional results solidify his reputation as a preferred provider for neurological care.

Dr. Aditya Gupta

5. Dr. Aditya Gupta

MBBS, MCh – Neuro Surgery

Dr. Aditya Gupta is a neurosurgeon of exceptional accomplishments, boasting a distinguished career in medicine.

  • Dr. Aditya Gupta boasts extensive expertise in treating diverse neurological disorders, establishing himself as a foremost authority in the field.
  • His reputation thrives on his adeptness in performing intricate brain and spinal surgeries, encompassing tumor excisions, spinal fusion, and minimally invasive procedures.
  • Affiliated with premier medical institutions, he delivers state-of-the-art neurological care.
  • Dr. Gupta’s compassionate ethos underscores his patient-centric approach, prioritizing optimal treatment and support.
  • Moreover, his dedication to research and innovation fuels advancements in neurosurgical methodologies and technologies.

Dr. Jayesh Sardhara

6. Dr. Jayesh Sardhara

MBBS, MS – General Surgery, MCh – Neuro Surgery

Dr. Jayesh Sardhara is a proficient neurosurgeon specializing in neurology and spine surgery. Equipped with years of experience, he holds vast expertise in diagnosing and managing diverse neurological and spinal disorders.

  • Dr. Sardhara earned his medical degree and completed neurosurgery postgraduate training at a prestigious institution.
  • He underwent rigorous training to excel in complex neurosurgical procedures, specializing in brain, spine, and nervous system conditions such as tumors, spinal disorders, degenerative conditions, nerve compression, and spinal cord injuries.
  • Dr. Sardhara stays abreast of the latest advancements and surgical techniques in neurosurgery, employing state-of-the-art equipment and evidence-based practices to offer effective and minimally invasive surgical interventions.

Dr. K. Sridhar

7. Dr. K. Sridhar

MBBS, DNB – Neurosurgery

Dr. K. Sridhar, renowned for his expertise, has practiced neurosurgery for over three decades, excelling particularly in complex brain and spinal procedures.

  • Dr. K. Sridhar’s pioneering techniques have propelled significant advancements in neurosurgery.
  • With more than three decades of experience, he has garnered national and international acclaim for his successful surgeries.
  • Dr. Sridhar’s research contributions are substantial, with notable publications in esteemed medical journals.
  • As a mentor to aspiring neurosurgeons, he plays a pivotal role in shaping the future of the field.
  • Renowned for his compassionate and patient-centered approach, Dr. Sridhar prioritizes the highest standards of treatment and support for his patients.

Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

8. Dr. Gurneet Sawhney

MBBS, MS – General Surgery, MCH – Neurosurgery

Dr. Gurneet Singh Sawhney is a widely recognized neurosurgeon and spine specialist.

  • Dr. Gurneet Singh Sawhney is highly trained in Simple and Complex Spine Surgery, CVJ, Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery, Endoscopic Pituitary Surgery, and Neuro-Oncology.
  • He excels in managing Neurotrauma and performing emergency neurosurgeries.
  • His specialties encompass Brain Surgery, Brain Tumor Surgery, Spine Surgery, Epilepsy Surgery, Deep Brain Stimulation Surgery (DBS), Vascular Neurosurgery, AVM Surgery, Aneurysm Treatment, Parkinson’s Treatment, and Seizure Treatment.

Dr. Amit Srivastava

9. Dr. Amit Srivastava

MBBS, MD – Neurology, DM – General Medicine

Dr. Amit Srivastava has around 24 years of experience in the field of Neurology and Neurosurgery.

  • Dr. Amit Srivastava is a proficient neurosurgeon known for delivering outstanding neurological care with a notable track record.
  • With extensive experience and expertise, he is renowned for his dedication to advancing patient well-being through innovative treatments and compassionate care.
  • Dr. Srivastava demonstrates a thorough comprehension of the intricate complexities of the nervous system, specializing in diagnosing and treating diverse neurological conditions.

Dr. Mahesh Chaudhari

10. Dr. Mahesh Chaudhari

MBBS, MS – General Surgery, MCH – Neurosurgery

Dr. Mahesh Chaudhari demonstrates proficiency in complex neurosurgical procedures, specializing particularly in brain and spinal surgeries.

