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atypical autism

Treatment of atypical autism with modern cell based therapy in India

Are you aware that atypical autism has many similarities with severe autism?

Atypical autism has some symptoms as serious as severe autism. Your child may suffer from symptoms that may get unnoticed at the beginning, but slowly starts to manifest more and more with growing age. 

There is always a ray of hope. Your child will start living a new life without the symptoms of atypical autism with effective stem cell therapy. 

Let us know how James got relieved of his atypical autism symptoms.  

James was born to Mary and David and they were celebrating his birth with lot of joy. James was particularly happy and dreamt that his child would become a commercial pilot one day. 

But as James turned 4 months old, David noticed that his child did not have eye contact with him and he did not care about the presence of any people near him. James had a problem sharing his emotion and understanding emotion as he turned 2 years old. 

Atypical Autism treatment in India
Atypical Autism treatment, Atypical Autism stem cell treatment

David and Mary took their son to the doctor for his problem. The doctor recommended developmental screening by a reputed psychiatrist who detected atypical autism in James. 

James’s symptoms were not getting well in spite of therapy from behavioral analysis experts. David was worried as he thought that his child might not get admission to a regular school. 

David was searching for a solution to the problem when Mary’s friend Lisa told them about stem cell therapy and an organization named MedicoExperts in India. 

David and Mary traveled to India along with James where he received stem cell therapy from reputed doctors in the country. 

Within 3 months of treatment, James started communicating with his parents and started sharing emotions and eye contact. 

The entire family was thankful to MedicoExperts team and the doctors. 

Let us now know in detail about atypical autism.

Experience Lasting Improvements with Stem cell therapy

Treat your atypical autism with advanced stem cell therapy.

What is atypical autism?

Atypical Autism is also known as pervasive developmental disorder – not otherwise specified ( PDD- NOS) . It has some symptoms of severe autistic disorder , but it is nowadays classified under Autism Spectrum Disorder ( ASD)  

Autism spectrum disorder is divided into three categories based on the severity and the type of support needed. Atypical autism is mild to moderate autism having some of the symptoms of severe autism. For example, atypical autism can have social and communication problems without repetitive behavior.

The term atypical autism was first mentioned in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders ( DSM – IV). It was categorized as a disorder whose symptoms were between Asperger’s syndrome and childhood disintegration disorder. 

In fact, Pervasive Developmental Disorder was classified into severe autism, Asperger’s syndrome, childhood disintegration disorder and Rett’s syndrome. But, atypical autism did not fall into any of these categories , so it was called Pervasive Developmental Disorder – Not Otherwise Specified. 

Later on, DSM V dismissed the term atypical autism and put it into a single umbrella term known as Autism Spectrum Disorder or ASD. 

Let us understand the symptoms of atypical autism.  

What is Atypical Autism
What are the symptoms of Atypical Autism

What are the symptoms of atypical autism?

The following symptoms may represent Atypical Autism 

  • Unable to share emotions or make friendship 
  • Lack of social skills and difficulty in communication 
  • Lack of proper language learning ability 
  • Lack of skills in doing a conversation with someone 
  • Not paying attention to other’s perspectives or opinion 
  • Improper motor skills and difficulty manipulating objects 
  • Unable to respond to sensory stimuli or hypersensitive to smell, touch, sound, and light 
  • Showing repetitive behavior 
  • Lack of ability to point out something or someone 
  • Lack of eye contact 
  • Lack of skills to organize objects 

What are the causes of Atypical Autism?

The causes of autism have not been discovered completely. Low birth weight, aging parents, taking certain medications during pregnancy and environmental pollution are some of the reasons. 

Apart from that, genetic factors also play a role. Mutation in X chromosome called fragile X chromosome (the genetic material in human ) can be one of the genetic reasons. Other mutations include a defect in chromosome 2 or 7 or a mutation in the ADA2 gene. 

What are the causes of Atypical Autism
How is Atypical Autism diagnosed

How is atypical autism diagnosed?

Autism is diagnosed using developmental monitoring and screening by trained psychologists or psychiatrists. 

The healthcare professional will ask the parents about different developmental milestones achieved by the child during a certain time frame. For example, whether the child is able to speak phrases after 2 years or is able to share their emotions with their parents. 

Sometimes, repeated behavior of the child like again and again spinning the wheel of the toy, or lining up the toy in a single direction can also be detected during the process of developmental screening. 

Sometimes to exclude the diagnosis of other developmental disorders like Rett’s syndrome and Down syndrome, blood tests are done to detect gene mutations. 

