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Lulu gets lumpectomy and radiation therapy in India and overcomes breast cancer

Annual mammogram of Lulu brought to light early stage breast cancer and underwent lumpectomy in India

Tell us about yourself

My name is Lulu, 44 years old. I have been getting my annual mammograms without fail for the past 10 years. However, in 2015, my results lead my doctor to perform a biopsy on my left breast. The further tests lead to me being diagnosed with ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) which is early-stage of breast cancer but it is only confided to the milk ducts and has not spread. My gynaecologist said I should go see a specialist to get best options for my case.

How did you know about MedicoExperts?

I heard on the radio about MedicoExperts organizing an OPD and surgical camp in my country, Nigeria Out of curiosity, I got in touch with them to check if they could help and diagnose me. They asked me to register and come for detailed appointment. I did, and after sharing the report with the oncologist from India, they told me that they could do a breast-conserving surgery i.e. lumpectomy and radiation in my case as the cancer had not spread, however, I would have to travel to India for the treatment. As I was more comfortable with the Indian oncologist I met, I agreed to travel and began raising funds. One of the MedicoExperts team member was in constant touch with me.

How was your experience with MedicoExperts and the Indian Surgeon?

As I said, someone from MedicoExperts was always checking up on me, even before I began my journey. They were very courteous and helping. I am glad they choose to come to my country that helped me get a very good diagnosis of my condition, and I was able to get timely treatment as well. The onco-surgeon who treated me was very good and was well experienced. Thank you MedicoExperts.

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