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Squamous Cell Carcinoma Treatment

Squamous cell carcinoma treatment with a high success rate

Are you aware that squamous cell carcinoma of the skin treatment has a high success rate?

Squamous cell carcinoma of the skin can spread to the inner layers of your skin. You can be mentally disturbed because aggressive skin cancer grows fast and comes back even after treatment. 

You are afraid that your skin will get permanently damaged and cancer may further affect your nerves. 

Here is the solution to your problem

Advanced Mohs surgery has a high success rate of permanently curing your skin cancer. Your skin cancer will be permanently cured without any chance of recurrence.  

Let us know how Angel from Nigeria defeated her skin cancer

Angel was working as a fashion blogger and she used to cover fashion shows in Nigeria for her blog writing. She was a well-known and respected figure in the field and many fashion models had come to her for advice. She dreamt of opening a fashion school in Nigeria. 

In 2021, she observed some red scaly patches on her hand near the wrist. Initially, she did not care much about the ulcer and thought it was just a minor skin infection. But the ulcer did not get cured spontaneously. 

Angel along with her husband David visited a dermatologist in Lagos. The dermatologist observed the ulcer carefully and then did a biopsy of her skin ulcer. 


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The biopsy revealed that Angel had stage 2 squamous cell carcinoma of the skin. But by looking at the biopsy, the doctor told them that her cancer is aggressive in nature and may require treatment as early as possible. 

 The doctor suggested that removing cancer by the laser may cure the problem temporarily, but Angel requires some advanced surgical treatment to remove cancer from deeper layers of her skin. He also suggested Angel contact MedicoExperts in India for further treatment action plans 

Angel was initially hesitant to go to India. But, she could find a reliable dermatologist in Nigeria who could treat her skin cancer and cure it permanently. David advised her to 

listen to the doctor’s suggestion and go to India for treatment 

Angel along with her husband came to India for treatment. MedicoExperts suggested the best doctor from a panel of dermatologists. 

In 2022, Angel underwent Mohs surgery to remove her skin cancer. The dermatologist removed some of the layers of her skin unless the cancer margin totally disappeared. 

Although Angel had some scars on her hand, her cancer has been completely cured. There is no sign of recurrence till now. 

The family went back to Africa and thanked MedicoExperts for the help.

It will be interesting to know about squamous cell carcinoma in some detail.

What is squamous cell carcinoma of the skin? 

Squamous cell carcinoma is a type of ulcer that can appear in any part of the skin in the body. It is either slow growing or aggressive in nature. 

Squamous cell carcinoma of the skin mainly affects the outer and middle layers of the skin. 

It can affect any part of the body including the lower side of your arm, scalp, face, lips, ears, mouth, genitals, etc 

It is caused by ultraviolet rays of the sun along with other risk factors or genetic factors

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What are the symptoms of squamous cell carcinoma of the skin? 

  1. A lump on the skin 
  2. Red patch or scaly crust 
  3. The raised area on the old scar
  4. A rough patch in your mouth, and genitals 

Now, we have understood the symptoms. It will be interesting to know about the causes

What is the cause of squamous cell carcinoma? 

DNA mutation due to ultraviolet radiation is the main cause of skin cancer. Other factors like heredity, or a compromised immune system can also play a role. 

We can get some idea about the ways of diagnosis 

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 How to diagnose squamous cell carcinoma? 

  A thorough examination by an experienced dermatologist can detect skin cancer. 

A skin biopsy can confirm your squamous cell carcinoma. 

What are the risk factors of squamous cell carcinoma?

ACLs that have been mildly damaged, such as when the ACL is mildly stretched but still provides adequate stability to the knee joint.

Those people with a very low immunity also have a chance of developing squamous cell carcinoma of the skin 

Genetic disorder like xeroderma pigmentosum can play a role 

It is important to understand the stages of squamous cell carcinoma

What are the stages of squamous cell carcinoma? 

  • Stage 1 cancer has less than 2 mm in length 
  • Stage 2 cancer has more than 2 mm in length. 
  • In stage 3, cancer has spread to lymph nodes and 
  • In stage 4, it has metastasized to bones and distant organs.
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What is well differentiated and poorly differentiated carcinoma ( Grading) ?   

Well-differentiated squamous cell carcinoma can be benign or malignant cancer and poorly differentiated cancers are surely malignant cancer with a high rate of cell division. 

Well-differentiated squamous cell carcinoma has less power of invasion and is less aggressive than poorly differentiated carcinoma 

We can get some idea about skin cancer treatment

What is the treatment of squamous cell carcinoma of the skin?            

Skin cancer that has not invaded organs or has spread to other parts of the body can be treated by the following 

Normal Excision 

The skin ulcer is removed by normal surgery. This may cause wide scarring as the normal tissue apart from the ulcer is also removed. 


The patient is treated with liquid nitrogen to remove the cancerous tissue 

Laser Surgery 

Laser is applied either to vaporize cancer or to kill cancer by producing heat. 

Photodynamic therapy 

A topical cream is applied to the ulcer, then a laser light is applied. 

Mohs Surgery 

In this surgery, the surgeon removes the skin layer after layer and observes them under a microscope. The layers are removed unless there is the slightest presence of cancer. 

This surgical procedure is very good if someone does not want to remove healthy tissues. Also, this is an invasive squamous cell carcinoma treatment. Mohs surgery is a common procedure for an aggressive type of cancer which has spread across layers of the skin.

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Frequently Asked Questions and patient concerns:

1. Is squamous cell carcinoma fully curable?

Depending on the grading of cancer, squamous cell carcinoma can be treated by various surgical methods.

2. What kills squamous cell carcinoma?

Squamous cell carcinoma can be killed by laser or by cryosurgery if it is of lesser grade.

3. How serious is squamous cell carcinoma?

Squamous cell carcinoma is serious if it is aggressive in nature. It can affect the lymph nodes and the nerves 

4. How long can a person live with squamous cell carcinoma?

A person with squamous cell carcinoma has a very good survival rate if proper treatment is done. 

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