What are the Risk Factors for atypical Autism?

Parental age is a potential risk factor for atypical autism. Although, paternal germline mutations ( mutation in sex chromosomes) can be a serious risk factor, advanced maternal age can contribute to pregnancy complications and autoimmunity. When the age of the father turns 50, he acquires mutations in his sex cells very fast, and this may be a risk factor for atypical autism

Stress can be an important risk factor in a mother as it may alter the immune function and cause harm to the baby.

Psychiatric drugs taken by the mother can be harmful to the baby and may lead to changes related to autism. Moreover, exposure to pesticides like organochlorides can lead to autistic defects in the child.

Melatonin regulates circadian rhythm ( body clock) and is an antioxidant. It has a proven role in immune function and synaptic plasticity ( nerve junction function ). Any abnormal synthesis of melatonin due to environmental or genetic defects can lead to autism in the child.

In large cohort studies involving autistic children, zinc deficiency has been linked to autism. Zinc helps in the development of neuronal cells and the formation of neuronal circuits in the brain. 

Viral infections during pregnancy can affect the fetal brain and lead to autism. Certain infections can also alter the immune status causing autism. 

What are the available treatment for atypical autism?

Behavioral therapy can work best for atypical autistic children if early intervention is provided. Behavioral therapy includes making the child accept the positive behaviors and neglecting the negative behaviors. It includes playing with the child and helping to make joint attention. 

For example, the behavioral therapists will reward the child for making eye contact and prompt the child to make eye contact if the child is distracted. Therapists have performance indicator metrics ready with them to understand the behavioral development of the child

The role of the speech therapist is to help autistic children interact with their communication partners. They help in teaching vocabulary, and sentences to the autistic child and also aid in nonverbal communication. 

Occupational therapists help autistic children in processing their sensory stimuli like body movement, tactile sensation, smelling sensation, balancing and hearing sensation, and vision sensation. 

Some of the therapies promoted by occupational therapists include jumping on the trampoline and pushing and pulling objects for controlling movement-related sensations. For texture-related sensation processing, drawing on the mirror with foam, playing with sand and vibrating toys can help a lot.

What is advanced stem cell treatment for atypical autism?

Although different therapies can help in reducing the symptoms of  atypical autism, it can be a time-consuming process. 

Stem cell therapy includes the transfer of cultured cells from the bone marrow into the cerebrospinal fluid along with growth factors so that neuronal cells replace the damaged neuronal pathways in the brain and spinal cord.

Stem cells therapy is ideal for children in their early years of autism and can prove beneficial to reduce the symptoms.

Benefits of stem cell treatment for Atypical Autism

What are the benefits of stem cell treatment for atypical autism?

Hyperactivity, restlessness, and poor eye contact are drastically reduced after few months of stem cell treatment. Within 3 months’ time, one can expect the child to process the sensory stimulus with perfection. 

The sensation-related hyperactivities will be reduced completely and the child can live a normal life without help from occupational therapists. Communication and speech related problem can also improve as a result of stem cell therapy combined with speech therapy.

What is the cost of stem cell treatment for atypical autism

The stem cell therapy cost in India starts from 2000 USD (163110 INR) for one cycle and depends on the number of cycles, patient’s condition, treating doctor and the protocol followed.

The cost of stem cell treatment for Atypical Autism in India

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Atypical autism is a mild to moderate autism with some symptoms similar to severe autism. Atypical autism may not have all the symptoms of severe autism. There are several treatment strategies to handle autism but none of them provide a fast relief. 

Stem cell therapy can be effective in controlling most of the symptoms of atypical autism and help the child live a normal life. 

MedicoExperts provides support for autistic children and helps them get the right treatment from the right hospital at an affordable cost. It has a panel of neurologists and stem cell therapists who can help to cure the symptoms as early as possible. 

Frequently Asked Questions and patient concerns:

Q1. Is atypical autism mild?

Ans: Atypical autism is mild to moderate autism with some symptoms of severe autism. 

Q2. Can atypical autism be completely cured?

Ans: Symptoms of atypical autism can be relieved with stem cell therapy. It is an innovative therapy with no side effects and high chance of autism recovery. 

Q3. What is the current status of stem cell therapy from the regulatory framework?

Ans: The stem cell-based therapy is in the research phase and not yet formally approved by ICMR. However, the application of stem cells, popularly known as bone marrow transplants, in blood-related disorders is approved by ICMR.

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