  • Known for his patient-focused ethos, Dr. Chaudhari prioritizes compassionate care and individualized treatment strategies.
  • His extensive expertise covers a broad spectrum of neurological conditions, ranging from tumors to spinal disorders, ensuring holistic patient care.
  • Dr. Chaudhari remains dedicated to innovation in neurosurgery, continuously advancing techniques to achieve optimal patient outcomes.

Is There Any Treatment for Liver Cirrhosis? Treatment Options

Are you tired of feeling overwhelmed and unsure about your liver cirrhosis treatment?

Research states, that every year, chronic liver diseases, including cirrhosis, account for approximately 2 million deaths worldwide. Out of which 1 million deaths are due to complications of cirrhosis. 

This statistic brings sharp focus to the reality faced by many and raises an important question – is there any treatment for liver cirrhosis? 

Whether you have been on this journey for some time or are recently diagnosed understanding treatment options is the first step to shape your path to better health.

The good news is treatment options for liver cirrhosis do exist, and the approach to managing this illness is evolving. 

In this blog, we will attempt to explore three distinct treatment modalities – Allopathy, Ayurveda, and Homeopathy – each offering unique avenues for tackling the challenges of cirrhosis. 

We encourage you to read on and join us in unfolding the layers of liver cirrhosis treatments. Your well-being matters, and so does your resolution to seek and understand every potential remedy that lies before you.

What is Liver Cirrhosis? 

What is Liver Cirrhosis?

It’s a condition where scar tissues replace healthy liver cells.

This process typically occurs over an extended period. Cirrhosis is often triggered by various factors such as infections, alcohol misuse, or other reasons. 

Once liver damage sets in it’s challenging to reverse. It is still possible to manage complications effectively with early detection.

The liver detoxifies the blood followed by producing digestive enzymes. Thereafter it stores sugar and nutrients to boost the immune system. 

With each injury, the liver heals itself by forming tough scar tissue. Excessive scarring impairs the organ’s function which hinders its essential tasks.

Alcohol and non-alcoholic fatty liver diseases are major concerns. With alcohol consumption rising and metabolic risk factors increasing, mortality rates related to these conditions are expected to surge in the coming years.

What are the stages of Liver Cirrhosis? 

What are the stages of Liver Cirrhosis?

The progressive scar tissue condition is divided into 2 stages. 

Let us see them:

Compensated cirrhosis: 

An early stage where the body adapts to compensate for reduced liver function. This state indicates the sign of compensated cirrhosis. 

The survival time for compensated cirrhosis patients exceeds up to 12 years.

Compensated patients do not show certain signs. These include ascites (accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity causing swelling), jaundice, or variceal hemorrhage. 

Decompensated cirrhosis:

Over time as liver function diminishes noticeable symptoms emerge. This condition indicates the sign of decompensated cirrhosis. 

Patients with decompensated cirrhosis have a survival time of around 2 years.

There is a progression of evident complications. These comprise jaundice, variceal hemorrhage, or ascites.

Keeping a keen eye on the stages of cirrhosis is crucial for timely management.

What are the Causes of Cirrhosis?  

What are the Causes of Cirrhosis?

Cirrhosis is caused by numerous factors. Identifying the root cause can assist in prevention and early detection.

The most common causes include

  • Chronic hepatitis B or C infections, 
  • Excessive alcohol consumption, 
  • Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), and 
  • Autoimmune diseases. 

Other contributing factors may include

  • Inherited disorders, 
  • Prolonged exposure to certain toxins or medications, and 
  • Repeated bouts of heart failure. 

It’s important to work closely with your healthcare provider to determine the underlying cause and take the necessary steps to manage or eliminate it.

What are the Symptoms of Liver Cirrhosis?

What are the Symptoms of Liver Cirrhosis?

Recognizing the symptoms of liver cirrhosis is paramount for early intervention and management. Symptoms may be subtle at first but can become more pronounced as the condition progresses. 

