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How To Know If You Have Colon Cancer?

Do you know more than 50% of men have a change in bowel habits as early colorectal cancer symptoms? 

There are certain symptoms of early colon cancer. You may not care about these symptoms and delay treatment. 

But, the right knowledge of the early symptoms can help you take prompt action and can cure your disease at an early stage. 

Let us know how Mr. Porter felt he might have colon cancer. 

Hi, I am Mark Porter. I was happily living in Lagos, Nigeria with my family. I used to enjoy my life and used to drink alcohol and a lot of spicy food. 

I did not have any gastroenterological problems before, but in 2020 I noticed that my bowel movement had changed. 

I was unable to empty my bowels and my stool was soaked in blood. 

Moreover, the stool texture was very thin. 

I sometimes used to have cramps in my rectum area and abdomen. 

Overall, I started suffering from abnormal constipation which did not go away even after taking laxatives. 

I went to a local gastroenterologist who did a colonoscopy which revealed that I had stage 2 colorectal cancer. 

I was unwilling to do any treatment from Nigeria for cancer as there were no good surgeons in the country. 

Meanwhile, I consulted Mr. Roger, who was my friend and he told me to contact MedicoExperts in India 

I went to India, and with the help of MedicoExperts’ tumor board, I had a robotic partial colectomy along with radio and chemotherapy. 

I got cancer-free within 5 months. 

My experience in detecting early symptoms of colon cancer.

How I understood the early symptoms of colon cancer 

1. Blood in my stool

The presence of blood in the stool is not a good sign and may be the very first sign of colon cancer. 

However, I was still not sure about cancer as the presence of hemorrhoids can also cause blood in the stool. 

2. Altered Shape of the stool

The presence of blood in the stool is not a good sign and may be the very first sign of colon cancer. 

However, I was still not sure about cancer as the presence of hemorrhoids can also cause blood in the stool. 

3. Loss of appetite

I was not feeling well and had a very poor appetite. My urge to eat tasty and delicious food was completely gone. 

4. Weight loss 

I was not exercising or doing a lot of hard work, but my weight was drastically decreasing. I lost 15 kgs in 2 months. 

5. Constipation

I was having constipation for a long period and it was not reduced even after taking laxatives

6. Cramp and pain

I was feeling pain in my pelvic region and a cramp in my rectum. The pain was disturbing and it made me awake even at night time. 

7. Bloating

Bloating and gas were two irritating symptoms. Although it was normal to feel bloated sometimes, I was feeling bloated even without taking spicy food or alcoholic drinks.

8. Anemia

I was having mild anemia due to continuous bleeding in my intestine. 

All these symptoms made me think that I might have colon cancer which needed immediate treatment. 

Conclusion :

Various symptoms made me think I might be suffering from colon cancer. A colonoscopy confirmed it. 

I came to India and took the help of MedicoExperts’ tumour board. The tumour board had the right combination of all three specialist doctors surgical oncologists, medical oncologists, and radiologists. 

MedicoExperts also introduced me to the doctors who performed robotic surgery. The organization helped me to select the right hospital at the right cost. 

MedicoExperts is recommended at every step of the patient’s treatment and recovery journey. 


Q1. What is a high CEA level for colon cancer? 

Ans: CEA level above 8 ng/ml is an indicator of high grade of colon cancer. However, the level of this antigen cannot predict the survival of colon cancer patients. 

Q2. At what age colon cancer is curable? 

Ans: It is difficult to cure colon cancer when it has metastasized to the liver or lungs. However, stage I to III colon cancer is curable with surgery, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy. 

Q3. Can colon cancer be cured permanently? 

Ans: Early-stage colon cancer has a success rate of  90% whereas advanced stages have much less success rate of cure.  

Q4.  How long is chemotherapy for colon cancer?

Ans: Chemotherapy before or after surgery can last for 3 or 6 months depending on the type of drug used. 

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