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Dandruff Problem : Don’t Use Chemical Laden Products

Are you using some anti-dandruff haircare products?

If yes, you must know this.

Harsh chemicals like sulfates, parabens, Polyethylene Glycols,  Phthalates, and triclosan in haircare products can not only aggravate your dandruff problem but also damage your hair completely.

Even the so-called anti-dandruff products are chemical-laden and harsh for your hair. Hence, looking for natural remedies to fight the dandruff problem is the safe and side effects-free way to go ahead.

Ayurvedic treatment for dandruff fits perfectly the bill here. So, let’s learn how Ayurveda can help you say goodbye to your dandruff woes.  

What is the root cause of Dandruff?

ayurvedic treatment for dandruff

According to Ayurveda, dandruff is primarily associated with an imbalance in the Kapha dosha. 

Dandruff can stem from various factors, and understanding its root causes is essential for effective treatment. 

Common causes of dandruff include:

Dry Skin: 

When the scalp lacks sufficient moisture, it may become dry and flaky, leading to dandruff.

Seborrheic Dermatitis: 

This is a common skin condition characterized by oily, red skin covered with flaky white or yellow scales.


It is a yeast-like fungus that can irritate your scalp, causing excess skin cell growth and dandruff.

Not Shampooing Enough: 

Infrequent shampooing can lead to the accumulation of oils and dead skin cells, contributing to dandruff.

Certain Skin Conditions: 

Conditions like psoriasis and eczema can result in an itchy scalp and dandruff.

Sensitivity to Hair Products: 

Some people may develop dandruff-like symptoms due to an adverse reaction to certain hair care products.

Dietary Factors: 

A lack of proper nutrition or certain dietary triggers may play a role in the development of dandruff.

Understanding these factors can help tailor an effective approach to managing and preventing dandruff based on the specific underlying causes.

What are the ayurvedic treatments for dandruff?

When it comes to tackling the persistent issue of dandruff, Ayurveda offers a treasure trove of remedies that go beyond mere surface treatments. 

Scalp Massage with Ayurvedic Oils

Ayurvedic oils, such as coconut oil, neem oil, and sesame oil, have been used for centuries to nourish the scalp and promote hair health. 

Regular scalp massages with these oils improve blood circulation, reduce dryness, and help maintain the natural moisture balance of the scalp.

Herbal Hair Packs

Herbs like neem, amla, and fenugreek possess antibacterial and antifungal properties, making them excellent choices for combating dandruff. 

Creating an herbal hair pack by mixing these herbs with yogurt or aloe vera can effectively soothe the scalp and eliminate dandruff.

Balanced Diet

Ayurveda emphasizes the importance of a balanced diet for overall well-being, including hair health. 

Incorporating foods that pacify the Kapha dosha, such as green leafy vegetables, fruits, and whole grains, can contribute to a dandruff-free scalp.

Stress Management

Stress is a significant factor in aggravating dandruff, according to Ayurveda. 

Practices like yoga and meditation can help manage stress levels, promoting harmony among the doshas and reducing the occurrence of dandruff.

What are the ayurvedic herbs for dandruff and hair fall?

Ayurvedic medicine for  dandruff and hairfall

When it comes to addressing issues such as dandruff and hair loss, Ayurveda provides a wide range of natural therapies that are centered on comprehensive wellness. 

Here are some Ayurvedic medicines and herbs commonly used for combating these issues:

Neem (Azadirachta indica): 

Neem is often used in various forms, such as neem oil or neem-based shampoos, to alleviate dandruff and promote a healthy scalp.

Amla (Indian Gooseberry): 

It is commonly consumed internally as a supplement or applied topically in the form of oil.

Bhringraj (Eclipta prostrata): 

Bhringraj oil is commonly used for scalp massages.


Comprising three fruits – amla, haritaki, and bibhitaki – Triphala is a potent Ayurvedic formulation. 

Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera): 

Known for its adaptogenic properties, ashwagandha helps the body adapt to stress, which can be a significant contributor to hair fall.

Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri): 

Brahmi is revered for its ability to calm the mind and reduce stress, which is crucial in preventing hair fall. 

Shikakai (Acacia concinna): 

Shikakai is a natural cleanser that helps maintain a clean and healthy scalp. 

Jatamansi (Nardostachys jatamansi): 

Known for its calming properties, jatamansi helps reduce stress and anxiety, which can contribute to healthier hair and reduced hair fall.

Consulting with an Ayurvedic practitioner can help determine the most suitable remedies for your specific condition. Additionally, maintaining a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle, along with these Ayurvedic interventions, can contribute to long-term benefits for your hair and scalp health.

Introducing MedicoExperts KeshPoshan Plus

MedicoExperts, a trusted name in Ayurvedic wellness as well, brings you KeshPoshan Plus – an innovative solution crafted to address dandruff concerns naturally. 

This Ayurvedic formulation combines traditional wisdom with modern research, offering a comprehensive approach to maintaining a healthy scalp.

What are the key ingredients in MedicoExperts KeshPoshan Plus?