Common symptoms include

  • Fatigue, 
  • Poor appetite leads to weight loss,
  • Sexual problems,
  • Easy bleeding and bruising,
  • Muscle cramps, and swelling in the legs and abdomen due to fluid accumulation. 
  • People might also notice a yellowing of the skin and eyes, known as jaundice, which indicates liver dysfunction,
  • Urine becoming darker in color, 
  • Cognitive challenges, and
  • Memory lapses 

It’s essential to understand the above symptoms may not be exclusive to liver cirrhosis and can overlap with other health conditions. Therefore, if any of these signs are present, it’s crucial to seek medical advice promptly.

What Treatment Options are available for Liver Cirrhosis?

What Treatment Options are available for Liver Cirrhosis?

The specific treatment for cirrhosis will be tailored by considering factors such as

  • Your age, general health, and medical background
  • The severity of the condition
  • The ability to tolerate certain medications, procedures, or therapies
  • Anticipated disease progression
  • Your personal opinion or preference

As mentioned earlier, there are different approaches to treating liver cirrhosis, each with its unique benefits and limitations. In this segment, we will see three distinct modes of treatment:

  • Allopathy (modern medicine), 
  • Ayurveda, and
  • Homeopathy.

1. Allopathy: 


Allopathic treatments aim to manage liver cirrhosis by addressing the underlying cause and its related complications. This approach is typically carried out in the following ways:

  • Infections like hepatitis B or C are treated with antiviral medications, 
  • For autoimmune diseases, corticosteroids and other immune-suppressing drugs may be prescribed, 
  • Abstinence from alcohol consumption to prevent further liver damage,
  • A balanced diet is recommended to maintain proper nutrition and reduce stress on the liver, 
  • Medications to alleviate symptoms such as ascites or edema (swelling),

In instances where liver cirrhosis has progressed significantly, medical procedures or even surgeries may become necessary. 

One such procedure is Paracentesis, which involves removing fluid accumulated in the abdomen, providing relief from discomfort. 

Treatment options for refractory ascites may involve large-volume paracentesis (LVP), transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS), and liver transplantation.

Additionally, bleeding happens in 30% – 40% of patients with cirrhosis once varices have developed. For those experiencing severe complications like variceal hemorrhage, endoscopic procedures can be performed to control bleeding. 

In the most advanced cases, where the liver function is critical, a liver transplant may be recommended.

2. Ayurveda:


Ayurveda approaches liver cirrhosis with a holistic viewpoint.

This ancient form of medicine believes in treating the root cause of diseases, rather than just alleviating symptoms.

In the context of liver cirrhosis, Ayurveda emphasizes the importance of diet and herbal treatments to cleanse and rejuvenate the liver. 

Herbs like Bhringaraj (Eclipta Alba), Katuki (Picrorhiza kurroa), and Punarnava (Boerhavia diffusa) are commonly prescribed for their hepatoprotective properties. These support liver health and help in reducing inflammation. 

Implementing nutrient-rich foods known for their liver-boosting properties can help to support optimal liver functioning. 

This approach is typically carried out in the following ways: 

  • People with cirrhosis frequently follow a little and often eating pattern known as grazing.
  • Regular eating helps prevent the body from using muscle protein for energy.
  • Instead of three main meals aim to eat something every 2 to 3 hours.
  • Have a snack before bedtime preferably high in starchy carbohydrates like rice pudding, cereal, porridge, or shortbread.

Furthermore, Ayurvedic practitioners recommend lifestyle modifications including yoga and meditation to reduce stress, as stress can exacerbate liver damage. 

Regular follow-ups with an Ayurvedic expert for personalized treatment plans are essential.

While Ayurveda offers a complementary approach to managing liver cirrhosis, it’s crucial to consult with healthcare professionals to ensure these practices are compatible with your overall treatment plan.

3. Homeopathy:


Homeopathy approaches the treatment of liver cirrhosis from a highly individualized standpoint. It focuses on the person as a whole rather than just the diseased part. This modality believes in stimulating the body’s natural healing processes to treat symptoms and potentially reverse damage. 

Commonly prescribed homeopathic remedies for liver cirrhosis include:

  • Carduus Marianus, known for its hepatoprotective properties, and Chelidonium Majus, which has been traditionally used to address liver-related issues and jaundice. 
  • Lycopodium is another remedy often recommended for liver dysfunctions, especially when accompanied by digestive disorders.  
  • Nux Vomica, Phosphorus, Apocynum Cannabinum, and Quassia are natural remedies for different aspects of Liver Cirrhosis. 

