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Pain-free after Bilateral Total Hip Replacement in Nigeria

Ms. Elizabeth Oloko had been diagnosed with osteoarthritis a couple of years ago and both her hips were severely affected and she was in a lot of pain. Now she is pain-free after undergoing a bilateral total hip replacement in Nigeria.

How was your experience with MedicoExperts and the Indian Surgeon?

I am very happy with MedicoExperts and my surgeon. I can walk pain-free now. The surgery was successful and the doctor helped me walked on the third day after my surgery. I am really fortunate to know about them and get treated by the best Indian doctors, right here in Nigeria.

About the patient

My name is Ms. Elizabeth Oloko and I am 55 years old. I had severe pain in both of my hip joints, I couldn’t carry weight, I couldn’t lie on my side. I would experience severe pain in just moving around. I got in touch with a local doctor, and my reports revealed Osteoarthritis. I was suggested to undergo surgery but I was sceptical of doing it locally because a majority of the patients have to later undergo revision surgery.


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