KeshPoshan Medicoexperts

At the heart of MedicoExperts KeshPoshan Plus lies a carefully crafted blend of potent and natural ingredients, each selected for its unique ability to nourish the scalp and promote optimal hair health. 

Let’s delve into the key ingredients that make KeshPoshan Plus a standout in the category of Ayurvedic hair care.

Neem Extract

Known for its powerful antibacterial and antifungal properties, neem extract in KeshPoshan Plus helps combat the root cause of dandruff. 

It cleanses the scalp, removing toxins and promoting a healthier environment for hair growth.


Rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, amla nourishes the scalp, strengthens hair follicles, and prevents dandruff recurrence. 

Its natural conditioning properties leave your hair soft, smooth, and dandruff-free.


A traditional Ayurvedic herb, bhringraj stimulates hair growth and strengthens the hair shaft. It works in synergy with other ingredients in 

KeshPoshan Plus provides a holistic solution for dandruff and overall hair health.


Hibiscus is known for its soothing and cooling effects on the scalp. 

It helps in reducing scalp irritation and inflammation, contributing to the elimination of dandruff.

This Ayurvedic formulation is a testament to the fusion of ancient wisdom and modern science, delivering a comprehensive solution for those seeking to combat dandruff and enhance the vitality of their hair.

Why choose Ayurveda for a naturally complete path to Dandruff-Free Hair?

medicoexperts keshposhan

Embracing Ayurveda for dandruff treatment offers several advantages over conventional methods. 

You should think about making the transition for the following reasons:

Sustainable Results

Ayurvedic remedies focus on addressing the root cause of health issues, providing sustainable results. 

By restoring balance to the doshas, Ayurveda aims for long-term wellness rather than temporary relief.

Minimal Side Effects

Unlike some chemical-laden products that may cause adverse reactions, Ayurvedic treatments are known for their minimal side effects. 

Natural ingredients are gentle on the scalp, making them suitable for regular use.

Holistic Approach

Ayurveda takes into account the concept that the mind, body, and spirit are all interrelated. 

Ayurvedic treatments like KeshPoshan Plus not only target dandruff but also promote overall well-being.

Time-Tested Wisdom

Ayurveda has stood the test of time, with centuries of wisdom passed down through generations. 

Treatments that are based on Ayurveda are beneficial because they integrate old knowledge with contemporary research, which results in the provision of practical solutions for general health and wellness.


Incorporating Ayurvedic principles into your hair care routine can be a transformative journey towards a healthier scalp and luscious locks. 

MedicoExperts KeshPoshan Plus offers a natural and effective solution to bid farewell to dandruff.

Say goodbye to the discomfort and embarrassment caused by dandruff and embrace the Ayurvedic way with MedicoExperts KeshPoshan Plus. 

This powerful blend of natural ingredients, rooted in centuries-old Ayurvedic wisdom, forms the foundation of an effective solution for dandruff and hair fall.

So, ready to revolutionize your hair care? Experience the magic of MedicoExperts KeshPoshan Plus – your ticket to vibrant, dandruff-free locks.


Q1. How can I remove dandruff permanently from Ayurveda?

Ayurveda recommends a multifaceted approach for permanent dandruff removal. Regular scalp massages with Ayurvedic oils and maintaining a balanced diet can collectively contribute to a long-term solution.

Q2.Which Ayurvedic medicine is good for dandruff?

Ayurvedic medicines that often prove effective for dandruff include formulations containing neem, amla, bhringraj, and hibiscus. Products like MedicoExperts KeshPoshan Plus harness the power of these natural ingredients to combat dandruff and promote overall hair health.

Q3. Can Ayurveda help with severe dandruff conditions and scalp infections?

Yes, Ayurveda addresses severe dandruff and scalp infections through potent remedies like herbal oils and formulations specifically designed to combat fungal or bacterial issues. Consultation with an Ayurvedic practitioner is crucial for personalized recommendations based on the severity of the condition and individual dosha imbalances.

Q4. Is it safe to use Ayurvedic treatments for dandruff alongside conventional shampoos?

Ayurvedic treatments are generally safe to use alongside conventional shampoos. However, it’s advisable to choose natural, Ayurvedic-based shampoos that align with your specific hair and scalp needs.

Q5. How long does it typically take for Ayurvedic treatments to show results in treating dandruff?

The timeline for seeing results with Ayurvedic treatments varies based on individual factors such as the severity of dandruff, consistency in following the regimen, and adherence to a balanced lifestyle. While some individuals may experience relief in a few weeks, others might take longer. Patience and consistency in Ayurvedic practices are key to achieving sustained and effective results.



Author: Dr. Nikita Patil

Dr. Nikita Patil – BAMS , MS (MASTER IN SHALYATANTRA) Dr. Nikita Patil is a distinguished Ayurvedic doctor, and healer dedicated to promoting holistic well-being through the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda. With a profound understanding of traditional Ayurvedic principles and a passion for natural healing, Dr. Patil has become a respected figure in the field of alternative medicine. Dr. Patil is also a prolific author, contributing to the dissemination of Ayurvedic knowledge through her insightful writings.

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