From acidity to jaundice, ascites, fatigue, weight loss, loss of appetite, and alcoholic cirrhosis, these remedies cater to various symptoms with effective results.

Consequently, these remedies should complement not replace, conventional treatments and always be taken under the supervision of qualified healthcare providers. 

Holistic Care at MedicoExperts

Holistic Care at MedicoExperts

At MedicoExperts, our team is poised to offer unparalleled support for people navigating the challenges of liver cirrhosis. 

With a disciplinary team of experienced healthcare professionals, we provide an approach to treatment that harmonizes cutting-edge conventional medical practices with time-honored Ayurvedic and Homeopathic remedies. 

Our specialists work closely with patients, offering personalized care plans tailored to each person’s unique health needs and treatment goals. 

Our 24/7 support line is always available for any questions or concerns, providing a reliable source of information and guidance throughout your treatment journey. 

In addition to offering expert second opinions and comprehensive treatment plans, MedicoExpert also extends support in navigating financial options and connecting patients with top medical professionals. 

This includes advice on insurance benefits, access to charitable funds, and guidance on other resources that can help alleviate the financial burden of treatment. 

Our network includes esteemed doctors specializing in liver diseases, ensuring that you have access to the best possible care tailored to your needs. 

At MedicoExpert, our goal is to ensure that financial constraints do not hinder anyone from receiving the highest standard of care, advocating for a holistic approach to treatment and support.


Conclusion | Is there any treatment for liver cirrhosis?

Liver cirrhosis treatment depends on its severity and underlying causes. It’s essential to work closely with healthcare professionals to develop a personalized treatment plan that addresses both the physical and emotional aspects of this condition. 

While conventional Allopathic treatments focus on managing symptoms and preventing further damage, alternative modalities like Ayurveda and Homeopathy offer complementary approaches to support optimal liver functioning. 

However, it’s imperative to remember that while exploring these options, patient safety and evidence-based practice should remain paramount. 

Keep in mind, that every person’s response to treatment can vary greatly, thus regular monitoring and adjustments may be necessary. Empower yourself with information and support from trusted healthcare professionals to make informed decisions about your health and treatment options.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1. Can lifestyle changes make a difference in managing liver cirrhosis?

A. Absolutely. Lifestyle modifications such as implementing a balanced diet, avoiding alcohol, engaging in regular physical activity, and managing stress are fundamental in managing liver cirrhosis. These changes can help slow the progression of the disease and improve your overall quality of life.

Q2. How important is it to follow a ‘grazing’ eating pattern for someone with liver cirrhosis?

A. It’s highly important. A ‘grazing’ eating pattern, which involves eating small meals every 2 to 3 hours, helps prevent the body from using muscle protein for energy. This can be particularly beneficial for those with liver cirrhosis, as it ensures a steady supply of energy and nutrients throughout the day.

Q3. Does avoiding salt help in managing symptoms of liver cirrhosis?

A. Yes, it does. For many people with liver cirrhosis, particularly those experiencing fluid accumulation in the abdomen (ascites) and swelling in the legs (edema), reducing salt intake is crucial. Salt can exacerbate fluid retention, so limiting it can help alleviate some symptoms and improve comfort levels.

Q4. Can herbal supplements be beneficial in the treatment of liver cirrhosis, and how does MedicoExperts advise on their use?

A. While some herbal supplements have shown promise in supporting liver health, their efficacy, and safety specifically for liver cirrhosis require careful consideration. MedicoExperts advises patients to consult with their healthcare team before incorporating any supplements into their treatment regimen. Our specialists evaluate the latest research to recommend supplements that can safely complement conventional treatments, ensuring they do not interfere with medications or exacerbate the condition.

Q5. Is exercise safe for individuals with liver cirrhosis, and what type should they engage in?

A. Exercise is not only safe for individuals with liver cirrhosis, but it’s also beneficial. It can help maintain muscle mass, reduce stress, and improve overall well-being. However, the key is moderation and customization. Low-impact activities such as swimming, walking, or yoga are recommended.
